
  • 网络standard algorithm
  1. 一种数据加密标准算法的FPGA实现

    A FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard Algorithm

  2. 该文介绍了数据加密标准算法,讨论了该算法的一种IP核设计及其FPGA实现。

    This paper introduces the data encryption standard algorithm briefly , and discusses an IP-CORE design and the FPGA implementation of the algorithm .

  3. 本文基于AES(AdvancedEncryptionStandard)加密标准算法,研究其在IP设计中的应用。

    The paper studies the application of AES IP Core , based on the algorithm of AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard ) .

  4. 根据测井图象的特点,将JPEG标准算法用于超声电视测井图象的压缩,取得了良好效果。

    Applies the algorithm defined by JPEG standard to digital compression of ultrasonic televiewer images according to the features of logging image .

  5. 在此基础上提出了一种采用多对一策略的圆检测HT新算法,与圆检测的标准算法比较,该算法有更好的时空指标,实验结果证明了新算法的有效性。

    Based on the analyzing , a new HT algorithm of circle detect is proposed which adapts the many to one strategy and has better performance than conventional HT of circle .

  6. 本文采用的主成分分析法对标准算法进行了改进。(5)采用三层的BP神经网络分类器来实现人脸特征的分类,即人脸的识别。

    This article uses principal components analysis which has made the improvement to the canonical algorithm . ( 5 ) A three layer-BP neural network classifiers can be used to achieve the classification of face features , that is to say face recognition .

  7. NIST宣布在2001年AES选出之前,3DES作为临时的标准算法。1997年,NIST发起了AES的征集活动。

    Triple DES has been regarded as a temporary standard to be used until the AES is finished sometime in 2001.In 1997 , NIST announced the initiation of the AES development effort and called for new algorithm .

  8. 介绍了XDPS-400系统的网络结构,分布式处理单元(DPU)的组成特点、标准算法模块,人机接口站(MMI)、工程师站(ENG)的主要功能;

    This paper introduces the net configuration of XDPS-400 system , the structural characteristics of distributed processing unit ( DPU ), standard algorithm modular , man machine interface ( MMI ), and main functions of engineer station ( ENG ) .

  9. 完成了电子门票方案设计、防伪和识别,对数据加密标准算法进行改进,设计了S-DES算法对电子门票条形码信息进行加密、解密处理;

    Accomplished the design , anti-fake and identifying of the electronic ticket scheme , improved the data encryption standard algorithm , designed S-DES algorithm encrypting and decrypting the electronic ticket barcode information ;

  10. 结论低剂量扫描7.5mm标准算法图像重建,病灶局部加常规剂量薄层轴扫,可以准确显示肺结节或肿块形态、大小、密度特征而且大大降低了病人的辐射剂量,具有较好的临床实用价值。

    Conclusion The form , size and density of lung nodule or mass can be displayed accurately in low-dose scanning with standardization resolution image reconstruction and conventional-dose thin axial scan , and simultaneously the radiated dose of patients is much decreased .

  11. JPEG2000标准算法研究及改进

    Algorithm Research and Improvement on JPEG 2000 Standard

  12. 第二部分,讨论标准算法。

    In the second part , we discuss the standard algorithms of algorithmic computer languages .

  13. 边缘算法的图像质量优于标准算法和骨算法;

    Imaging quality with edge resolution was better than that with standard resolution and bone resolution did .

  14. 软件算法融合了H263/H263+标准算法和图像增强与分割技术。

    The software arithmetic has mixed the standard arithmetic of H.263/H . 263 + and image enhancing and dividing technology .

  15. 高分辨扫描参数:120kV,300mA,骨算法重建肺窗,标准算法建纵隔窗。

    High resolution scanning parameters : 120 kV , 300 mA , bone algorithm reconstruction pulmonary window , standard algorithm built mediastinal window .

  16. 本文首先介绍了先进加密标准算法的原理,该算法将安全、高效、使用的方便性和灵活性集于一体,具有硬件实现简单的特性。

    Firstly , the thesis discusses the theory of AES encryption algorithm , which is safe , efficient , convenient and nimble in use .

  17. 本文对高考网上招生中的分布式信息查询系统的体系结构、标准算法和优化技术进行了研究;

    In this paper , the structure , standard algorithm and optimal technique of distributed information query system for college and university enrollment are studied .

  18. 重点研究了计算区域大地水准面的标准算法(移去恢复法)的原理和数学模型。

    Make a research about the standard algorithm which precise determination of local geoid , i.e. remove-restore , include the route and approach and mathematic model .

  19. 7231标准算法原理,该系统能很好地应用在多种需要数字语音录放系统中。

    The principle of the ITU-TG . 723.1 standard arithmetic is also introduced . This system can be used in any system to meet the digital speech record and play requirement .

  20. 为了弥补标准算法的问题依赖性、高维函数收敛精度不高、易陷入局部最优的缺陷,分别提出了阶段波动和阶段交叉差分进化算法。

    To repair deficiencies , such as problem dependency , low precision in solving complex functions with high dimensions and easily trapped into a local optimum , segmental wave and piecewise crossover algorithms are proposed .

  21. 不同于标准算法误差随圆锥频率单调变化的特性,新算法在设定频点处具有误差极小点,因而能有效改善系统在特定频带上的姿态解算精度。

    Different from the monotonic error characteristics of the standard algorithm with the coning frequency , the optimal coning algorithm has a minimization point at the specified frequency and can improve the attitude accuracy remarkably for those motions with the specified frequency band .

  22. 仿真证明,该算法用于图像压缩具有良好效果,和标准BP算法相比,缩短了压缩时间,提高了峰值信噪比。

    Simulation results show that this algorithm has better compressing time and PSNR compare to BP neural network algorithm .

  23. 在BP神经网络方法中,采用改进的BP算法(BPLM算法)对网络进行训练,有效地改善了标准BP算法的不足之处。

    In this method , LM ( Levenberg-Marquardt ) optimization algorithm is applied to improve the performance of standard BP algorithm .

  24. 文中给出了这种算法在电力系统负荷预测中的实际应用,并与标准BP算法作了比较。

    An example of the algorithm 's application in electric power system load forecasting is shown and compared with standard BP algorithm .

  25. 通过与标准BP算法的比较,表明这两种改进方法都能有效地提高神经网络模型的精度。

    By comparing with standard BP model , it shows that both the two improved methods can improve the precision of ANN efficiently .

  26. BP神经网络已广泛应用于许多领域,但标准BP算法收敛速度很慢。

    BP neural network has been widely used in many fields . But the convergent speed of standard BP algorithm is too slow .

  27. 最后在标准遗传算法的基础上,针对TSP问题的自身特点,提出了改进的遗传算法来求解TSP问题。

    Finally propose an improved genetic algorithm for TSP based on the standard genetic algorithm .

  28. 应用输出反馈H∞标准控制算法设计了阵风缓和系统的控制器,仿真结果表明,其抑制阵风干扰的性能、稳定鲁棒性、抑制测量噪声的能力都较强。

    Simulation results show that good robust stability and the capability of restraining gust turbulence and measurement noises can be obtained by using H_ ∞ method .

  29. 因为标准EM算法中的Kalman滤波所能估计的是时不变噪声协方差阵,在没有考虑时变的因素下继续迭代估计系统状态将最终导致系统参数估计的较大偏差。

    The standard EM Algorithm with Kalman filtering cannot solve the estimation problem when time-varying noise correlation matrices exist .

  30. 与标准GP算法相比具具有更快的收敛速度。

    Compared with the standard GP , the improved GP is faster in convergence rate .