
  • 网络The euro crisis
  1. 接下来,随着欧元危机的打击,国库券收益率陷入逆境。

    And then , as the euro crisis hit , the yield on Treasurys plunged .

  2. 关于欧元危机,要听大实话还得看看世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)的印度年会!

    Leave it to the World Economic Forum 's annual India conference to reveal some home truths about * the euro crisis .

  3. 但在欧洲,伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)就业服务负责人菲奥娜桑福德(fionasandford)表示,欧元危机和经济紧缩让招聘企业态度谨慎。

    But in Europe , the euro crisis and economic austerity has resulted in recruiter caution , says Fiona Sandford , director for career services at London Business School .

  4. 海外投机者押注于未来12个月人民币的继续贬值,就像去年秋季欧元危机以及雷曼(lehman)破产以后他们所做的那样。

    Offshore speculators are betting on it weakening further over the next 12 months , as they did amid Euro worries last autumn and after Lehman failed .

  5. 跌跌撞撞地度过欧元危机的时候已经过去了。

    The time for stumbling through the euro crisis is over .

  6. 本轮欧元危机是一场欧洲危机。

    The crisis of the euro is a crisis of Europe .

  7. 但是没什么能比欧元危机更让她感到威胁。

    But nothing is more dangerous to her than the euro crisis .

  8. 欧元危机将给瑞士带来怎样的影响?

    What effect does the euro crisis have on Switzerland ?

  9. 这次的危机是欧元危机,而非美元危机。

    This time it is a euro-denominated crisis rather than a dollar-denominated crisis .

  10. 现在我们已经可以说,欧元危机正在推动欧洲前进。

    Now we can already say that the euro crisis is pushing Europe forwards .

  11. 生育率跌幅最大国家中有一些就是受欧元危机打击最严重的国家。

    Some of the biggest declines occurred in countries hardest-hit by the euro crisis .

  12. 人们被各种选举和欧元危机分散了太多的精力。

    What with elections and the euro crisis , there are plenty of distractions .

  13. 欧元危机已使这个进程变成了一种零和游戏。

    The euro crisis has seen the process recast as a zero sum game .

  14. 不过这也要看欧洲领导人能否控制欧元危机。

    But that depends on Europe 's leaders getting to grips with the euro crisis .

  15. 人们指责欧盟是欧洲经济缺乏保障的罪魁祸首,这场欧元危机正在助推民粹主义思潮。

    The euro crisis is fuelling populism as people blame the EU for economic insecurity .

  16. 或许,事实将证明,对于被欧元危机耗尽精力的欧洲来说,这些都太难做到了。

    Perhaps this will all prove too much for a continent exhausted by the euro crisis .

  17. 而欧元危机一开始,货币方面的动向就逆转了但转变后的形势仍然有利于德国。

    Once the euro crisis began , the monetary dynamics reversed but still favoured the Germans .

  18. 在欧元危机最严重时期,我们接二连三地遭遇金融危机。

    During the acute phase of the euro crisis , we had one financial crisis after another .

  19. 每个人都在谈论欧元危机,谈论北欧和南欧的分化。

    Everyone is talking about the euro crisis , and the divisions between northern and southern Europe .

  20. 欧盟各国民众之间的关系正在欧元危机的重压下崩溃。

    The relations between the peoples of the EU are cracking under the strain of the euro crisis .

  21. 当欧元危机看来即将再度升温之时,这类消息受人欢迎。

    That was welcome news at a time when the euro crisis appeared to be heating up again .

  22. 欧元危机是因为投资者真真忧心某些欧盟国家的清偿能力。

    The euro crisis was brought on by investors with genuine worries about the solvency of several euro-zone countries .

  23. 商业领袖说欧元危机使得这种多元化变得比以前更加迫切。

    The euro crisis , say business leaders , simply makes such diversification even more urgent than it was before .

  24. 欧元危机缓解短短几个月的功夫,又急转直下。

    E.g. : The respite in the euro crisis lasted a few short months , and then turned down sharply .

  25. 安吉拉默克尔在告诉整个世界不要期盼十月的第二十三次峰会能够一下子解决欧元危机;

    ANGELA MERKEL is telling the world not to expect the October23rd summit to resolve the euro crisis at a stroke ;

  26. 欧元危机中的荷兰政界以夸口财政廉洁、实际内部不稳定出名。

    Dutch politics in the euro crisis is acquiring a reputation for domestic instability masked behind the rhetoric of fiscal rectitude .

  27. 眼下看起来欧元危机似乎有所缓解,欧洲议员们都去享受夏日假期了。

    It may seem like the euro crisis is on hold at the moment as European lawmakers take their summer vacations .

  28. 欧洲应利用希腊大选带来的短暂喘息机会重新审视自身应对欧元危机的整套方案。

    Europe should be using the brief respite brought by the Greek elections to rethink its whole approach to the euro crisis .

  29. 一旦欧元危机加剧,关于邪恶市场的阴谋论又将在欧洲大陆流行起来。

    If and when the euro crisis intensifies , so conspiracy theories about the evil markets will gain ground in continental Europe .

  30. 随着欧元危机的缓解,高油价成了世界经济的新忧虑之源。

    WITH the euro crisis in abeyance , high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy .