- 名Rocket plane;rocket airplane;rocket aircraft;rocket-propelled plane

The rocket plane may fulfil some of its goals before it even gets off the ground , by whipping up interest in commercial space flight .
HISTORY Airborne launches date back decades , most famously to the X-15 program of the 1950s and ' 60s , when manned rocket planes were carried aloft under the wing of a B-52 bomber and released on hypersonic research flights .
Below are a few options for the discerning space traveler : XCOR Aerospace - At $ 95000 per person , the Lynx rocket plane - which can hold a pilot plus one passenger - will take tourists to suborbital space and will make four trips per day . Test flights began in 2014 .
The first of a batch of two hundred and fifty embryonic rocket-plane engineers was just passing the eleven hundred metre mark on Rack 3 .
The firm is offering the space marriages in a tie-up with US-based Rocket Plane , which will conduct the flights from a private airport in Oklahoma .
and the deeper drone of the rocket-planes hastening , invisible , through the bright sky five or six miles overhead was like a caress on the soft air .
At the Voyager Restaurant , diners may order a " SpaceShipOne "( ham and eggs ), or a " White Knight "( bacon and eggs ), a dish named after the rocket 's carrier craft .
Waves of rocket-carrying aircraft pounded at the enemy columns .
It 's a field with boundary varying from indefinite to definite .
In order to deal with the attack of the low altitude missile , rocket and airplane , automation artillery that can response rapidly is needed .
Though designed during the1950s , this rocket-powered research airplane set speed and altitude marks that were not sur passed until the advent of the shuttle .
The possibility of using TVC rocket-propelled installation as the propulsion power of ejection seat
Application of c / c composite materials for rocket engine and airplane
Test Research of longitudinal derivatives using free flight model of an aircraft launched by ground rocket
A german designer developed the idea for a rocket-propelled aerospace plane in the early 1940s .
Made the first orbital rocket-powered flight by a US astronaut in 1962 ; later in US Senate .
From the start , rocket-powered X-Planes typically hitched a ride to get into the air .
I 'm sure we would take rockets instead of planes .
He was assigned to bone up on rockets and jets
Investigation on opening and throwing of aeroplane canopy by using solid rocket engine
One other obvious possibility is to build a much smaller rocket and carry it into the upper atmosphere using an aeroplane .
Past experiments have confirmed Albert Einstein 's theory of relativity by comparing atomic clocks on the Earth 's surface with ones placed in high-altitude jets and rockets .
Starting with the invention of the bicycle , going on to sports cars , cars with jet engines , rocket-powered cars , attempts to break the sound barrier , and rocket-engine airplanes .