- 网络Sleep;sleep mode;sleeping;sleep state;dormant

Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep
The Linux kernel provides two ways to put a process to sleep .
As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater .
To take a closer look , her team studied 35 healthy people as they slept in the unfamiliar environment of the university 's Department of Psychological Sciences .
H ; it puts the calling process to sleep killably in queue until the condition evaluates to true .
If thread " a " tries to lock a mutex while thread " b " has the same mutex locked , thread " a " goes to sleep .
Research on PIC MCU system 's waking SLEEP state
Methods : 76 patients were assessed by BAEP in the study .
The rise in vibration frequency of the Planetary Grid has brought many dormant Angelic humans to awareness thus allowing for an acceleration in the recoding of Humankind 's Spiritual DNA .
CONCLUSION CM offers the reliable information for the mechanism of loudness recruitment and is also useful for understanding the relationship among loudness recruitment , cochlear microphonics and prognosis .
The process calling demo_syscall will be put into sleep until the kernel extension is terminated .
Local epileptic electric activity was much more in NREM and REM term than in consciousness .
The control now returns to the connect () function , which sleeps until the protocol layer wakes up & indicating that the connection is now ESTABLISHED or that there has been an error on the socket .
Since it was late at night , the airport was half-empty , so I navigated the ticket line with ease and , half asleep , loaded my black bags on to the X-ray machine .
The kernel takes care of moving the process to sleeping state , waiting for the socket to be ready for writing , reading the TCP status code , and so on .
Analysis rating of sleep state of 13273 normal persons
The normal way to put a process to sleep is to set the process 's state to either TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE or TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE and call the scheduler 's function schedule () .
However , if the process is sleeping in uninterruptible mode ( by setting its state to TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE ), it can only be awakened by an explicit wake-up call .
Objective To study the causes and significance of atrial-ventricular block ( AVB ) during non-sleeping .
Luisa de Vivo , an assistant scientist working in their lab , led a painstaking survey of tissue taken from mice , some awake and others asleep .
All threads that go to sleep from calling pthread_mutex_lock () on an already-locked mutex will " queue up " for access to that mutex .
He adds that 15-20 minutes is ideal as it refreshes you but does not send you into the deep rapid-eye-movement sleep that leaves you feeling groggy afterwards .
NREM sleep is also when your body repairs itself and releases hormones , including growth hormones .
A 2013 study he led , published in the journal Current Biology , showed just how different things can be without nighttime lights : After participants had camped in the mountains for a week , their bodies began to prepare for sleep about two hours earlier than normal .
Macrosomia 's sleeping pattern was observed for 42 days , 3 months , and 6 months respectively .
In the paper , the protocol adopt special route optimize algorithm and TDMA time slot assigning algorithm , make node enter low consumption or sleep state in order to reduce the consumption ;
As you may have guessed , the POSIX threads library will grant a lock without having put the thread to sleep at all if a thread tries to lock an unlocked mutex .
Method 41 social elderly people were studied by using Self rating Scale of Sleep ( SRSS ) and Symptom Checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) .
Objective : To observe the changes of the electromyography ( EMG ) of the dilatation muscles of upper airway in patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hyponea syndrome ( OSAHS ) under asleep condition and to explore their functions and significance .
It doesn 't use a traditional hard disk , but instead relies on a solid-state drive essentially flash memory and was able to resume from sleep almost instantly . The downside of this is that you only get 128 gigabytes of storage in the base model .