
qiāng tuō
  • buttstock;shoulder stock;butt;gunstock;stock
枪托 [qiāng tuō]
  • (1) [stock]∶安装步枪、猎枪的枪筒、接受器和其他装置的木头制作的供端起来瞄准射击的部件

  • (2) [butt]∶枪的末端,开枪时放在肩上,步枪上与枪口相对的一端

枪托[qiāng tuō]
  1. 聚合物的家具,包括前轮的抓地力和一个侧面折叠金属枪托。

    The furniture included polymer front grip and a side-folding metallic buttstock .

  2. 抓紧枪托。

    Hold the rifle butt tightly .

  3. 他们每杀一个人就在枪托上刻下一个V形记号。

    They cut notches in the handle of their pistol for each man they shot .

  4. 军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。

    Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests

  5. 他的嘴上挨了枪托的地方都肿了起来。

    His mouth was all puffed up where he had taken a rifle butt .

  6. 他的头骨是被来复枪的枪托砸伤的。

    The butt of a rifle had been used to bash in his skull .

  7. 她说巡警在村里的学校把她们赶到一起,并用枪托殴打她们。

    She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts .

  8. 好几次我都没打中,于是他建议我把步枪放在岩石上面以稳定枪托。

    When I 'd missed a few times , he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it .

  9. 高频热等离子体制备Mn掺杂的棒状纳米氧化锌纳粹分子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。

    Synthesis of One-dimension Mn Doped ZnO Nanostructures Using Radio Frequency Thermal Plasma The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts .

  10. 在IPSC的竞赛中,可分离式的枪托是被禁止的。

    Detachable shoulder stocks are prohibited in IPSC competition .

  11. 纳粹分子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。

    The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts .

  12. 士兵用枪托打死了他。

    The soldiers clubbed him to death with their rifles .

  13. 他是被人用枪托殴打致死的。

    He was clubbed to death with a butt of a gun .

  14. 猎人射击时握住步枪的枪托。

    Hunters hold their rifles by the stock when shooting .

  15. 滑膛枪和来复枪的枪托底座[成品或仅是毛坯]

    Butt stock for shotguns and rifles [ finished or only roughly shaped ]

  16. 把弹盒推进枪托并且压紧。

    Push the magazine into the butt of the gun , and press home .

  17. 用肩顶住枪托,他比其他人更清楚自己瞄准的猎物是什么。

    Shotgun shouldered , he was more certain of his intended prey 's identity .

  18. 当枪托一拿掉,他的脸又重新扑落到左边。

    When the butt was removed the face flopped back over to the left .

  19. 如果他们是用来做弓箭,则我们是用它来做枪托的。

    If they made their bows of it , we make our gun-stocks of it .

  20. 他感到枪托迅速,滑溜,痉挛地撞在自己的肩头上。

    He felt the quick , liquid , spastic lurching of the gun against his shoulder .

  21. 他把那个旧枪托检查了一遍。

    He examined the ancient stock .

  22. 他模仿一个人挨着枪托往前走的样子。

    He imitated the action of a man 's being impelled forward by the butt-ends of muskets .

  23. 如果小强的枪卡了膛,那是因为他想用枪托来揍你。

    If Jack Bauer 's gun jams , it 's because he wanted to beat you with it .

  24. 多少不幸的孩子,年复一年生活在害怕听到枪托敲门声的恐惧之中;

    Those unhappy children who lived for years in fear of the beating of a rifle butt on their door ;

  25. 枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。

    The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble , but did not shake the door .

  26. 收集雨水利用水枪托和一个园丁的手泵喷雾器喷洗到你的自行车是免费的。

    Collect rainwater in water butts and use a gardener 's hand pump sprayer to jet wash your bike for free .

  27. 一些好奇者偷偷走前几步,但警卫立即跑了出去,用枪托把他们赶回去。

    A curious few sneaked forward before a guard ran out and beat them back with the butt of his rifle .

  28. 他由于当着一个4岁以色列女孩儿的面杀害了她的父亲,然后用枪托砸碎了这个女孩儿的头,被以色列法庭裁定有罪。

    He was convicted of killing an Israeli in front of his four-year-old daughter in1979 and then smashing her head with a rifle butt .

  29. 瞄准时,脸要抵住枪托。滑膛枪和来复枪的枪托底座[成品或仅是毛坯]

    Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim . butt stock for shotguns and rifles [ finished or only roughly shaped ]

  30. 诺第留斯号船上的一个船员拿一支很简单的枪给我看。枪托是钢片制的,中空,体积相当大。

    One of the Nautilus 's men presented me with a streamlined rifle whose butt was boilerplate steel , hollow inside , and of fairly large dimensions .