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yào hài
  • Crucial;vital part;crucial point;vulnerability;crux;bull's-eye;strategic point;crucial key point
要害 [yào hài]
  • (1) [crux;crucial key point]∶身体上致命的部分

  • 要害部位

  • 击中要害

  • (2) [strategic point]∶重要地点或部门

  • 要害之地

  • 守要害之处。--汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

要害[yào hài]
  1. 围绕权力运行来进行监督,才是抓住了监督的要害。

    It is the vital part that democratic supervising inside the Party around the power .

  2. 此ATR既可以探测、识别、跟踪目标,还能够在弹道终端识别目标的易损(要害)部位,提取飞行剩余时间,自适应控制炸点。

    The ATR not only can detect , recognize and track targets , but also can recognize the vulnerable position ( vital part ), extract remaining flight time and adaptively control explosion point .

  3. 批评击中了要害。

    The criticism found its mark .

  4. 我想那才是问题的要害。

    That , I think , is the nub of the problem

  5. 布莱克先生直攻要害,问起了性方面的隐私问题。

    Mr Black went for the jugular , asking intimate sexual questions .

  6. 以色列官员说这一信息切中了要害。

    Israeli officials say that message struck home .

  7. 真正的要害问题根本没有被提及。

    The real issue was never addressed .

  8. 他的批评击中了要害。

    His criticism hit home .

  9. 他单刀直入,一下子指出了问题的要害。

    He didn 't beat about the bush , but came straight to the heart of the problem .

  10. 他一拳击中了对手的要害,把他击倒在地。

    He racked up his opponent with a well-placed blow .

  11. 大家都感觉到发言人的话击中了要害。

    Everyone felt that the speaker 's remarks hit close to home .

  12. 你批评得对,击中了我的要害。

    You 're right in your criticism . you 've pinpointed my main weakness .

  13. 他的提问切中了这个问题的要害。

    His question struck home to the problem .

  14. 他们抓不住问题的要害,自然也就找不出解决矛盾的办法。

    They are unable to get to the heart of a problem and naturally cannot find a way to resolve its contradictions .

  15. 问题的要害是人们的态度转变了。

    The crux of the matter is that attitudes have changed .

  16. 他老是觉得有人要害他。

    He is possessed with the idea that someone is persecuting him .

  17. 他总是直奔要害而去。

    He always goes for the jugular .

  18. 若有人想要害他们,就有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌。

    If anyone tries to harm them , fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies .

  19. 李帝勋希望这部剧拥有更多的受众,其中一大原因就是,他觉得这部剧每一集都切中当今社会要害,10集故事,为我们呈现了如今许许多多的人,他们过着孤独的生活,最终孤独地走向死亡。

    One reason why he wishes Move To Heaven has a larger audience is because he feels the series tells poignant7 stories within its 10 episodes that are relatable to today ’ s society , where many people lead solitary8 lives and ultimately go through lonely deaths .

  20. 该技术对在要害系统IC的使用者会有很大的帮助。

    These technologies are helpful for users in IC critical application .

  21. 介绍了IC在要害系统的应用现状。

    The present situation of IC used in critical application is introduced .

  22. 概述了中国PCB工业从做大到做强的要害是建立完整的PCB工业体系。

    This paper describes the key that Chinese PCB industry from bigger to stronger is setting up a complete PCB industrial system .

  23. 基因检测的要害是对DNA(或者RNA),染色体,基因,酶或其他蛋白质进行分析以检测是否有与健康或疾病有关的突变。

    The genetic tests that were the focus of their work analyze DNA ( or its chemical cousin , RNA ), chromosomes , genes , enzymes or other proteins to detect mutations related to disease or health .

  24. 本文通过阐述ABC分类控制管理法在公交公司的应用来启发大家在处理各项事务时,一定要抓住要害,提纲挈领。

    Through the application of ABC classification management in urban public transport company , this paper attempts to show the way of concentrating on the main points in handling general affairs .

  25. 美国国会预算办公室(cbo)对瑞恩计划的分析切中了要害(见图表)。

    An analysis of the Ryan plan by the Congressional Budget Office makes the point ( see charts ) .

  26. Koch早就认识到发展简单的细菌纯培养技术是这门新科学成长的要害。

    Koch realized very early that the development of simple methods for obtaining pure cultures of bacteria was a vital requirement for the growth of the new science .

  27. 个中的要害是极低频(ELF)和甚高频(VHF)频次切实能够从地球的电离层被发射到世界范围的各个“空中波应急收集”(GWEN)塔的HAARP项目。

    A key to this is the HAARPproject where ELF and VHF frequencies can indeed be beamed off ofthe Earth 's ionosphere to various GWEN towers world-wide .

  28. 抗干涉齿轮集(CMG)机构是一种主要用于要害系统的密码编码与鉴别机构,齿牙编码是其设计的核心。

    Counter-meshing gears ( CMG ) mechanism is a discrimination mechanism mainly used in high consequence systems , and discrimination-teeth coding is its kernel design issue .

  29. 假如核心要害词选择得当,在SEO的过程中可以事半功倍,并且可以提高网站流量和业务成交率。

    If core keyword choice is proper , OK in the process of SEO get twice the result with half the effort , and can increase website discharge and business clinch a deal rate .

  30. 而在巨魔的许多传说中,被LOA祝福的巨魔具有非凡的再生能力,比如断肢或要害器官再生。

    Tales abound in troll culture , however , of those blessed by the loa with extraordinary regenerative abilities , such as the ability to regrow limbs and even vital organs lost in battle .