
  1. Lisa非常非常的支持我们的乐队,我俩万分感谢有这么个机会出现在如此独特和具有文化意义的重要的电影中。

    Lisa is very supportive of the band and we 're grateful for the chance to be in such a unique and culturally important film .

  2. 我们的乐队称得上是国内第一流的。

    Our orchestra deserves ranking with the best in this country .

  3. 除了摧毁我们的乐队,她还做了什么?

    Besides ruining the band , what else has she done ?

  4. 我们的乐队在国内当之无愧属于一流。

    Our band deserves ranking with the best in this country .

  5. 我们的乐队今晚由弗兰克劳伦斯指挥。

    Our orchestra this evening is under the direction of Frank laurence .

  6. 他们也可把我们的乐队骂的狗血淋头但他们没有因为他们都是穿着尖头鞋的垃圾乐队。

    They 've got the right to slag my band off but they don 't because they 're all shit bands who wear pointy shoes .

  7. 我们的乐队第一次巡演时,到过中国南部沿海城市厦门,而在那里,最让我感到自豪的一个时刻并非出现在舞台上。

    When our band did our first tour , we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage .

  8. 我们的乐队没成功,大概是因为我们花太多时间来谈论成名后的生活,而一首歌都没录。

    Our band never had any success , mostly because we were too busy talking about how we would get our revenge on the world after becoming famous , and we forgot to actually record any songs .

  9. 我们的伴舞乐队有两名萨克斯手。

    We 've got two saxophonists in our dance band .

  10. 我曾经问一支为我们开场的乐队,他们愿不愿意到人群中去,传递帽子筹一点额外的钱,我经常这样做。

    I once asked an opening band of mine if they wanted to go out into the crowd and pass the hat to get some extra money , something that I did a lot .

  11. 我将就我们最喜欢的乐队和电影做一些评论。

    I 'll do some reviews about our favourite bands and movies .

  12. 尽管没人要求,我们最喜欢的乐队将进入试验阶段。

    Our favorite bands will enter an experimental phase , even though no one asked them to .

  13. 我的朋友本和我等了一个月终于等到了我们最喜欢的乐队的演唱会。

    My friend Ben and I have been waiting a month to see our favorite band in concert .

  14. 有时,对于我们介绍的很多乐队来说,这是他们的音乐第一次在一些朋克区之外的地方播放。

    Sometime , for many of the bands we played , it was the first time their music was being broadcast outside of some punk's2 dormitory .

  15. 我们演奏我们喜欢的音乐,乐队朝着我们心目中的样子成长。

    We ; re playing music we enjoy and the band is growing into the type of band I had envisioned .

  16. 我想我们花了将近一年的时间请求他回到我们的乐队。

    I think we spent nearly a year bugging him to come back to the band .

  17. 他把我们看做四个有英雄崇拜情结并努力模仿我们喜爱的乐队的孩子。

    He saw us as four hero-worshipping kids trying to replicate our favorite bands .

  18. 我们每个人都有自己的铺位,并且它们是完全相同的,我们是非常紧密的乐队和工作团体,所以不会有任何事情因我而特别。

    We each have our own bunk , and they 're all exactly the same-we 're a pretty tight-knit band and crew , so nothing bigger for me .