
jiào yù xué yuàn
  • college of education
  1. 罗富国教育学院〔与另外两所旧教育学院和语文教育学院合并为香港教育学院〕

    Northcote College of Education [ merged with 2 other former colleges of education and the Institute of Language in Education to form the Hong Kong Institute of Education ]

  2. 为了满足马拉维中学教师的最低教学资格要求,杜马西(Domasi)教育学院提供了一种旨在将社区中学中不合格教师的证书资格提升到合格教师资格的文凭水平上的教师远程教育项目。

    Domasi College of Education offers a teacher education distance program aimed at upgrading under-qualified teachers in community day secondary schools ( CDSSs ) from certificate to diploma level in education , which is a minimum requirement for secondary school teaching in Malawi .

  3. 他曾是教育学院的一名教授。

    He used to be one of the professors at the School of Education

  4. 大多数继续教育学院都提供高等程度考试课程。

    Most further-education colleges offer A-level courses .

  5. 许多大学都设有教育学院。

    Many universities have Institutes of education .

  6. 该计划是以苏珊·格雷在范德堡大学皮博迪教育学院提出的概念为基础的。苏珊·格雷是早期儿童教育研究领域的传奇式先锋人物。

    It was based on concepts developed at Vanderbilt University 's Peabody College by Susan Gray , the legendary pioneer in early childhood education research .

  7. 皮博迪教育学院一项针对田纳西州志愿幼儿园前教育项目的新研究报告指出,幼儿园前教育是有用的,但是从中所受的教益无法维持到三年级。

    A new Peabody study of the Tennessee Voluntary Pre-K program reports that pre-K works , but the gains are not sustained through the third grade .

  8. 而工艺教育学院(InstituteofTechnicalEducation,ITE)的发型设计和美容理疗培训中心却与所想大相径庭。

    The hair-design and beauty-therapy training centres at the Institute of Technical Education ( ITE ) are rather different .

  9. Q:我注意到你在纽约大学继续教育学院教授夜班。

    Q : I noticed that you teach a night class at NYU 's School of Continuing Education .

  10. 在加盟杜克企业教育学院之前,她曾是纽约大学(newyorkuniversity)的法学教授,而在此之前她在斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)任法学教授。

    Prior to joining Duke CE she was professor of clinical law at New York University and prior to that Professor of law at Stanford .

  11. 杜克企业教育学院(dukecorporateeducation)、巴黎高等商学院(hecparis)和哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)分列第三名。

    Duke corporate education , HEC Paris and Harvard Business School all retain their positions , ranked first , second and third , respectively .

  12. 舟山教育学院会议中心AV多媒体系统设计

    AV Multimedia System Design of the Conference Center in Zhoushan Education College

  13. PDS是美国大学的教育学院与地方的公立中小学或学区合作成立的一种师资培训学校。

    PDS is a partnership between a teachers college / school of a university and one or several elementary / secondary schools .

  14. 维多利亚·波尔波拉(VictoriaPorpora)是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教育学院(TeachersCollege)的一名研究生,她经常往返于学校与位于纽约州斯卡斯代尔(Scarsdale)的父母家之间,那是她从小长大的地方。

    As a graduate student at Teachers College , Columbia University , Victoria Porpora commuted to school from her parents " home in Scarsdale , N.Y. , where she grew up .

  15. 德博拉Stipek是在加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学教育学院院长。

    Deborah Stipek is dean of the School of Education at Stanford University in California .

  16. 在对相关概念进行有效界定和理论分析框架建构的基础上,从宏观环境、微观环境、SWOT以及现有营销策略等四个维度对四川教育学院成人高等教育进行营销分析。

    On the related concept effective definition and theoretical analysis framework based on the construction , from the macro environment , microcosmic environment , SWOT and current marketing strategy of four dimensions of adult higher education institute in sichuan education marketing analysis .

  17. 本文作者所在单位&张家口教育学院是一所高职高专院校,肩负着培养技术性人才的重担,PhotoShop课程在本校深受大学生的喜爱,不管是计算机专业还是其他专业。

    The author works at Zhangjiakou Educational College , which is a vocational college and trains the technical talented person , in which Photoshop course is favored by students deeply , no matter what specialties .

  18. 随机抽取某特殊教育学院的视力残疾大学生和普通大学生各30名,用卡特尔16种人格因素测验得出了两组被试的16种人格因素得分,并用SPSS进行了数据处理。

    30 visual-impaired and 30 regular college students from a certain College of Special Education were randomly sampled , with sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire ( 16PF ) used , to measure the two groups of students . The data was analyzed by SPSS .

  19. 伦敦布鲁内尔大学(BrunelUniversity)运动与教育学院(SchoolofSportandEducation)科研副主管科斯塔斯•卡拉乔吉斯(CostasKarageorghis)说,健身时音乐的理想节奏是每分钟125到140拍,这时人的动作能较为轻松地跟上节奏。

    Costas Karageorghis , deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at London 's Brunel University , says the ' sweet spot ' for workout music is between 125 and 140 beats per minute when people aren 't trying to time their movements to the music .

  20. 本研究以美雅国际教育学院使用的ESL分班测试(ESLPT)的听力测试为研究对象,从测试题目效应的角度对该测试的听力部分进行效度分析。

    This study was conducted to validate the listening part of ESL Placement test ( ESLPT ), a homemade placement instrument presently used in Meiya College of International Studies .

  21. 信息和虚拟教育学院最终将成为UDOM六大学院之一,它将进一步分为信息学院和虚拟教育学院。

    One of ( eventually ) six colleges within UDOM is the College of Informatics and Virtual Education , which is further divided into the School of Informatics and the School of Virtual Education .

  22. 系统已经用于清华大学继续教育学院和东南大学远程教育学院,开设500多门课程,支持3万人以上用户在线使用,平均单条信息查询时间在10ms以内。

    The system is being used in the School of Continuing Education of Tsinghua University and the Southeast University Distance Education College . The system supports over 500 online curriculums and over 30 000 online learners . The average data query time is less than 10 ms.

  23. 教育学院图书馆文献资源建设新目标及策略

    New Objectives and Strategies for Collection Development in Education College Libraries

  24. 大学教育学院院长的素质要求

    Education Reform and Quality Requirement to the Dean of Education College

  25. 抓机遇、创优势、求发展&关于省级教育学院办学思路的若干思考

    To Grasp the Opportunity , Achieve Advantages and Seek for Development

  26. 教育学院系统网络共享信息资源建设探讨

    Study on Building Shared Information Resource of Network in Education Institutes

  27. 论省级教育学院的人力资源管理

    On human resources management in Institutes of education on provincial level

  28. 加拿大。安大略省。布鲁克大学。教育学院。

    Faculty of Education , Brock University , Ontario , Canada .

  29. 教育学院图书馆的文献资源特色化建设

    Documents and Materials in Library of Educational Institute and Their Features

  30. 华大教育学院的建立有着深刻而广泛的历史背景。

    Max had been found . Its establishment had profound background .