
  • 网络Japanese Bond Market
  1. 因此,可以想见的是,资本流入可能成为特洛伊木马(欧洲人邪恶的发明),接下来很可能引发日本债券市场的急剧上涨,所有人都有理由担心这一点。

    It is conceivable , then , that capital inflows could prove to be a Trojan horse that wicked European invention which might then trigger the sharp rise in the Japanese bond market that everyone rightly fears .

  2. 过去十年,日本债券市场不仅愚弄了信用评级机构,还愚弄了学术界、冲动的卖空者,以及认为紧缩财政开支本身就是一种美德的政客和官僚们。

    For the past decade the Japanese bond market has been making monkeys out of not just the credit rating agencies , but also academics , trigger-happy short sellers and politicians and bureaucrats who see fiscal austerity as a virtue in its own right .

  3. 但外国投资者在日本债券市场中持有9%的份额。

    But foreign investors now hold 9 per cent of the bond market .

  4. 近年来华尔街对日本债券市场的参与度上升,可能给日本政府带来更大的压力,迫使它们努力解决债务困境。

    Wall Street involvement in the Japanese debt market has grown in the last few years , which could bring increased pressure on the government to try and solve its debt dilemma .

  5. 七大工业国的债券市场(G7bondmarkets),例如:美国的债券市场和,日本的债券市场,就占据了国际债券市场流通的主要部分。

    The G7 bond markets , e.g.U.S. , Japan , accounts for the major flows of the fixed income markets .

  6. 日本政府债券市场的规模位列全球第二,无法像“阁楼上的疯女人”那样被人忽视。

    The Japanese government bond market is the second largest in the world . It cannot be dismissed like some crazy aunt in the attic .

  7. 一种可能的情形是,为压低日元而流入欧洲和美国的日元决定撤回国内,以支撑日本政府债券市场。

    One possible scenario is that the Japanese money , which went into Europe and the US in an effort to drive down the yen , decides to come home to shore up the government debt market .

  8. 第五章,介绍了不同政体的两个发达国家,美国和日本的地方政府债券市场。

    Chapter 5 . it also introduces the Local Treasury bond of two developed countries with different polity : USA and Japan .

  9. 在亚洲金融危机的头一年,东亚(除日本之外)本币债券市场规模为4910亿美元。

    In the first year of the Asian crisis the local currency bond market in east Asia excluding Japan was worth $ 491bn .

  10. 可以想象的是,日本出口商会夺回市场份额,税收收入会猛增,股市会进入多年的牛市,那些预言日本债券市场崩溃的末日论者会错得与玛雅人一样离谱。

    Imagine Japanese exporters recovering market share , tax revenues surging , stock prices in a multiyear bull market , and the doomsters predicting bond market Apocalypse getting it as wrong as the Mayans .