- 网络right of set-off;the right to set-off;setoff

This chapter also discusses the way the third debtor claims for right of set-off and other relevant questions .
At the same time , in accordance with the conditions , the third debtor may claim for right of set-off in respect to the pledged obligatory right , which , of course , should be put into proper limitation for the sake of interest balance .
The right of set - off in bank Discussions on electronic contract
Our country admits such kind of right .
New Argumentation over Setoff Right in Bankruptcy Law
The right of set - off in bank
Contemplation on the offset right in bankruptcy
This part also introduces the debtor 's right of defense and right of offset .
The second part discusses and evaluates the legal right of foreign banks offset legislation .
The Exercise of the Right of Legal Set-off : Study on Article 99 of Contract Law
The right is the way of elimination of right together with pay-off , confusion and drawings .
Legal offset right is one right that one party making a mean express leads to offset .
The system of legal offset right is one of important systems in civil and commercial law .
The insolvency set-off rights are of great significance to maintaining the benefit of creditors , implying the fairness value .
Attentions should be attached to that : the claim with right of defense does not affect the foundation of legal offset right .
Only by improving the system can we guarantee the right of off-set to play its practical significance and help the development of society and economy .
Our new bankruptcy law established offset system with restrictions , the bankruptcy offset right has vital significance in the realization of paying off debt in fairness .
It is not outstanding in the extensive and profound civil law theory and even in contract theory , which is only a small part in civil law system .
Based on the above three chapters , the author tries to take examples from developed countries ' to off-set right system design then to perfect the system in our country .
Firstly , It is necessary to perfect bank of set-off system , and we should take advantage of the principle of balance of interests to improve the bank of set-off system .
On the one hand , The system of bank of set-off is absent in the legislative level , on the other hand , Banks abuse the right of set-off in practice .
Taking into account the principle , we should build the bank of set-off system . Also basing on the principle , we should limit the exercise of the bank of set-off system .
In view of this , this article made the following analysis and discussion in respect of the off-set rights ' system : The first chapter is the general overview of the off-set rule .
The Shareholder 's Loan remains due and outstanding to the Vendor , free from and clear of any right of off-setting , counter-claims , subordination , encumbrance or other restriction of whatever nature .
However , based on different reasons and values , there are lots of discussions and doubts about the necessity of the right of offset in bankruptcy law , its legal status and legal quality .
Concrete system design is : first to build a principle for our bank legal offset right system to follow which is keep balance of the bank , customer and interests of a third person .
These limited regulations ' total target is avoiding that parties abuse the right of bankruptcy offset and inappropriate appliance of offset system , preventing damage to principle of equity and parties ' legal interest .
But set-off in bankruptcy law is different from that in civil law because it involves the interests of many debtors . So it is essential to specially discuss its bases and conditions of implement .
In this thesis I generalize limited conditions of exercise of right of bankruptcy into five aspects , respectively means legal regulation , funding obligations , particular convention , mandatory effect of claims and principle of honest .
If there is initiative claim with the right defense , after one party exercising legal offset right , the other party exercising the right of defense only can hinder the exercise effectiveness of legal offset right .