
hè diàn
  • a congratulatory message;congratulatory telegram;message of congratulation
贺电 [hè diàn]
  • [message of congratulation] 祝贺的电报

  • 由他宣读贺电

贺电[hè diàn]
  1. 值此巴基斯坦国庆节之际,我谨向阁下转达中华人民共和国外交部长致阁下的贺电

    On the occasion of the RepuBlic Day of Pakistan I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency the message of congratulation from the Minister of Foreign affairs of the People 's RepuBlic of China

  2. 合作伙伴及兄弟单位纷纷发来贺电,恭祝浩丰公司辞旧迎新,蓬勃发展,开辟农业新篇章。

    The partners and the brother units sent the congratulatory telegram respectfully congratulated the company discarding the old for the new , developing vigorously and opening a new chapter of agriculture .

  3. 富兰克林一回来,就收到了好几十封贺电和贺信。

    Scores of congratulatory telegrams and letters greeted Franklin on his return

  4. 贺电如雪片飞来。

    Messages of congratulation poured in .

  5. 这时我成为了民选市长收到总统候选人的贺电

    And now I was mayor elect getting calls from presidential candidates .

  6. 对嗯…先说重要的贺电

    Right , um ... First things first , telegrams .

  7. 收到来自全国的贺电我很重要

    Getting calls from around the country I was important .

  8. 美国人民发来贺电!

    The people of the United States of congratulation !

  9. 他收到了满满几篮子贺信,贺卡和贺电。

    He received baskets full of cards , letters and telegrams of congratulation .

  10. 贺电潮水般涌到办公处。

    The office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations .

  11. 他刚刚给她发了贺电。

    He just sent her a telegram of congratulations .

  12. 泛滥选举之夜,胜利者的办公室涌进了无数的贺电。

    On Election Night , the victor 's offices were inundated by congratulatory messages .

  13. 我们建议向会议发出总统贺电时,国务院态度非常冷淡。

    When we suggested a presidential message to the conference , State was very cold .

  14. 贺信和贺电从国内外雪片似地向她飞来。

    Messages of congratulation by post and telegraph poured in upon her from home and abroad .

  15. 公司成立十周年纪念时贺电潮水般地涌到公司办公处来。

    The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation .

  16. 两国元首还就建交五十周年互致贺电。

    The two heads of state also exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations .

  17. 在印度新总理选出后,我昨天已经给他发了贺电。

    After the new Indian Prime Minister was elected , I sent him a telegram of congratulations yesterday .

  18. 中国中央政府向参加东京残奥会的中国代表团发去贺电。

    China 's central authorities have sent a congratulatory message to the Chinese delegation that the Tokyo Paralympic Games .

  19. 两国领导人在共同贺电中祝贺论坛成立20周年。

    The leaders made the call in their joint congratulatory message to mark the 20th anniversary of the forum .

  20. 这份贺电已经迟延,但祝愿之情分毫未减,愿你的希望全都实现,好梦个个应验,幸福长久无边。

    This greeting is late but it wishes nothing less than hopes fulfilled , dreams come true , and lasting happiness .

  21. 不是真正的电报只是我们叫它贺电我也不知道原因,婚礼传统

    Well , they 're not actually telegrams , we just call them telegrams . I don 't know why.Wedding tradition .

  22. 从日本发来贺电,这只9岁大的苏格兰折耳猫,其犀利的表情足以让这只不爽猫(不爽猫真容及科普戳>>>)自惭形秽。

    Hailing from Japan , the 9-year-old Scottish fold 's fierce feline face is enough to put this Grumpy Cat to shame .

  23. 贺电中说:“突破和掌握空间交会对接技术对推进我国载人航天工程三步走战略至为关键”。

    " Breakthroughs in and acquisition of space docking technologies are vital to the three-phase development strategy of our manned space programme ," Hu said .

  24. 项目临时交验前,项目的咨询公司发来贺电,对项目的施工质量及进度等管理工作给予了高度评价。

    Before the temporary hand-over , the consultant company sent congratulatory letter that give the high praise to the management of the project quality and progress .

  25. “成为世界网坛女单头号选手让我很开心,”莎拉波娃说,世界各地的朋友都给她发来了贺电,其中还有7束鲜花。

    " The fact you are No.1 , it just puts a smile on your face ," said Sharapova , who got congratulatory text messages from friends all over the world along with seven bouquets of flowers .

  26. 贺电;通常表示祝贺的人明显都是心不在焉的;贺词。

    Congratulations came snowing in . a congratulatory telegram ; the usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent ; a gratulatory address . When the natal day arrived , there was my letter or telegram . What a hit it made !