
qiāng bì
  • Be shot;execute by shooting;abandon
枪毙 [qiāng bì]
  • (1) [excute by shooting]∶用枪打死人

  • (2) [abandon]∶比喻某项事物被废弃不用

  • 他辛辛苦苦写的三份有关的材料被上级枪毙了

枪毙[qiāng bì]
  1. 这些囚犯被分批带出去枪毙了。

    The prisoners were led out in batches and shot .

  2. 他们让犯人靠墙站着,枪毙了他。

    The prisoner was stood against the wall and shot .

  3. 他因通敌而被枪毙了。

    He was shot for collaboration with the enemy .

  4. 他们被分批带出去枪毙。

    They were led out in batches and shot .

  5. 海盗头子下令枪毙俘虏。

    The pirate chief commanded that the prisoners should be shot .

  6. 惠普(HP)正在考虑拆分PC部门,“枪毙”其平板电脑和手机业务,以积极进行重组。

    HP is considering a spin-off of its PC unit and killing its tablet and phone models in an aggressive bid to retool itself .

  7. 我所有的请求都被枪毙了。

    And every inquiry I 've made has been shot down .

  8. 你知道会因之而被枪毙吗!

    Do you realized that you could be shot for that !

  9. 4、奥斯汀预料自己会被当场枪毙。

    4 . Austin expected to be shot on the spot .

  10. 我们可能排排站被枪毙。

    We could be lined up against a wall and shot .

  11. 你说谎的话我枪毙你们所有人

    If you 're lying , I shoot all of you .

  12. 而在中国你会被枪毙,公司会被充公。

    In China they may shoot the owner and confiscate the company .

  13. 鉴于你的坦白行为,我不会枪毙你。

    In return for your confession , I won 't shoot you .

  14. 我要亲眼看到他被枪毙。

    He 's to be shot to death on sight .

  15. 假使有人捉住我,他们就会枪毙我。

    If they were to catch me , they would shoot me .

  16. 任何人被搜出有铅笔将会被马上枪毙。

    Anyone caught with a pencil will be shot on the spot .

  17. 我宁愿枪毙了他,也不能让他离开这个国家。

    I 'd rather shoot him than let him leave the country ;

  18. 明天早上日出时,我将被枪毙。

    I am to be shot ( 1 ) at sunrise tomorrow .

  19. 否则你就不是挨巴掌,而是被枪毙。

    Or you won 't be slapped , you 'll be shot .

  20. 他们如果知道我告诉你这些事情,他们可能会枪毙我。

    They 'd probably shoot me if they knew I told you .

  21. 如果被发现,他们会枪毙我们。

    If they find it , they 'll shoot us .

  22. 枪毙了吧,上绞刑架吧,都未免死的太快、太便宜了他。

    To shoot or hang him seemed too quick , too merciful .

  23. 其他人,包括孩子,都被枪毙了。

    The rest , including the children , were to be shot .

  24. 他们就会一枪毙了�

    They 're gonna put a bullet in your head .

  25. 他们吊死了他,随后枪毙了他的父亲。

    They hung him and then they shot his father .

  26. 在道义上说,这就相当于把一个乱穿马路的人枪毙。

    The moral equivalent is putting a jaywalker before a firing squad .

  27. 你要是想造一个军官的反,就可能被枪毙。

    If you mutiny against an officer , you can be shot .

  28. 孩子被判有罪,他们枪毙了他。

    They found the kid guilty . They shot him .

  29. 凶手被枪毙了,他的死是应得的。

    The murderer was shot , he deserved his fate .

  30. 出乎大家的预料,阿卡蒂奥没有枪毙这个鲁莽的人。

    Contrary to what everyone expected , Arcadio did not have him shot .