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pín zuǐ
  • garrulous;loquacious
贫嘴 [pín zuǐ]
  • [garrulous;loquacious] 爱说废话或爱开玩笑

  • 不要在我面前耍贫嘴

贫嘴[pín zuǐ]
  1. 在那里,他们将学习的实施黑暗的人物,他的入口是由贫嘴进出口预示的真实身份

    There , they will learn the true identity of the imposing dark figure whose entrance is heralded by a garrulous imp

  2. “举”了两下之后,他们便会向他那同样令人讨厌和贫嘴的朋友们自吹自擂,不断吹嘘。

    While doing a few reps they 'll make exaggerated grunts and moans to impress their equally obnoxious and garrulous friends .

  3. 你真的知道什么还是又耍贫嘴

    Do you know something or are you just being yourself ?

  4. 噢,别贫嘴了。你只是在说好话而已。

    Oh , stop it . You 're just being nice .

  5. 一种启人深思的笑&浅析《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》的幽默语言特色

    A Thought-provoking Smile The Humoristic Language of The Happy Life of Garrulous ZHANG Da-min

  6. 少跟我耍贫嘴。

    Don 't be saucy with me .

  7. 冯小刚导演摈弃了自己惯用的尖酸刻薄的幽默以及贫嘴的角色,而是用传统而流畅的叙事技巧来刺激观众的泪腺。

    Feng ditches his usual sharp-tongued humor and feisty characters to concentrate on stimulating the tear ducts through traditional but polished storytelling technique .

  8. 平民的幸福及其限度&论刘恒的《贫嘴张大民的幸福生活》

    The Happiness and its Limitation of Common People s Life : on Liu Heng s Novel The Happy Life of Garrulous Zhang Da-min ;

  9. 我理解母亲的担忧,因为在村子里,一个贫嘴的孩子,是招人厌烦的,有时候还会给自己和家庭带来麻烦。

    I knew why she was worried . Talkative kids are not well thought of in our village , for they can bring trouble to themselves and to their families .