
zá zì
  • Miscellaneous words;rhymed phrases of individual characters for easy memory
杂字 [zá zì]
  • [collection of words] 把各种常用字缀集成韵,以便于记诵的字册

  • 六言杂字

  1. 西夏文《杂字》研究

    Studies on the Dictionary " Za Zi " in the Tangut Language

  2. 陕甘宁边区的民间启蒙和政治动员&由《日用杂字》说开去

    Popular Enlightenment and Political Mobilization in Shan-gan-ning District

  3. 民间识字课本中的教化意蕴&杂字与社会教化

    The Civilization Implication in Middle of Folk Literacy Textbooks Rhyming Verses and Social Cultivation

  4. 此种杂字书实可与《万宝全书》类的民间日用类书接轨;

    The sort of Tsa Tzu books could be connected to general people 's daily life .

  5. 杂字是中国传统社会中流行于民间的一类识字教材,是和三、百、千并行的另一路识字课本。

    Rhyming verses is one of literacy textbooks which is popular in folk among traditional social of China .

  6. 真正与前者回异的杂字书以《万宝元龙杂字》为代表;

    Wan Pao Yuan Lung Tsa Tzu is the representative of Tsa Tzu books ; which differs than the previous types .

  7. 此种杂字书内容已有分类,故各类字词数量明显增加,唯仍以韵语及连属成文方式呈现。

    Hence , the glossary of wordings are significantly increasing , though are still presented by means of rhyming words and related semantic composition .

  8. 然杂字之中保留俗字、俗读为研究文字的演燮、地方方言提供素材。

    However , among the miscellaneous word reservations folk characters , commonly read to study the evolution of the text , the local dialect material .

  9. 明清时期私塾教育极大发展,杂字也被大量用作补充教材。

    With the development of private schools being on the wing in Ming and Qing Dynasties , tsa-tzu was used a lot as supplementary textbooks .

  10. 因而,挖掘隐藏在杂字读物中的教化意蕴,对于我们今天的农村教育、西部大开发地区的文化建设、道德建设乃至整个社会的精神文明建设都有一定的启迪和借鉴作用。

    Therefore , Tapping the cultivated implication hiding in rhyming verses will afford us some enlightenment and reference for rural education , for civilization construction , moral construct of west developing remote areas and spirit civilization construct of the whole of society at the present time .