
  • 网络eea;EFTA;The European Economic Area
  1. 在欧洲经济区,一家银行获一国授权,就获所有国家的授权。

    In the EEA , a bank authorised in one country is authorised in all of them .

  2. 不少冰岛人认为欧洲经济区采取的欧盟规定是造成其经济崩溃的一个原因;

    Many Icelanders see the EU rules they had to adopt in the EEA as one cause of the economic collapse ;

  3. 这些学生当中约有85%来自欧洲经济区(EuropeanEconomicArea)以外,55%来自中国内地。

    About 85 per cent of these students were from outside the European Economic Area , including 55 per cent of the overall number from mainland China .

  4. 她或许会努力留在欧洲经济区内(eea),这是一个包括冰岛和挪威在内的自由贸易俱乐部。

    It might try to stay in the European Economic Area ( EEA ) , a free-trade club that also includes Iceland and Norway .

  5. 伦敦有美资银行的数十家分行,它们是在以往规则不那么严厉的时期设立的。同时,欧洲经济区(EEA)的银行可在任何成员国自由设立分行。

    London has scores of branches of US banks , set up under previously less strict rules , and European Economic Area banks which can establish branches freely in any member state .

  6. 此时,充分理解错综复杂的单一市场(我们这个时代的复杂难题之一)的怪人小圈子,或许会跳出一个人,称问题在于欧洲经济区(eea),而非欧元区或欧盟。

    At this point , a member of that tiny band of anoraks who fully understand the complexities of the single market one of the Schleswig-Holstein questions of our time may pipe up and say the problem lies in the European economic area , not the eurozone or the EU .

  7. 欧洲经济区渔业统计制度和运行体系

    Fishery Statistic System and Operation Mechanism in European Economic Zone

  8. 欧洲经济区的发展前景及影响

    European Economic Area : Its Prospects and Impact

  9. 这是中央存放报告可疑不良反应相关的药品批准在欧洲经济区和药物正在研究在临床试验。

    These are the central repositories for reports of suspected adverse reactions related to medicines authorised in the European Economic Area and medicines being studied in clinical trials .

  10. 为大批来自欧洲经济区以外的学生安排签证难度较大,这在一定程度上解释了为何英国商学院在国际课程经验方面表现奇差,有14所英国商学院位于这项指标排名的后半部分。

    The difficulty of arranging visas for the large contingent of students from outside the EEA partly explains why UK schools performed disproportionally poorly in terms of international course experience , with 14 schools ranked in the bottom half of this criterion .

  11. 16、17世纪之交,西北欧商人商船纷纷南下欧洲经济重心区&地中海世界。

    A lot of merchant ships from northwestern Europe went into the Mediterranean in the late sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century .

  12. 欧洲分成多个经济区。

    Europe is divided into economic zones .

  13. 这些举措“显示了我们对于欧洲经济体和欧元区的信心,”他说。

    These acts " show our confidence in the economies of Europe and the eurozone , " he said .

  14. 来自中国的正面消息抵消了欧洲经济数据显示欧元区经济下行走势正在加剧而非放缓的影响。

    The positive news from China overshadowed data from Europe indicating that the downturn in the currency bloc was deepening rather than easing .

  15. 一些欧洲怀疑派人士提议,英国可以像挪威一样加入欧洲经济区,这将使英国处于几乎无力形成的欧盟监管的控制之下——这是一种多数英国人,尤其是欧洲怀疑人士所无法容忍的情况。

    Some Eurosceptics suggest Britain could join Norway in the European Economic Area . That would leave it bound by EU regulations that it would be almost powerless to shape - a situation many Britons , especially Eurosceptics , would find intolerable .

  16. 一旦获得欧洲委员会的授权,集中的上市授权在所有的欧盟和欧洲经济区-欧洲自由贸易区(EEA-EFTA)国家有效。

    Once granted by the European Commission , a centralised ( or'Community ' ) marketing authorisation is valid in all European Union ( EU ) and EEA-EFTA states ( Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway ) .