
  • 网络european debt crisis
  1. 雅典的政客们争论不休,有可能使欧洲债务危机升级,对希腊、欧盟(EU)乃至世界经济整体产生严重后果。

    Squabbling by rival politicians in Athens threatens to escalate the European debt crisis , with grave consequences for Greece , the European Union and the world economy as a whole .

  2. 还有,我们只能继续恳求imf或外国投资者解囊相助,结束欧洲债务危机也仍将是一个可望而不可及的梦想。

    Further , appeals to the IMF or foreign investors for further handouts will only continue , and the hope of an end to the European debt crisis will remain an elusive dream .

  3. 经济差距正是欧洲债务危机的核心所在。

    These differences are at the heart of europe 's debt crisis .

  4. 但是,诸如像新普罗维登斯(NewProvidence)等之前看好美国经济的投资咨询公司由于担心欧洲债务危机而正在纷纷减少各自的股票投资份额。

    But , formerly bullish investment advisers like New Providence – worried over Europe – are reducing their equity commitments .

  5. 另一个因素是我们的预测&鉴于全球经济、最重要的是美国经济出现企稳并复苏的迹象,以及欧洲债务危机出现缓和迹象,净出口对中国GDP增长率的拖累作用应会减弱。

    It is combined with our expectation that the drag of net exports on GDP growth should abate , given signs of stabilisation and subsequent recovery of the global economy , namely the US , and the defusing of the debt crisis in Europe .

  6. 近年来我国面临着巨大的通货膨胀的压力,由于美国次级贷款危机、欧洲债务危机、国内CPI和PPI高企等引起的全球金融市场的震荡,我国股市受到国内外的影响而大幅震荡。

    In recent years China has been confronted with the huge inflationary pressures , due to the subprime mortgage crisis , the European debt crisis caused by the shock of the global financial markets and the domestic CPI and PPI high and severe shock .

  7. 尽管亚洲开发银行(ADB)公布,去年第三季度这一增速放慢(原因是欧洲债务危机和亚洲经济增长放缓),但亚洲的基金管理公司正在扩充各自的债券管理团队。

    Although the Asian Development Bank reported a slowdown in this growth in the third quarter last year due to the European debt crisis and slowing economic growth in Asia , fund managers in the region are now adding to their bond management teams .

  8. 尽管如此,欧洲债务危机的下行风险仍然存在。

    Nevertheless , downside risks of the debt crisis in Europe remain .

  9. 2008年,美国华尔街爆发了金融危机。希腊成为欧洲债务危机的重灾区。

    Greece became the epicenter of Europes debt crisis after Wall Street imploded in 2008 .

  10. 欧洲债务危机逐渐失控,触动了投资者的“恐慌”按钮。

    Investors are pushing the panic button as the European debt crisis spins out of control .

  11. 周一几乎没有其他经济或企业消息可以使市场的注意力从欧洲债务危机上转移开来。

    There was little other economic or corporate news Monday to divert attention away from Europe .

  12. 很多人希望,这次行动将象征欧洲债务危机终结的第一步。

    Many hope this will mark the beginning of the end for Europe 's debt crisis .

  13. 此次欧洲债务危机呈长期化趋势,经济增长放缓已在全球范围内蔓延。

    The European Debt Crisis presents a long-term trend and the slowdown of economic growth has spread worldwide .

  14. 当前,资本主义还没有完全从金融危机中恢复过来,就发生了欧洲债务危机。

    At present , Capitalism did not fully recover from the financial crisis . European debt crisis took place .

  15. 在过去的一年里,我们目睹了全球失业率在不断攀升,关注着欧洲债务危机升级。

    In the past year , we have witnessed the increasing unemployment rate and the debt crisis in Europe .

  16. 欧洲债务危机被视为中国廉价购买发达经济体资产的机会。

    The European debt crisis is seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in developed economies at bargain prices .

  17. 但是欧洲债务危机导致欧洲经济形势的动荡将使得金价走势并不明朗。

    However , the debt crisis in Europe led to turmoil in the European economic situation would make gold price uncertain .

  18. 今年夏天,当欧洲债务危机扩散到西班牙和意大利时,一种新的恐慌情绪开始抑制不住地全面爆发。

    The new mood of barely-suppressed hysteria set in over the summer , when the European debt-crisis spread to Spain and Italy .

  19. 上周,葡萄牙成为最新一个屈服于欧洲债务危机进而申请纾困的国家。

    Last week , Portugal became the latest country to succumb to the European debt crisis and to apply for a bail-out .

  20. 欧洲债务危机和占领华尔街运动将金融机构的社会责任推上了风口浪尖,商业银行的社会责任问题受到了前所未有的重视。

    The social responsibility of commercial banks has received unprecedented attention due to the European debt crisis and occupied Wall Street campaign .

  21. 另外,由于欧洲债务危机的出现给全球经济复苏蒙上阴影,因此全面退出非传统货币政策尚不具备条件。

    European debit crisis casts a shadow over global economic recovery , so conditions are not good enough to withdraw unconventional policies completely .

  22. 欧洲债务危机令全球金融市场疲于招架,突显出人们深怀的担忧:我们的金融体系已经失去了掌舵者,只能随波逐流,最终可能崩溃。

    The exhausting European crisis dominating financial markets worldwide highlights profound concerns that our financial system is rudderless , adrift and could crash .

  23. 在最近的新闻中,美国银行整日遭受抨击,成了欧洲债务危机一样的靶子。

    In the current news cycle , the relentlessly negative tilt about Bank of America now rivals the talk about the European debt crisis .

  24. 随着欧洲债务危机正在向高速发展的新兴市场经济蔓延,始于欧洲的这场经济瘟疫正逐渐演变成一场世界范围内的“大流感”。

    The European Economic contagion is threatening to become a worldwide flu as the financial turmoil spreads to the once high-flying emerging market economies .

  25. 欧洲债务危机是否已度过最糟糕阶段?未来还会出现更为严峻的考验吗?市场没有给出直接答案。

    Is the worst of Europe 's debt crisis over ? Or is there more pain coming ? Markets aren 't giving a straight answer .

  26. 中国仍对欧洲债务危机感到紧张,而对于放弃出口竞争力,内部也存在分歧。

    But it could go much slower . China remains nervous about Europe 's debt crisis and divided over the wisdom of giving up export competitiveness .

  27. 实际上,投资者绝不愿意看到欧洲债务危机,看来他们几乎是可怜巴巴地想要地相信一切都会好起来。

    Indeed far from willing on the European debt crisis , investors have seemed almost pathetically eager to believe that everything is going to be ok .

  28. 现在越来越多的经济学者认为,美联署只有等欧洲债务危机及美国高齐失业率问题解决后,才开始加息。

    A growing number of economists now believe the Fed won 't start to boost rates until next year given the European crisis and high unemployment .

  29. 由于担心美国陷入衰退和欧洲债务危机可能恶化,世界各地的股市持续下跌。

    Share prices across the world have continued to fall amid fears that America could slip back into recession and that Europe 's debt crisis could worsen .

  30. 雷格林抵达北京的前一天,欧元区国家达成了一个解决欧洲债务危机的协议。

    ovide safe , attractive investment opportunities . " Regling was in Beijing one day after Eurozone countries reached a deal to cope with the EU debt crisis .