
  • 网络Mortgage Registration;registration of mortgage
  1. 论抵押登记效力及其制度的完善

    On the Validity of Mortgage Registration and the Perfection of Its System

  2. 抵押登记行为法律问题研究

    Studies on Legal Problems of Mortgage Registration

  3. 论不动产抵押登记与公信力

    On the Real Estate Mortgage 's Register and Public Trust Dint

  4. 房地产抵押登记的种类。

    Second , the types of register of real estate mortgage .

  5. 办理房地产抵押登记需提供哪些资料?

    Is conduction estate guaranty registered need what to data provide ?

  6. 《物权法》应确立公证机关为我国统一的动产抵押登记机关

    Material Law Should Establish Notary Organ as the Unified Register Authority for Chattels Mortgage

  7. 我国房地产抵押登记现状之分析。

    Third , the operation of register of real estate mortgage in our country .

  8. 抵押登记行为效力的立法体例选择与物权变动的立法模式密切相关。

    Legislature system is closely connected with legislature model of the alteration of right in rem.

  9. 由于是法律规定的混乱导致实务操作规范性的欠缺,因此,本文首先提出,我国应当制定一个适用于全国范围的统一的动产抵押登记立法。

    First Our country should develop a unified nationwide registration legislation applied to the chattel mortgage .

  10. 第三部分分析了动产抵押登记制度的责任保障机制。

    The third section analyzes the ensuring mechanism of liability of the registration system of chattel mortgage .

  11. 抵押登记的实质

    Essence of Mortgage Registration

  12. 企业动产抵押登记的目的的防止重复抵押,保障抵押权的实现。

    Of the purpose that enterprise movables guaranty registers prevent to repeat pledge , ensure the implementation of hypothec .

  13. 行政方面包括,建立统一的现代登记系统、降低抵押登记成本及完善租赁登记制度。

    The administration includes the establishment of a unified registration system , reduce the costs of mortgage record and complete lease registration .

  14. 第二部分从法理学和经济学的角度对动产抵押登记制度的效力进行了详尽的分析。

    The second section explores the validity of registration system of chattel mortgage in detail from the kens of jurisprudence and economics .

  15. 动产抵押登记可由抵押合同双方当事人共同向动产抵押登记机关办理,也可以委托代理人向动产抵押登记机关办理。

    The chattel mortgage registration may be handled at the chattel mortgage registration authority by both parties to the mortgage or their agents .

  16. 抵押登记费按抵押价值的万分之一交纳,但每项最低不少于一百元。

    Mortgage the cost that register presses guaranty value extremely one of handing in , but every lowest not less than 100 yuan .

  17. 文章主要论述了以下几方面的问题:一、房地产抵押登记基本概述。

    It mainly deals with these issues as follows . First , the conception and legal value of register of real estate mortgage .

  18. 对不符合抵押登记条件的,书面通知申请人不予登记,并将申请材料退回申请人。

    Register a condition to according with guaranty , written announcement applicant does not grant to register , and applicant of application material go back .

  19. 第四部分剖析了我国动产抵押登记制度立法中存在的缺陷与不足,并提出相应的改进措施。

    The fourth section points out the legislative flaws of the registration system of chattel mortgage in our country and puts forward some corresponding promoting suggestions .

  20. 答:房地产登记种类分为初始登记、转移登记、抵押登记、变更登记和其它登记。

    Answer : estate registers phyletic cent to be initiative register , move is registered , guaranty is registered , change is registered and other is registered .

  21. 但由于动产抵押登记缺乏表现于外部的表面特征,动产抵押制度便与相关法律制度产生了激烈冲突。

    However , due to the lack of superficial features of the registration of chattel mortgage , the chattel mortgage system has some serious conflict with relevant laws .

  22. 第二,有些种类的动产抵押登记并无法律明文规定,使借款人实际上无法利用这类资产作为担保物以取得贷款,造成担保物价值闲置。第三,登记成本高。

    Third , some kind of chattel mortgage registration has no legal expressly provides that the borrower virtually impossible to use these assets as collateral to obtain loans .

  23. 最后,从以上分析中,寻求解决现行动产抵押登记制度问题的途径,对构建我国动产抵押登记制度提出具体的想法和建议。

    The fifth part , from the above analysis , search for solutions to the current issue of chattel mortgage registration system , put forward specific ideas and recommendations .

  24. 第三,在比较分析三种基本的抵押登记制度和登记效力的基础上,提出了完善房地产抵押登记制度应注意解决的问题。

    The third , advances the issues which should be paid attention to solve on the basis of analysing three types of basic mortgage registration systems and registration force .

  25. 本文分析了我国动产抵押登记制度存在的种种问题,指出未确立统一的动产抵押登记机关是问题的症结所在。

    This paper analyzes various problems of the system of chattels mortgage in our country , and points out the reason is that a unified register authority isn 't established .

  26. 动产抵押登记制度是物权公示原则在动产抵押制度中的体现,是整个动产抵押制度的核心,是动产抵押制度能否发挥其融资作用的关键之所在。

    Chattel mortgage registration system is the principle of property in the chattel mortgage system of publicity in the embodiment of the core of the whole system of chattel mortgage .

  27. 动产抵押登记制度是解决动产抵押公示方式的最佳选择,也是民法中的一个重大理论和实践问题。

    The resignation system of chattel mortgage is the best choice of the announcement way of chattel mortgage , which is of great theory and practice problem in the civil law too .

  28. 登记部门先按转让办理,待新的受让人的《房地产证》打印后,同时办理抵押登记。

    The branch that register is pressed first make over deal with , wait for new alienee " estate card " after printing , at the same time conduction guaranty is registered .

  29. 根据《物权法》(草案)第十条、第二十六条,建立统一的动产抵押登记制度、确立统一的动产抵押登记机关势在必行。

    According to the tenth and the twenty-sixth item of Material Law ( draft ), it is very necessary to establish a unified register system of chattels mortgage and a unified register authority for the chattels mortgage .

  30. 在动产抵押登记程序上,我国登记机关采取的实质审查程序比较繁琐,要求过于严格,加重了登记机关的负担,而采纳形式审查主义较为便捷和经济。

    In the chattel mortgage registration procedures , the essence of Chinese registration authority to review procedure is trival , strict requirements , the burden of aggravating the registration authority , and adopt more convenient and form of socialist economic review .