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biāo diǎn
  • punctuation;punctuate
标点 [biāo diǎn]
  • (1) [punctuation]

  • (2) 古时标记句读的符号

  • (3) 标点符号

  • [punctuate] 给没有标点的著作加上标点符号

标点[biāo diǎn]
  1. 我们老师对标点符号十分挑剔。

    Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation .

  2. 杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。

    Jessica scanned the lines , none of which had any punctuation .

  3. 他不通语法和乱用标点是出了名的。

    He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation .

  4. 因拼写及标点正确而得分。

    Marks were given for accurate spelling and punctuation .

  5. 要反复检查拼写和标点符号。

    Check and double-check spelling and punctuation

  6. 小学生期末考试的分数最多可以加5分,作为对其拼写、标点和语法正确的奖励。

    A bonus of up to 5 per cent can be added to a pupil 's final exam marks as a reward for good spelling , punctuation and grammar

  7. 主考人对拼写及标点符号方面的错误批评得相当严厉。

    Examiners come down pretty heavily on mistakes in spelling and punctuation .

  8. 一篇没有任何标点符号的文章是很难懂的。

    A piece of writing without any punctuation is difficult to understand .

  9. 小学生尚未学会正确使用标点符号。

    The pupils have not yet learned to punctuate correctly .

  10. 当然,有时我们的标点符号也许只是个审美的问题

    Sometimes , of course , our markings may be simply a matter of aesthetics .

  11. 我儿子的标点符号很糟糕。

    My son 's punctuation is terrible .

  12. 标点就像人眨眨眼睛,低声细语,或伍犯作态

    Punctuation is the way one bats one 's eyes , lowers one 's voice or blushes demurely .

  13. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  14. 尽管我怀疑大多数人都不喜欢,但是我看到用标点符号构成的笑脸还挺高兴的。

    I 'm a sucker for variations on the smiley face made with punctuation8 marks , though I suspect most people don 't like them . High five from down low

  15. 使用Correct(正确)的语法,词汇和标点符号

    Use Correct grammar , vocabulary and punctuation

  16. 基于色标点的相对偏差,由控制器和PLC调节各个印刷轴的位置来实现套准。

    Basing on the warp , controller and PLC adjust each press axial to achieve guidance .

  17. 记住:在URL里大写字母、标点符号以及空格一定要精确。

    Remember that capitalization , punctuation and spacing must be exact for a URL to work .

  18. 本文研究了利用光电传感器拍摄地标点来校正SINS,从而实现高精度着陆引导或导航的方法。

    This dissertation investigates on the method of using electro-optical cameras to integrate SINS to realize high-precision navigation and landing guidance .

  19. 但是,长久以来标点都被视为书写规范而处在纯语言学的研究范围之外(BilgeSay,1998)。

    Yet for a long time , it is regarded as conventions and thus " being outside the domain of pure linguistics " ( Bilge Say 1990 ) .

  20. 在寻找回文时,输入行中的除了罗马字母以外的其他字符,比如标点符号,数字,空格,和tab符号,全部忽略。

    On finding palindromes , any characters in the input except Roman alphabets , such as punctuation characters , digits , spaces , and tabs , should be ignored .

  21. 英国文化协会(britishcouncil)即将发表的一份报告《englishnextindia》(我希望该协会能够在报告发表前找出加标点的方法)指出,现在印度讲英语的人可能没有中国多。

    A forthcoming British Council report , English next India ( I hope the Council can find a way of punctuating that before it comes out ) , says India may now have fewer English speakers than China .

  22. Wps强制推行尾的标点到下一行,当前行字数减少&以均齐拉大汉字间距。

    WPS will force the line-end punctuation to next line and use justify space between characters in current line .

  23. 为了获得环境中性能稳定的自然路标点,本文采用重复率、匹配率、错误匹配率三个标准评估了SIFT和SURF在全景图像中的特征适应性。

    In order to obtain stable natural landmark points , we evaluated the performance of SIFT and SURF using repeatability , match rate and mismatch rate .

  24. 在传统的方法中,统计形状分析主要是使用地标点(landmark)来建立形状特征关键点的数学模型,通过主成分分析来学习其关键点的参数,或水平集的方法来建立形状模型。

    In traditional algorithms , statistical shape analysis relies on mathematical models built from level sets or landmarks , and then employs principal component analysis to learn parameters of critical points .

  25. 受汉语标点符号的影响,英语的逗号(comma)经常被用错,但却很少引起英(?)

    Comma in English is often misused because we are affected by the Punctuation in Chinese . But this seldom draws enough attention of the English learners .

  26. 此外,系统为每个文档添加了标记并删除了标点、Wikipedia标记以及此任务不需要的其他特征。

    Also , each document is tokenized and normalized to remove punctuation , Wikipedia markup , and other features that are not needed for this task .

  27. 接着,提出了一种飞机拍摄地标点的实时图像与SINS系统进行组合导航的方法,可作为无线电等导航手段失效时辅助SINS系统进行高精度导航的手段。

    Secondly , a method using real-time images of landmarks to integrate SINS and realize high precision navigation is proposed , which provides an autonomous navigation system in the situation of radio navigation system dropouts .

  28. 这样做不仅仅是更专业,也可以减少不必要的解释,因为那些很少使用IM的用户会不明白“什么是IMO”.也要注意不要忘记了标点符号。

    Not only is it more professional , it helps avoid the distraction of a " What is IMO ?" conversation with a less-than-net-savvy IM user . Don 't forget the punctuation , either .

  29. 对于此项目,我选择构建一个工具来跟踪全球定位系统(GPS)路标点(waypoint)和计算到前一个或后一个路标点的距离。

    For this project , I chose to build a tool to track a series of global positioning system ( GPS ) waypoints and compute things like distance to the previous or next waypoint .

  30. 在文体上,Rexx的IBM/mainframe根源体现在它对命令的大小写敏感;在某种次要程度上也体现在它使用标点符号相对较少(更多用关键字而不是符号)。

    Stylistically , the IBM / mainframe roots of Rexx show in its case-insensitive commands ; and to a lesser degree in the relative sparsity of punctuation it uses ( preferring keywords to symbols ) .