
jiào mínɡ
  • Christian name
教名 [jiào míng]
  • [Christian name] 出生和受洗时取的名字,以区别于姓氏

  1. 我们这里所有的人都用教名相互称呼。

    We 're all on Christian name terms here .

  2. 虽然我一再让他叫我的教名,可他执意称我为“肯尼迪先生”。

    Despite my attempts to get him to call me by my Christian name he insisted on addressing me as ' Mr Kennedy ' .

  3. 他们总是以教名互相称呼。

    They always addressed each other by their Christian name .

  4. 人气最高的名字为剧中女管家休斯太太(MrsHughes)的教名——埃尔希(Elsie)。这一名字在短短五年内迅速从榜单内的几千个名字中脱颖而出。

    And highest of all was Elsie , the Christian name of housekeeper Mrs Hughes , which has rocketed into the thousands in just five years .

  5. 例如,如果某人的教名、姓氏和其他名字被封装到PersonName对象中,则需要修改所有代码以适应更改。

    For instance , if the person 's given , family , and other names were to be encapsulated in a PersonName object , you would need to modify all your code to accommodate the change .

  6. 他们单独在一起时,以教名相称。

    They were on Christian name terms when they were alone .

  7. 给某人起教名;受洗礼时起名。

    To give a first or Christian name to ; christen .

  8. 没人用教名称呼过丹特里,因为没人知道他的教名叫什么。

    Nobody called daintry by his first name because nobody knew it .

  9. 我的教名是伊丽莎白,可朋友们都叫我贝思。

    I was baptized elizabeth , but my friends call me beth .

  10. 我的学生们通常用我的教名称呼我。

    My students usually call me by my Christian name .

  11. 你记不得我们的父亲的教名是什么了吗?

    Can 't you recollect what our father 's Christian name was ?

  12. 他谈起他们时只用教名,语气随便而且很热乎。

    He spoke of them casually and familiarly by their first names .

  13. 在基督教国家中,常以教名为名。

    In Christian countries Christian name is often used for first name .

  14. 直呼别人的教名,对海沃德来说是很自然的事情。

    The use of first names came easily to heyward .

  15. 有些人有两个或三个教名。

    Some people have two or three Christian names .

  16. 他被授教名为托马斯。

    He was baptized by the name of Thomas .

  17. 他的教名是查尔斯,但他的绰号是“查克”。

    His first name is charles , but he 's nicknamed " chuck " .

  18. 随随便便的使用他们的教名;演讲风格自然。

    Using their Christian names in a casual way ; lectured in a familiar style .

  19. 他们很快便以教名相称了。

    They were soon first-naming each other .

  20. 不白瑞摩上校这样的人只会用教名

    No ! With a man like Major Barrymore , only first name terms would do .

  21. 亨利在1820年仅以教名向当地报纸投寄过一首诗。

    Using only his first name , Henry submitted a poem to a local paper in 1820 .

  22. “他知道我父亲的教名叫弗尔南多,姓蒙台哥吗?”

    " Did he know my father 's Christian name was fernand , and his family name mondego ?"

  23. 从此,我就一直对她以教名相称。找搭档,根据对方的衣服,互相称赞。

    From then on I always used her Christian name . Compliment your partner on his or her clothes .

  24. 你的名字鲍勃一定是教名的简称;对吗?

    Your first name , bob , must be the shortened form of a Christian name ; isn 't it ?

  25. 她没有姓,因为她没有家;她没有教名,因为当时教堂已不过问这些事了。

    She had no family name ; she had no family ; no baptismal name ; the Church no longer existed .

  26. 对,第一个是教名,中间的名字一般缩写,最后是姓。

    It seems that American people have three names : the first name , the middle name and the last name .

  27. 我的教名叫菲利普,但是在我小时候,我仅会说匹普。

    My first name was Philip , but when I was a small child I could only manage to say Pip .

  28. 年轻人经常会写他们的名或是教名的首字母,实际上暗示了他们希望独立并作自己的事情。

    Teenagers often doodle just their first name or the initial of their Christian name , indicating a desire to break away from the family and do their own thing .

  29. 他已经知道她的名字,她的教名,至少,那悦耳的名字,那个真正的女性的名字,他也知道了她住在什么地方,他还要知道她是谁。

    He knew her first name , at least , a charming name , a genuine woman 's name ; he knew where she lived ; he wanted to know who she was .

  30. 我很了解,他说出这话并没有什么确定的含义,就和他瞎说个教名一样,只不过以它冒犯他人的尊严,表达某种恶意伤害的意愿。

    He attached no definite meaning to the word that I am aware of , but used it , like his own pretended Christian name , to affront mankind , and convey an idea of something savagely damaging .