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dǐ kàng
  • resist;resistance;withstand;stand;oppose;counteract;stand up to;hold out against;strive against
抵抗 [dǐ kàng]
  • (1) [resist;stand up to;strive against;hold out against;withstsnd]

  • (2) 用力量制止对方的进攻

  • 抵抗侵略

  • (3) 抵御、抗击外来的武装侵略或敌军进攻

  • 在桥上英勇抵抗敌人

抵抗[dǐ kàng]
  1. 迄今为止,一直重点强调的是要抵抗侵略。

    Hitherto , the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression

  2. 他们无精打采的,甚至都没有抵抗。

    They were too spiritless even to resist .

  3. 军队在每一座城镇都遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。

    The army met with fierce opposition in every town .

  4. 珠宝商在试图抵抗强盗时被刺伤了。

    The jeweller was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off .

  5. 保卫者进行了顽强的抵抗。

    The defenders put up a strong resistance .

  6. 对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。

    There is lowered pain tolerance , lowered resistance to infection .

  7. 最后库尔德人没有作任何抵抗就投降了。

    In the end the Kurds surrendered without putting up any resistance

  8. 天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。

    The body may be less resistant if it is cold .

  9. 他们被抵抗组织抓住后又设法逃脱了。

    They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance .

  10. 抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。

    Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease .

  11. 他们希望拖延搁置会瓦解我的抵抗。

    They hoped the waiting and the uncertainty would wear down my resistance

  12. 入侵行动因遭遇到了出乎意料的顽强抵抗而受阻。

    The invasion was held up by unexpectedly stout resistance .

  13. 除了一些零星的抵抗外,部队已控制了城市。

    The army controls the city apart from a few pockets of resistance .

  14. 刺激身体以增强抵抗力。

    The body is stimulated to build up resistance .

  15. 陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。

    The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance

  16. 游击队员正在帕格曼山谷地区坚持抵抗。

    The guerrillas were holding out in the Paghman valley

  17. 他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而悲壮。

    There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions .

  18. 这是一场没有规则的战争,我们必须作好抵抗的准备。

    It is a war with no holds barred and we must prepare to resist

  19. 一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。

    Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared , the government snuffed it out

  20. 军队遭遇了顽强抵抗。

    The troops are encountering stiff resistance

  21. 他们威胁,如果要求得不到满足就要以武力抵抗政府。

    They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met .

  22. 他们手指交叉,向身后吐口水,作为抵抗邪眼的魔法。

    They cross their fingers and spit over their shoulders as charms against the evil eye .

  23. 可惜的是,这些药物毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。

    Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body 's ability to fight off infection

  24. 他们意识到面对力量相差如此悬殊的军队,抵抗无异于自取灭亡。

    They realized it would be suicidal to resist in the face of overwhelming military superiority .

  25. 他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。

    They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover .

  26. 绝望之际,他们放弃抵抗投降了。

    In desperation , they gave up resistance and surrendered .

  27. 含有酒精的饮料会减弱对疾病的抵抗力。

    Alcohol lessens resistance to diseases .

  28. 他们不作抵抗就屈服了。

    They yielded without resistance .

  29. 新陈代谢是宇宙间普遍的永远不可抵抗的规律。

    The supersession of the old by the new is a general , eternal and inviolable law of the universe .

  30. 大凡坚持锻炼的人,抵抗力都较强。

    Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to diseases .