- 名Eurobond market

The development of the Eurobond market has had a great impact not only on European Securities markets , but also on other financial markets .
G.Warburg , a merchant bank that had pioneered London 's eurobond market based on offshore dollars in the early1960s , plunged into the fray .
Expenses in connection with a bond issue than has the Euro-bond market .
At the end of the day , the deal will probably fail to bring back confidence in the battered European debt markets .
If done on the scale that the Bank of England has undertaken , it could restore stability to Europe 's panicky bond markets .
A liquid global market for European bonds would follow .
It also casts fresh doubt on the ability of the European corporate bond market to ever challenge the US .
The trend began in the 1960s , when US tax reform inspired the creation of the offshore eurodollar bond market .
A foreign bond issue in dollars in New York is considerably cheaper than one made in the London Euro-dollar bond market .
That is unlikely to spur the confidence necessary to get investors to jump start the European sovereign bond markets and encourage banks to increase lending .
Wealthy Asians have poured billions of dollars into some of the riskiest parts of the European corporate bond market this year in a bid to secure a higher yield in a low interest rate environment .
Natwest made RBS a leading player in the European and US debt markets , which were at the beginning of a long boom .
Third , the European high-yield bond market remains in a near coma .
US and European government bond markets rallied in the face of the equity sell-off .
Nervous investors are jumping instead into some of Europe 's outlying bond markets , such as Sweden , Denmark - and Britain .
The European market for such debt is undergoing a rapid expansion , with issuers emerging from a number of new countries , such as Portugal , Sweden and the US .
The still-anaemic volumes for bank lending , securitisation and European high-yield bonds have serious repercusions for companies , particularly the small and medium-sized corporates that are the life-blood of any economy .
It is not , but tackling it in an orderly way is far better than being dragged kicking and screaming by the bond markets , like some of our European neighbours .
In some media accounts , it is made to seem like China could single-handedly recapitalize European banks and bond markets , by deploying its $ 3 trillion reserves , should it choose to do so .
This all suggests that it will only be when there are clear signs of revival in the US securitisation markets and the European high-yield bond market that it will be possible to say with confidence that the financial crisis is nearing its end .
The US and European non-government bond markets have grown 16 per cent and 38 per cent respectively over the same timespan , according to Dealogic , the data provider .
The euro remained around a two-month high against the US dollar , while Europe 's bond and equity markets did not budge on the news .
A big source for refinancing in Europe was the high-yield bond market , which has been closed since July , the longest closure since 2003 .
They see how the situation in the region and for many of those banks has improved in the past few months , and how well the European bonds are trading in secondary markets .
Long-term Eurocurrency funds can also be raised by an issue of Eurobonds on the Eurobond market .
They say the market for such bonds should become the most important in Europe , and as liquid as that for US Treasuries .
On one side is the European Central Bank , which is spending billions to prop up Europe 's weak-kneed bond markets and safeguard the common currency .