
  1. 我那时是个非常安静、勤奋好学的小女孩。

    I was a very quiet , studious little girl .

  2. 美国NationalPen公司开展的一次调查显示,字迹小的人往往比较腼腆、细心并且勤奋好学;而字迹较大的人则更加开朗外向,并且喜欢引起别人的注意。

    According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company , it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy , meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting .

  3. 那个勤奋好学的女孩努力成为班里最优秀的学生。

    The studious girl struggled to be the best in the class .

  4. 幼小的她勤奋好学,遍览各种经典名著。

    She studied hard when she was young and read many books .

  5. 可以坦诚的说,我是一名勤奋好学的优秀学生。

    To be honest , I am a diligent and outstanding student .

  6. 她是个勤奋好学的孩子,读书最使她感到快乐。

    She was a studious child , happiest when reading .

  7. 琼斯非常文静,是个勤奋好学的男孩。

    Jones was very quiet , a studious boy .

  8. 勤奋好学,良好的人际沟通能力。

    Diligent and curious , and good communication skill .

  9. 他有点书呆子气,勤奋好学,和他母亲非常亲近。

    He was bookish , a swot and very close to his mother .

  10. 在犹太教中,勤奋好学是敬神的一个组成部分。

    In Judaism , studying hard with curiousness is an integral part of worship .

  11. 你是一个勤奋好学的外国留学生。

    You are a hard working foreign student .

  12. 第二,勤奋好学的刻苦学习精神。

    Second , the spirit of studying hard .

  13. 专业知识基础扎实,勤奋好学,有较好的抗压能力、创新能力。

    Solid professional knowledge , work hard , have good psychological quality , and innovation capability .

  14. 如果他勤奋好学的话,除了傻瓜谁都能学好外语。(除了)

    Who but a fool would study foreign language well if he is a hard working one .

  15. 这个勤奋好学的女生引起了皮埃尔·居里的注意,他是玛丽工作的实验室的主管。

    The industrious student caught the eye of Pierre Curie , director of the laboratories where Marie worked .

  16. 她平时练琴刻苦,勤奋好学,踏实认真,气质文雅大方。

    She usually inside to practice piano hard , diligent , practical earnest , gentle and generous temperament .

  17. 塞尔玛是个勤奋好学的姑娘,她对蒂妮和莉娜那样轻浮的姑娘是不大能容忍的。

    Selma was a studious girl , who had not much tolerance for giddy things like Tiny and Lena .

  18. 中国与德国一样崇尚勤奋好学等美德。

    In China we find the same virtues as in Germany , such as diligence and willingness to learn .

  19. 阿伯拉尔和勤奋好学的埃洛伊丝深陷情网并有了孩子,两人秘密结婚了。

    Abelard and the scholarly Heloise fell deeply in love , conceived a child , and were secretly married .

  20. 在范西姆等等老师的辛勤培育下,学生勤奋好学,培养出优秀歌手人才。

    Fan Ximu teachers in hard to cultivate , etc. , the studious students , cultivate a good singer talent .

  21. 陈嘉庚一生勤奋好学,热爱书法,晚年喜欢运动,重视养生,具有健康的生活情趣。

    All his life with healthy hobbies , Tan Kah-kee was a diligent learner and passionate lover of calligraphy and sports .

  22. 性格开朗、积极向上、勤奋好学,学习能力较强;

    Have a bright and cheerful disposition , positive upwards , diligent and eager to learn knowledge , the learning ability is relatively strong ;

  23. 自我评价:本人性格活泼开朗,能吃苦耐劳,有较强的时间观念,勤奋好学。

    Self Evaluation : I am cheerful and lively in character , hard working , and studious ; have a strong sense of time .

  24. 应教育学生勤奋好学,以便让他们在毕业后能满足社会的需要。

    Students should be educated to be diligent and eager to learn in order that they might meet the need of the society after graduation .

  25. 自幼受到家庭艺术熏陶,酷爱书画艺术,擅长国画,精于工笔。勤奋好学,少年时期即显露出众的绘画才能。

    Exposed to art when he was a little child , he was keen of calligraphy and painting and was diligent and eager to learn knowledge .

  26. 在就读博士学位期间,我勤奋好学,不仅完成了规定的课程学习,还积极参与导师课题的研究。

    During my studies towards the doctoral degree , not only did I complete the required course but also took part in the research of my tutor 's projects .

  27. 且我介绍给她的钢琴教师是个很有爱心和严格的老太太,这样可以从小就培养小孩的勤奋好学的好习惯。

    And introduced me to her piano teacher was a very loving and strict old lady , so you can train a young age a good habit of studious children .

  28. 比如说现在高等学校里农村的学生比例偏少,我们要逐步提高比例,让更多勤奋好学的农村孩子感受到希望。

    In some universities in China , the share of rural students is quite low , we need to gradually raise that , so as to give those rural students hope .

  29. 我是一个简单质朴而富有无穷上进心的女孩,为人诚恳,积极进取,勤奋好学,善于人际交流和沟通。

    I am a pure , diligent and faithful girl and I always pursue my dream . Besides , I am good at communicating with others and have the ability to dominate my class skillfully .

  30. 敏子是个董事而又勤奋好学的女孩,在班级总拿第一名,学院的奖学金名额也都有她。

    The quick son is a director and diligent and eager to learn knowledge girl , always take the first place in the class , scholarship planned numbers in the institute all have her too .