
  • 网络complex
  1. 在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。

    The chromite deposits in the muskox complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite .

  2. 岩石学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb同位素的综合研究显示,武平花岗质杂岩体是由形成时代和成因不同的黑云母花岗岩和含石榴子石花岗岩组成。

    Detailed petrologic , geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb isotopic researches indicate that the Wuping granitic complex consist mainly of biotite granite and garnet-bearing granite with different formation age and petrogenesis .

  3. 与中浅成中酸性侵入杂岩体有关的金矿,具有K/U,K/Th参数正异常;

    The gold ore related to intermediate acid intrusive which emplaced in media shallow crust have positive anomaly of K / U and K / Th parameters ;

  4. 阿尔泰造山带南缘镁铁质&超镁铁质杂岩体的Sr、Nd、O同位素地球化学及其源区特征探讨

    Sr , Nd and O Isotope Geochemistry of the Mafic & Ultramafic Complexes in the South Margin of Altay Orogenic Belt and Discussion on Their Sources

  5. 这些侵入杂岩体被认为是新元古代扬子地块西北缘发生长寿命(LongLived;950-730Ma)海底扩张,板块俯冲的残留证据。

    These intrusive complexes are considered to be the residual evidence of the plate subducting because of the Neoproterozoic Long Lived seafloor spreading ( during950Ma to730Ma ) occured in the northwestern margin of the Yangtze block .

  6. 沂南金矿床一个典型的Au、Cu、Fe矽卡岩型矿床,矿体主要产于燕山期中酸性-酸性杂岩体的接触带及其外侧的新元古界-寒武系围岩中。

    The Yinan gold deposit is a typical Au-Cu-Fe skarn deposit . The deposit occurs at the contact zone between the intermediate-acidic complexes of the Yanshanian and their wall rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian .

  7. 通过对杂岩体中辉长岩和二长花岗岩的锆石进行SHRIMP测年,分别获得403.3±7.2Ma和394±13Ma两个极为接近的岩浆锆石年龄以及1116Ma的继承锆石年龄。

    The SHRIMP dating of gabbro and adamellite samples yielded magmatic ages of 403.3 ± 7.2 Ma and 394 ± 13 Ma and inherited zircon age of 1 ? 116 Ma .

  8. 江西武功山变质杂岩体的北西和南东两侧分别分布着两条长约30km的大型韧性剪切带。

    Thre exist two large-scale ductile shear zones which extend about 30 km along the northwest and southeast sides of the metamorphic complex of Wugong Mountain in Jiangxi .

  9. 太行山南段中生代杂岩体的岩石成因:元素和Nd-Sr-Pb同位素地球化学证据

    Petrogenesis of the Mesozoic Intrusive Complexes from the Southern Taihang Orogen , North China Craton : Elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Constraints

  10. 该岩浆混合杂岩体中偏酸性端员肉红色角闪石石英正长岩中颗粒级锆石UPb定年结果表明,其形成时代为445±4Ma,反映为加里东期产物;

    The single zircon U-Pb age of the pinkish-color hornblende quartz syenites from the near-acid magmatic end-member is 445 ± 4Ma , indicating that these rocks are Caledonian .

  11. 赋矿的碱性超基性杂岩体生成于203~248Ma,产状为岩盆,由三期侵入岩和一期脉岩组成,具层状岩系特征和韵律结构。

    The alkali-ultrabasic complex , occurring as a lopolith and aged 203 ~ 248Ma , includes three phases of intrusive rocks and one phase of dike rock , characteristic of bedding and rhythm .

  12. 矾山岩体是一环状碱性超镁铁杂岩体。

    There is a kali-alkaline ultramafic complex in the Fanshan of Hebei .

  13. 塔什库尔干碱性杂岩体形成时代及其地质意义

    Ages of Taxkorgan alkaline intrusive complex and Their Geological Implications

  14. 云南剑川粗面斑岩-正长岩杂岩体的岩石学特征

    The petrographic characteristics of trachyte PORPHYRY-SYENITE complex in Jianchuan county , Yunnan Prov

  15. 且金矿床的形成与偏碱性侵入杂岩体是密切相关的。

    The gold deposits are closely related to the subalkalic intrusive complex body .

  16. 刘家坪杂岩体出露于扬子准地台西北边缘。

    The Liujiaping complex occurs on the northwest margin of the Yangzi paraplatform .

  17. 云南禄丰鸡街碱性超基性岩杂岩体的成因

    On the genesis of alkaline - ultrabasic intrusive complex , lufeng , Yunnan

  18. 山东沂南金矿床含矿杂岩体岩石学与地球化学研究

    Petrography and Geochemistry of Ore-bearing Complex of Yinan Gold Deposit , Shandong Province

  19. 新疆黄山含铜镍矿镁铁-超镁铁杂岩体的岩石学特征及其形成演化规律

    Petrographic characteristics , formation and evolution of Huangshan Cu Ni ore-bearing mafic-ultramafic complex Xinjiang

  20. 泰山太古宙岩浆杂岩体的岩石化学和地球化学特征

    Characteristics of Petrology and Geochemistry of the Archaean Magmatic Complexes in the Mountain Tai

  21. 承德黑山斜长岩杂岩体辉石特征及其形成温度条件

    Characteristics and formation temperature of the pyroxene in the Heishan anorthosite complexes near Chengde

  22. 太行山南段平顺地区杂岩体成因研究

    Study on Genesis of the Intrusive Complex in Pingshun Area , Southern Taihang Mountains

  23. 向杂岩体方向靠近,在东德兰士瓦,曾报导有直闪石。

    Close in towards the complex anthophyllite has been reported from the Eastern Transvaal .

  24. 位于冀西北张家口-宣化地区的转枝莲辉石闪长岩侵入水泉沟正长岩杂岩体中。

    The Zhuanzhilian pyroxene diorite is found in Zhangjiakou-Xuanhua area , northwest of Hebei Province .

  25. 对其中8个侵入杂岩体中的角闪石和黑云母进行了40Ar/39Ar定年研究。

    The 40Ar / 39Ar dating of hornblendes and biotites from eight intrusives is made .

  26. 飞来峰的母体为宝兴杂岩体及其盖层,其成因为重力滑覆,形成时期为喜马拉雅期。

    It formed in Himalayan stage and the cause of its formation is gravity gliding .

  27. 燕辽三叠纪碱性偏碱性杂岩体地球化学特征及意义

    Geochemistry of Triassic alkaline or subalkaline igneous complexes in the yan-liao area and their significance

  28. 巴家滩杂岩体位于庐枞中生代火山构造洼地的中心。

    The Bajiatan complex is located at the center of the Mesozoic Lujiang-Zhongyang volcano-tectonic depression .

  29. 金矿床的形成与碱性杂岩体密切相关。

    The Dongping super large gold deposit has close relation with the Shuiquangou alkalic complex .

  30. 俄罗斯阿尔丹地块南部辉长-斜长岩杂岩体的构造-物质组分特点及其演化

    Structural material peculiarities and evolution of gabbro anorthosite complexes of the Alden massif , south Russia