
  • 网络russian culture
  1. 外来因素与中世纪俄罗斯文化的整合

    Integration of the Medieval Russian Culture and the Foreign Factors

  2. 浅析《日瓦格医生》背后的俄罗斯文化特质

    Analysis of " Doctor Zhivago " behind the Characteristics of Russian Culture

  3. 上个月,俄罗斯文化部长弗拉基米尔·梅金斯基(VladimirMedinsky)在自己的办公室接受采访时说,那所研究院的专家们有天然的权利研究俄罗斯文化,包括大家讨论的这些戏剧。

    In an interview last month in his office here , Vladimir Medinsky , Russia 's culture minister , said it was the prerogative of experts at the research institute to look into Russian culture , such as the plays in question .

  4. 论俄罗斯文化高原时期的钢琴艺术

    The Piano Art in Russia " Cultural Plateau " Center

  5. 言语文明是俄罗斯文化传统在语言中的一个重要方面。

    Parole civilization has been playing an important role in Russian cultural tradition .

  6. 对俄罗斯文化史研究的思考

    My thoughts on the study of Russian cultural history

  7. 简析俄罗斯文化的双重性

    Brief Study of Russian Culture and Its Influence

  8. 我国获得俄罗斯文化的丰富营养,也因与俄罗斯的合作得到发展。

    we 've been enriched by Russian culture , and enhanced by Russian cooperation .

  9. 俄罗斯文化对驯鹿鄂温克文化的影响

    Impact on Reindeer Ewenki Culture from Russian Culture

  10. 蒙古文化与俄罗斯文化的不相融性。

    Incompatibility of Mongolian and Russian culture .

  11. 关于俄罗斯文化的深层结构的几点思考

    On the deep structure of Russian culture

  12. 高度发达的图书事业仍是俄罗斯文化最鲜明的特点之一。

    Highly developed book industry is still one of the brightest characteristics of Russian culture .

  13. 略论俄罗斯文化的双重特征

    On the Dual Characters of Russian Culture

  14. 研究《圣经》中的先例现象(先例名)有助于我们更加深入地理解俄罗斯文化。

    The study of precedent phenomenons in The Bible can help us understand Russian culture better .

  15. 东正教与俄罗斯文化

    RUSSIA Orthodox and Russian Culture

  16. 俄罗斯文化的传入,为中国和俄罗斯之间关系的发展发挥了重要作用。

    The infiltration of Russian culture and cultural relations between China and Russia have played an important role .

  17. 本文将对俄罗斯文化进行挖掘,阐明文化与外交的互动。在此基础上分析了政治文化与外交政策的关系,然后将视角转向日本的政治文化与外交政策分析。

    This article tries to explore Russian culture and illustrate the interaction between Russian culture and its foreign policy .

  18. 近些年来,俄罗斯文化史学者提出了一些值得注意的文化史观。

    In recent years , some noticeable views on cultural history have been raised by scholars of Russian cultural history .

  19. 白银时代是俄罗斯文化史上由近代向现代转换的大时代,也是一个创作大繁荣的时代。

    Silver Age is a great age when Russian culture turns from modern time to contemporary time and also an age when literature productions flourishes .

  20. 在俄罗斯文化的发展过程中,俄罗斯精神内核与东正教的关系非常引人注目。

    In the process of the cultural development in Russian , relations between Russian mentality and the Eastern Orthodox Church have become the center of attraction .

  21. 俄罗斯文化部部长弗拉基米尔?梅德尼斯基表示,审查过后将会采取相关措施。一名国会议员将这部电影描述为“无耻的犯罪宣传”。

    Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky said action would be taken after the checks while an MP described the film as " shameless propaganda of sin . "

  22. 另一方面,东正教在与俄罗斯文化传统的融合过程中,对俄罗斯精神内核的形成和巩固起了至关重要的作用。

    On the other hand , blended with a tradition of Russian culture , the Eastern Orthodox Church played an important role in its formation and consolidation .

  23. 十九世纪以来,中国东北地区(特别是黑龙江省)开始受到了俄罗斯文化全方位的影响,俄罗斯文化的传播方式是多种多样的。

    In modern times , the Russian culture in northeast China ( Heilongjiang Province in particular ) the impact is comprehensive , its mode of transmission is varied .

  24. 现代俄语因其所载蓄的现代俄罗斯文化各个层面上的一系列剧变而出现了大量表示新事物、新现象、新概念的新词。

    Lots of new words reflecting new things , new phenomena and new concepts have emerged in modern Russian due to a series of violent changes in Russian culture .

  25. 我认为在文化方面,目前并不能简单的下结论说俄罗斯文化对中国的影响远不如欧美国家。

    I think in the realm of culture , current and not simple to conclusions that Russian cultural impact to China as much as Europe and the United States .

  26. 文章分析了纳博科夫流亡意识的内涵,论证以俄罗斯文化及多元文化视角进行纳博科夫研究的重要性。

    This paper , based on Nabokov s life experience , examines the content of Nabokov s Diaspora consciousness and explores the importance of the multi-cultural perspective on Nabokov Study .

  27. 它独特的诗学视角和鲜明的语言特色,引发了俄国诗歌的又一次复兴和繁荣,成为俄罗斯文化中的一座宝库。

    The unique poetics field of vision and distinct characteristics of Russian symbolism have made a new rejuvenate and prosperity of Russian poetry and become a treasure-house in Russian culture .

  28. П.И.柴可夫斯基是19世纪俄国最伟大的作曲家,在俄罗斯文化史和世界音乐史上都占有重要的地位。

    Tchaikovsky was the greatest music composition in Russia in the 19th century , who occupied an important position in Russian cultural history as well as in world 's music history .

  29. 19世纪末20世纪初是俄罗斯文化发展的白银时期,也是俄罗斯哲学创作的黄金时代。

    It is the Silver Period of the Russian cultural development in the end of 19th and the early age in 20th as well as the Golden Age of Russian philosophical creation .

  30. 赫哲&那乃曾是世居中国黑龙江的渔猎民族,1858年形成跨界民族之后,分别受到中国汉族文化和俄罗斯文化的不同影响,社会生产生活方式发生变迁。

    After being the cross border ethnic group in 1858 , they influenced by the Han group in China and Russian culture , and the social ways of productive lifestyles became change .