
  • 网络Boycott Japanese goods;boycott of japanese goods
  1. 抵制日货,投资建设祖国;

    Boycott Japanese goods and make investments for the building of homeland ;

  2. 首先,所有全世界的中国人一致抵制日货!

    Firsly , all the Chinese in the world boycott Japanese goods !

  3. 有些人决定抵制日货。

    Some of the people determined to boycott the Japanese goods .

  4. 1931至1933年抵制日货运动研究

    Study on the Boycott of the Japanese Goods from 1931 to 1933

  5. 五四时期山东抵制日货运动述论

    On Shandong 's Boycott Movement Against Japanese Goods During the May 4th Period

  6. 一些网民周一进一步呼吁抵制日货。

    Some online users stepped-up calls for a boycott of Japanese products on Monday .

  7. 抗战时期华侨抵制日货运动及其贡献

    Movement of boycotting Japan by overseas Chinese during the Anti-Japanese War and its contributions

  8. 从那时开始,反日抗议就总是伴随抵制日货的活动。

    From then , anti-Japanese protests are also accompanied with the boycotts of Japanese goods .

  9. 日寇侵华后青年学生掀起抵制日货风潮。

    Japanese invasions after wave of young students set off a boycott of Japanese goods .

  10. 在关于抵制日货的描述性研究中,本文收集了日本品牌在抵制活动时期的实际销售数据。

    It collected the sale data of Japanese brands in the descriptive research on anti-Japan campaign .

  11. 支持中国,抵制日货,即使没有回来,这是你的责任!

    Support for China , boycott Japanese goods , even if no return , this is your duty !

  12. 中国官员说:那就全民一心,抵制日货吧!

    ' In that case , let 's unite the people and boycott Japanese goods ! ' he says .

  13. 美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。

    A Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in chinatown , San francisco , to boycott Japanese commodities .

  14. 日本贸易振兴机构称,日系汽车的销售一度受到抵制日货情绪的严重打击,现在也开始回暖。

    Sales of Japanese cars , which were hit hard by the anti-Japanese sentiment , are among those recovering , Jetro says .

  15. 2012年,中日长期存在的领土争端爆发,导致中国消费者在国内抵制日货,此后两国贸易关系受损。

    Trade ties have suffered since 2012 when a long-running territorial dispute flared up , sparking consumer boycotts of Japanese goods in China .

  16. 抵制日货是一种民族气节,是一种民族意识的呼唤,是一种经济制衡的手段。

    To resist Japanese products is a display of our national integrity , an awakening for nation awareness and a way of economic balance .

  17. 由于日本帝国主义侵略中国的程度最为严重,因此,发生抵制日货斗争的次数最多、程度也最为激烈。

    Because the intensity that Japan invaded China was the most serious , the resisting struggle against Japanese goods was the most frequent and fiercest .

  18. 五四时期的抵制日货运动是伴随着五四爱国运动的爆发而迅速展开的。

    The boycott against Japanese goods during the May 4th period followed the May 4th Movement and then spread to all over the whole country rapidly .

  19. 今天在小区的论坛上看到了一篇关于日本人的文章,声言抵制日货,并且作者说每天都睡不好觉。

    Today sees at the plot discussion forum one about Japanese 's article , declared resisted the Japanese goods , and the author said every day all rested not well sense .

  20. 周四,官方报纸《环球时报》加入论战,发表社论,斥责中国购物者让抵制日货的草根行动显得有些讽刺。

    On Thursday , the state-owned Global Times newspaper jumped into the fray with an editorial lashing out at Chinese shoppers for making a mockery of grass-roots efforts to boycott Japanese goods .

  21. 现在是全球经济,和抗战时期的抵制日货不一样,中国和法国互相都有投资。

    " It is the global economy now , different from resistance Japanese goods of period of war of resistance , there is investment each other in China and France . " Old Mr.

  22. 科罗拉多大学的彼得。葛瑞斯称,参加去年抵制日货运动的多是“有教养的城市中上阶层年轻人”而非经济改革中的那些失败者。

    Peter Gries of the University of Colorado says that many of those who took part in last year 's protests were " savvy urban yuppies " rather than the losers from economic reform .

  23. 代价更加高昂的是,中国人呼吁抵制日货,这沉重地打击了日本的汽车和消费品生产商,也打击了为这些制造商提供刹车板和发动机润滑剂等各种产品的日本供应商。

    Far more costly is the impact of calls for a boycott of Japanese goods , which has dealt a blow to producers of cars and consumer goods – and to their Japanese suppliers of everything from brake pads to engine lubricant .

  24. 尽管岛屿争端引发的抵制日货行为,打击了日本制造商所产大件商品(从汽车到电视)的在华销售,但中国消费者看上去对日本空气净化器的质量保有信心。

    While a boycott of Japanese products due to a dispute over a chain of islands hurt sales of large ticket items made by Japanese manufacturers , from cars to TVs , Chinese consumers apparently retained their faith in the quality of Japanese air purifiers .

  25. 这些东西好像日货,因为只有我们的敌人愿意我们保存这些坏东西,使我们继续受蒙蔽,所以我们应该提倡抵制,就像抵制日货一样。

    Such evils are like Japanese goods , for only our enemy wishes us to preserve them and continue to befuddle ourselves with them ; so we should advocate a boycott against them , just as we boycott Japanese goods .