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jiǎn pǔ
  • Simplicity;plain;sparing;be simple and unadorned;simple and unadorned;underdress
简朴 [jiǎn piáo]
  • [sparing;underfress;be simple and unadorned] 朴素简单

  • 朱德衣着很简朴

简朴[jiǎn pǔ]
  1. 她的生活是很简朴的。

    Her life is very simple and unadorned .

  2. 这是一幢简朴的灰石房子,主要以其天然简约的风格显得与众不同。

    It was a plain , grey stone house , distinguished mainly by its largely unspoilt simplicity .

  3. 现代家具有点过于简朴,我不大喜欢。

    Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste .

  4. 精致的门面同室内的简朴形成强烈反差。

    The elaborate facade contrasts strongly with the severity of the interior .

  5. 我为什么不能过一种简朴的生活?

    Why can 't I have an uncomplicated life ?

  6. 那景色有一种简朴、超凡的美。

    The landscape had a stark , unworldly beauty .

  7. 他们在简朴的生活中得到满足。

    They found contentment in living a simple life .

  8. 住处简朴但宽敞。

    The accommodation is simple but spacious .

  9. 他是个十分崇尚简朴的人。

    He 's a real meat-and-potatoes guy .

  10. 室内粗陋简朴。

    The interior is starkly simple .

  11. 房间陈设简朴。

    The rooms are simply furnished .

  12. 他们生活简朴。

    They live simply .

  13. 房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。

    The room remains simple with bare , stippled green walls .

  14. 房间非常简朴,几乎没有任何家具和装饰。

    The room was austere , nearly barren of furniture or decoration

  15. 他们不使用冰箱和电话,过着简朴的生活。

    Their spartan lifestyle prohibits a fridge or a phone

  16. 作为一个腰缠万贯的人来说,他过着一种非常简朴的生活。

    He lives a very simple life for a man who has become incredibly rich

  17. 教皇约翰·保罗二世身着白色长袍在简朴的圣坛前面跪下来。

    Pope John Paul II knelt in his white robes before the simple altar .

  18. 费莉西蒂的卧室很简朴,但非常实用。

    Felicity 's bedroom was spartan but functional .

  19. 他们衣着简朴,不使用那些现代的发明物。

    They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances

  20. 教堂的布置很简朴。

    The church was austere and simple .

  21. 他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样。

    He set us an example of plain living .

  22. 她的衣着很简朴。

    Her dress is severely plain .

  23. 这优裕的生活不适合我,我宁愿过简朴的生活。

    All this gracious living isn 't for me , I prefer the simple life .

  24. 他的生活方式相当简朴。

    His way of life is rather austere .

  25. 安徒生(1805-1875)生活很简朴,常戴着一顶旧帽子出去。

    Andersen ( 1805-1875 ) live very simply . He often wore an old hat when he went out .

  26. (虽然它在Web浏览其中看起来很简朴,但在手机上的效果却很好)。

    It looks spartan in a Web browser , but it looks great on a mobile phone .

  27. 尽管C先生很富有,他仍然然过著简朴的生活。

    Despite being filthy rich , Mr.C is still leading his life in a frugal way .

  28. 事实是,我们喜欢这种简朴,就像A产生B这样简单的物理反应过程。

    The fact is that we got to like the simplicity of it , how physical action A produced result B.

  29. 在日益成熟的加勒比地区,圣卢西亚的这种简朴一直是该国的主要卖点,也是吸引纳塔利•格林纳维(NatalieGreenaway)等人的一点。

    This simplicity is the island 's chief selling point in an increasingly sophisticated Caribbean and is what draws people such as Natalie Greenaway .

  30. 台湾的兄弟象棒球队相当于纽约的洋基队(Yankees),它的前任一垒手现在不分昼夜,绝大部分时间都是在当地一个球场内一间充满老军舰魅力的简朴房间里度过。

    The former first baseman for the Brother Elephants , Taiwan 's equivalent of the Yankees , now spends most of his days and nights deep in a local stadium , in a spartan room with all the charm of an old warship .