
shuì mào
  • nightcap;cowl
睡帽 [shuì mào]
  • (1) [night-cap]∶穿睡衣同时戴的布帽

  • (2) [cowl]∶室内戴的软帽

睡帽[shuì mào]
  1. 要我们给你找个睡帽吗?

    Should we go for a nightcap ?

  2. 紧接着,邓布利多后退着进入了病房。他穿着一件长长的羊毛晨衣,戴着睡帽。

    Next moment , Dumbledore was backing into the dormitory , wearing a long woolly dressing gown and a nightcap .

  3. 她的光轮出自始终白洁的睡帽。

    Her glory consisted in her caps , which were always white .

  4. 帆船每跳一下,戴红睡帽的家伙就会来回滑动一次。

    At every jump of the schooner , red-cap slipped to and fro ;

  5. 另一个自然就是那位戴红睡帽的“朋友”。

    The other was , of course , my friend of the red night-cap .

  6. 那侍女忍住了笑去拿睡帽,我却放声大笑起来。

    The chambermaid smirked and went for a cap , but I laughed outright .

  7. 贾迪斯先生戴着睡帽穿着宽松的晨衣被引导进入客厅。

    Mr. Justice was led into the parlour , in his night-cap and loose morning gown .

  8. “就得这样,老腐败街,”伽弗洛什说,“戴上你的睡帽吧。”

    " That 's right , old street ," ejaculated Gavroche ," put on your night-cap . "

  9. 他平躺着死去了,那顶老睡帽被他捏在手中。

    There he lay stretched on his bed , dead , with his old nightcap tightly clasped in his two hands .

  10. 不一会儿,小船离开大船向岸边驶去,戴红睡帽的家伙也和他的同伴从房舱的升降口走了下去。

    Soon after the jolly-boat shoved off and pulled for shore , and the man with the red cap and his comrade went below by the cabin companion .

  11. 它们在睡帽里,——真正的泪是洗不掉的——它们留在睡帽里,被人遗忘了,——老的思想,老的梦,是啊,它们依旧在胡椒汉子的睡帽里。

    Such tears as these cannot be washed out , even when the nightcap is forgotten . The old thoughts and dreams of a bachelor 's nightcap still remain .

  12. 这则简短的恭维话抛向我那难看的脸,说的及合适宜,以至于我尽管不喜欢丝绸,我还是要他给我剪了一块做睡帽的料子。

    This short compliment was thrown in so very seasonably upon my ugly face , that even though I disliked the silk , I desired him to cut me off the pattern of a nightcap .

  13. 她的妹夫斯塔布带来了一顶睡帽,给管事带来一本备用的《圣经》又坐着一只捕鲸小艇走了,在这一切之后,那两个船长,法勒和比勒达,就从船长室里走了出来,法勒对着那个大副说:

    her brother-in-law , and a spare Bible for the steward-after all this , the two Captains , Peleg and Bildad , issued from the cabin , and turning to the chief mate , Peleg said :

  14. 他用被子盖得严严实实的,睡帽拉得死死盖住眼睛。这时候,一天的生意买卖和艰难苦楚的念头全没有了。

    He would draw the coverlet closer round him , pull his nightcap over his eyes , and try to turn his thoughts from trade , and from the labors of the day , to olden times .

  15. 她们谢过劳里,又道了晚安,悄悄溜进门去,不想惊动任何人。但随着门吱嘎一声,两个戴着睡帽的小脑袋突然冒出来,两个困乏但热切的声音喊道--

    With many thanks , they said good night and crept in , hoping to disturb no one , but the instant their door creaked , two little nightcaps , and two sleepy but eager voices cried out ...

  16. 哪一天我也要来学你的样子,坐在书房里,头戴睡帽,身穿寝衣,尽量找人麻烦;要不就等到吉蒂私奔了以后再说。

    Another day I will do the same ; I will sit in my library , in my night cap and powdering gown , and give as much trouble as I can , & or , perhaps , I may defer it till Kitty runs away .

  17. 但是不一会儿他又把它拉上去,看看烛火是不是完全熄了。他用手摸摸,捏一下烛芯,然后他又躺下,翻朝另一边,又把睡帽拉下来。

    Very soon , however , it would be pushed up again to see if the light was properly put out ; he would touch it , press the wick together , and at last pull his nightcap over his eyes and lie down again on the other side .

  18. 老安东就是这样,他自己缝自己的衣服,补自己的鞋子。待到他终於躺到床上的时候,他便习惯地戴上他的睡帽,把它拽得更朝下一些。

    So Anthony invented employment ; he mended his clothes and patched his boots , and when he at last went to bed , - his nightcap , which he had worn from habit , still remained on his head ; he had only to pull it down a little farther over his forehead .

  19. 站在柜台后面的没有几个是年轻小伙子,不,大多数是些老家伙。他们完全不像我们想的那样戴着假发、睡帽,穿着紧裤管的裤子,穿着背心,外衣的一排扣子颗颗扣得整整齐齐。

    Behind the counter , as a rule , there were no young men . The clerks were almost all old boys ; but they did not dress as we are accustomed to see old men represented , wearing wigs , nightcaps , and knee-breeches , and with coat and waistcoat buttoned up to the chin .

  20. 不论谁后来戴上这顶睡帽,他都真的坠入幻境,做起梦来,他自己的故事变成安东的,成了一个完整的童话,很多的童话,别人可以来讲。

    To every one who afterwards put this cap on his head , came visions and dreams which agitated him not a little . His own history was changed into that of Anthony till it became quite a story , and many stories might be made by others , so we will leave them to relate their own .