
qiāng zhī
  • guns;firearm;weaponry;piece
枪支 [qiāng zhī]
  • (1) [firearms]∶枪的总称

  • 枪支弹药

  • (2) [guns]∶手提式火器的统称

  • 枪支弹药

  1. 根据联邦法律的规定,他们不准拥有枪支。

    They are proscribed by federal law from owning guns .

  2. 警方展开诱捕行动以严打非法枪支。

    The police ran a sting operation to crack down on illegal guns .

  3. 这项法规的范围将扩大到包括所有的枪支。

    The legislation will be widened to include all firearms .

  4. 警察都配发了小型枪支。

    The police were issued with firearms .

  5. 瑞典对枪支实行非常严格的管制。

    They have very strict gun control in Sweden .

  6. 他还被控非法持有枪支。

    He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms

  7. 让儿童接触枪支可能会有致命的危险。

    Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail .

  8. 死刑的支持者认为它能阻吓罪犯携带枪支。

    Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns

  9. 凯西先生说他觉得没有必要增加任何有关警察使用枪支的附加条款。

    Mr Casey said he could see no necessity to add any rider on the use of firearms by police

  10. 如果使用枪支进行犯罪,就应该受到额外的惩罚。

    If a person uses a gun in the commission of a crime , then he should be given an additional penalty .

  11. 他们因持有枪支而被监禁。

    They were imprisoned for possession of guns .

  12. 在枪支管制方面政府必须采取果断措施。

    The government must take decisive action on gun control .

  13. 一名参与者梦见一条吃素的鳄鱼因为无法吃小孩而感到苦恼,另一名参与者则梦见用小猫而非枪支打仗的士兵。

    One participant detailed5 dreaming about a vegetarian6 crocodile who was distressed7 about not being able to eat children , while another dreamed of soldiers who fought with kittens instead of guns .

  14. RFID技术在警用枪支管理中的应用

    The Application of RFID Technique in Police-used Guns ' Management

  15. 但对于巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)来说,在更严格的枪支法律上找到政治共识难度很大。

    But finding political consensus for tougher gun laws will be an uphill struggle for Barack Obama .

  16. 比较几种经典边缘检测算子的检测效果,LOG算子提取的枪支图像的边缘连续性、完整性都较好。

    This paper compares the test results of several classical edge detectors . The edge of pistol extracted by LOG operator is good at continuity and integrity . 2 .

  17. 美国枪支拥有者组织的执行主任(Pratt)回答道:

    The replied is ( Pratt ) the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America :

  18. 如今巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)也开始采取这种策略。他最近开始反对枪支管制,支持死刑,还同意对执行窃听的电话公司给予豁免权,导致他的支持者感到不爽。

    Now Barack Obama is at it too , upsetting supporters with his recent opposition to gun control and support for the death penalty and immunity for wire-tapping telephone companies .

  19. 调查机构盖洛普(Gallup)1990年所做的一项调查显示,近80%的美国人支持加强枪支管制。

    In 1990 a Gallup poll revealed that nearly 80 per cent of Americans supported tougher gun laws .

  20. 看来Gaga在被指控对枪支受害人毫不关心之后,不得不强调她并不纵容暴力。

    It appears Gaga felt compelled to stress that she was not condoning violence after she was previously accused of being insensitive to gun victims .

  21. 尽管人们对福罗里达州的TrayvonMartin枪击案和前国会女议员GabrielleGiffords枪击案极其愤怒,这也没有引发枪支管制的立法。

    So even as outrage is sparked over shootings such as that of Trayvon Martin in Florida and former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona , there is little appetite for gun-control legislation .

  22. 尽管他们在枪支问题上持相反立场,但这两家游说机构却有一个共同点:两家机构都是英国营销集团wpp旗下的公司。

    Although they are on opposite sides in the gun issue , the lobbying outfits do have one thing in common : both are owned by WPP , the UK marketing group .

  23. 奥罗拉(Aurora)枪击案发生以后,大部分欧洲人的本能反应是震惊和迷惑:即使是这起最新的可怕事件,也未能说服美国公众和政客相信枪支管制的必要性。

    In the wake of the Aurora shootings , the instinctive reaction of most Europeans is shock and bewilderment that even this latest horror does not persuade the American public and politicians of the need for gun control .

  24. 他强调,大城市和农村地区可以有不同的枪支法案,认为“在芝加哥适用的不一定在夏延【Cheyenne,美国怀俄明州的首府】适用”。

    He stresses that big cities and rural areas can have different gun laws , saying that " what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne " .

  25. 在“市长反对非法枪支”和全国步枪协会的案例中,即便双方都依赖于wpp旗下的公司,但他们都表示自己并不担心利益冲突的可能性。

    In the case of mayors against illegal guns and the NRA , each says it is not concerned about the potential for conflict even though each relies on companies that are owned by WPP .

  26. 云南兰坪地区带绦虫mtCOXⅠ片段测定分析任何单位或者个人未经许可,不得私自携带枪支入境、境。

    Determination of mtCOX ⅰ fragments from tapeworms in Lanping County , Yunnan Province Without permission , no unit or individual shall enter or leave the country with guns .

  27. 他们真的从英格兰运输枪支?

    Ls it true they 're bringing in weapons from england ?

  28. 她还在假释期内,是不允许拥有枪支的。

    Parole in those cases forbids you to own a gun .

  29. 当地警察下令所有的枪支都必须登记。

    Local police have ordered that all guns should be registered .

  30. 政府应该禁止人们非法拥有枪支。

    People should be banned to possess illegal guns by government .