
  • 网络educational stage;educational phase;Education Phase
  1. 我国基础教育阶段语文课程的发展趋势研究

    The Development Trend of Chinese Curricular in Our Basic Education Phase

  2. 义务教育阶段的科学课程目标是促进学生的科学素养的提高,培养全面发展的人。

    Compulsory education phase of the science course goal is to improve students ' scientific literacy rise , cultivate all-round development .

  3. 在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

    In Sierra Leone , English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education

  4. 这一建议在网上引发了热议。许进在建议中表示,义务教育阶段,英语等外语课程不再设为与语文和数学同等的主课,增加体育、音乐、艺术等素质教育课程占比。

    In the proposal , Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students ' skills in physical education , music and art .

  5. 2002年1月,美国总统布什签署了《不让一个孩子落伍法》(NoChildLeftBehindAct,简称NCLB),其目的是提高基础教育阶段所有学生的学业成绩。

    In January 2002 , President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind ( NCLB ) Act , the purpose of which is to improve the academic achievements of all the students , especially the disadvantaged ones in elementary education .

  6. 义务教育阶段统计观念的内涵及培养

    Statistics Idea Connotation and Raising It in the Compulsory Education Stage

  7. 语文是基础教育阶段的重要课程,在高职院校语文否还有其生存的空间?

    Chinese is an important course in the basic education stage .

  8. 论义务教育阶段学校侵权行为的法律救济

    Tort behavior at the phase of compulsory education and legal help

  9. 高等教育阶段学龄人口先增加后减少,在2008年达到峰值;

    School age population first increases and then decreases after 2008 ;

  10. 基础教育阶段文学教育的必要性分析

    Analysis of the Necessity of Literature Education in the Basic Education

  11. 大众化教育阶段高校图书馆职能定位的新取向

    New orientation of the functions of university libraries in popular education

  12. 实行义务教育阶段教师绩效工资制度。

    We implemented a performance-based pay system for compulsory education teachers .

  13. 简论基础教育阶段的体育校本课程开发

    On School-based Curriculum Development on the Stage of basic Education Period

  14. 在学士学位教育阶段存在严重的问题。

    There exists serious problem in the education of baccalaureat period .

  15. 关于课程执行的调查&基于义务教育阶段课程改革

    An Investigation on Execution of Curriculum & On Compulsory Education Curriculum Reform

  16. 浅论义务教育阶段儿童的受教育权

    On children 's right of accepting schooling in obligatory education

  17. 大众化教育阶段大学生就业问题的分析与对策

    Analysis & Countermeasure of Students ' Employment at Popular-Education Stage

  18. 基础教育阶段新型双语学校的管理研究

    The Management of New Pattern Bilingual Schools in Fundamental Education

  19. 对所有农村义务教育阶段学生免费提供教科书。

    All rural students receiving compulsory education obtained free textbooks .

  20. 新课程背景下的义务教育阶段中国画课程研究

    In Compulsory Education within the Context of New Curriculum Reforms

  21. 农村基础教育阶段构建和谐教育机制探究

    Construct Harmonious Education Mechanism in the Rank of Elemental Education in Rural Areas

  22. 关于基础教育阶段教育惩戒的实践与思考

    Practice and Thoughts on the Educational Punishment in the Stage of Elementary Education

  23. 重点对基础教育阶段关于数学双语教学的文献进行了整理。

    Focus on basic education literature on bilingual teaching of Mathematics was finishing .

  24. 论义务教育阶段父母及学生教育选择权

    On School Choice of Parents and Students in the Stage of Compulsory Education

  25. 当代印度基础教育阶段科学课程发展研究

    Research on the Development of Science Education at Fundamental Education Period in India

  26. 英语课程是基础教育阶段的主要课程之一。

    English course is one of the main courses in the basic education .

  27. 大众化高等教育阶段大学教育理念与模式的更新

    Updating Principles and Mode of College Education during the Phrase of Mass Higher Education

  28. 简要介绍了《义务教育阶段国家数学课程标准》的特点。

    This paper introduced the characters of country mathematics curriculum standards on compulsory education .

  29. 我国义务教育阶段中的性别不平等问题研究

    A Research on Gender Disparity in Obligation Education in China and Its Main Cause

  30. 中美义务教育阶段数学课程标准的比较研究

    Comparison on the Stage of Compulsory Education between Chinese and American Mathematics Curriculum Standards