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  1. 变化多姿是生活的调料。

    Variety 's the very spice of life .

  2. 宗白华先生常常将对于艺术的难以名状的感触借助次语言进行展现,其批评文字颇多声情并茂的描述,具有丰富细腻的情感和变化多姿的韵律。

    Mr Zong Bai Hua often presents the artistic feelings beyond description , emotional description of artistic criticism full of rich emotions and diversified rhythms , with sub-language .

  3. 变换一种生活方式、生活态度,生活也就会发生色彩变化,更加多姿多彩了。

    Transform a way of life , attitude to life , life will change in color , the more colorful .

  4. 在汉语的世界里,不仅有美妙的语言、独特的文字、灿烂的文化,还有当代中国社会的发展变化和中国人多姿多彩的生活。

    In the world of chinese , you can see not only a wonderful language and a unique writing system , but also a splendid culture , the change and development of Chinese society , and the colourful life of the Chinese people .