
zá gǎn
  • random thoughts;a type of literature recording thoughts
杂感 [zá gǎn]
  • (1) [random thoughts]∶对现实生活和社会现象的各种零散感受

  • (2) [a type of literature recording thoughts]∶抒发零散感受的文字

杂感[zá gǎn]
  1. 在冯至的一些学术论著和散文杂感中,也突出表现了一个现代人对现代人生的现代性思考。

    Some of his learning treatise and prose random thoughts show that a modernist is thinking about modernity of modern life deeply .

  2. 经营理想,建造智慧&2002年上海双年展杂感

    IDEAL OF OPERATION , INTELLIGENCE OF BUILDING : Thought of Shanghai Biennale 2002

  3. 艺术真实与历史真实的冲突与碰撞&《首义英雄》读后杂感

    The Conflict and Collision between Historical Truth and Artistic Truth & Reading the book The First Fire Hero

  4. 教学杂感

    Miscellaneous thoughts on Teaching

  5. 这一类散文以杂感(随感录)为主要形式,它与五四新文化运动相互动,具有重要的思想和文化史意义。

    These essays , interacting with the May 4th Movement , take on important thoughts and cultural significance .

  6. 本文认为周作人对杂感栏目的设置、他的散文理论与创作有力的推动了现代散文的发展。

    The author thinks that Zhou Zuoren promoted the development of modern prose by setting a column for essays and his own theories and creation of proses .

  7. 随感录是《新青年》杂志中专门发表杂感的一个栏目,这种杂感是中国现代杂文的早期形态。

    Impressions Record is a column in the Youth magazine that is dedicated to publish essays inspired by random thoughts , a rudiment form of Chinese modern essay .

  8. 而随感录这一讲究时效和新闻性的杂感类文体,就成为现代中国杂文的雏形,并促进了现代杂感类文学的发展。

    But the impression , which pays attention to the speediness and news value , becomes the rudiment of modern scribble of China and accelerates the development of style of random thoughts .

  9. 笔记指以随笔形式记录见闻杂感的文体的统称,同时也被视为一种著述的体式,即指由一则则相对独立的札记汇编而成的著作。

    Note is a general designation of one literary style recording feelings and knowledge by essays as well as a writing of literary forms , which were compiled from the independent notes .

  10. 蚯蚓眼是夏衍于1946年在上海《世界晨报》上开辟的杂感专栏,文章多短小精悍,有些甚至只是标题性的,信息十分丰富,但其样态与我们所习见的文艺性杂文有许多差异。

    Earthworm 's Eye is an essay column in the World Morning Paper run by Xia Yan in Shanghai in 1946 . The essays published in the column are mostly short and pithy , and some of them are like news headlines but quite informative .