
  • 网络standard mandarin
  1. 她的声调很高,讲的是标准的普通话。

    She spoke in the sharp tones of standard Mandarin .

  2. 但是求助往往很方便&那些年龄小于25岁的人很有可能会说标准的普通话和英语。

    But help is always at hand : those under 25 years old are most likely to speak both standard Mandarin and English .

  3. 我也有许多中国的委托人也不能说标准的普通话。

    Also a lot of my clients from China cannot speak proper Mandarin .

  4. 1968年,我在香港学会了一口标准的普通话,虽然在那里很少有人讲普通话。

    In1968 , I learned to speak Mandarin fluently while living in Hong Kong , where few people spoke it .

  5. 幸运的是,武汉方言与标准的普通话之间的差距还不是非常大,所以我在北京与北京人交流时遇到的障碍还不算太大。

    Fortunately , the Wuhan dialect wasn 't extremely different from standard Mandarin , so I haven 't had too much trouble communicating here in Beijing .

  6. 你能说标准的汉语普通话吗?

    Can you speak standard mandarin ?

  7. 遗憾的是多数青岛人以及中国人都不能讲一口标准的汉语普通话,同样,多数以英语为母语的外国人也不能讲一口标准的英语。

    The pity is that most of Qingdao and Chinese people cannot speak standard Chinese , and most of the native speakers of English cannot speak their mother tongue in a standard manner either .

  8. 通过这些标准优雅的英语普通话的学习,至少有两代中国学习者掌握了基本的英语发音。

    The said standard and elegant Queen 's English courses have helped at least two generations of Chinese learners of English develop the basic skills of English pronunciation .

  9. 我愿意帮助您学习最标准的中国话(普通话)和中国文化。

    I would like to help you to learn the best Mandarin and Chinese culture .