
  • 网络who;Who we are;who are we;About Us
  1. 我们是谁?我们在人世间做什么?

    Who are we ? What are we doing here ?

  2. 很多因素造就了我们是谁,但如果研究正确的话,出生顺序可能是最重要的因素之一。

    Many factors make us who we are , but if the research is correct , birth order may be one of the most important factors .

  3. 朋友可以影响我们是谁,帮助我们学习,与我们一起分享喜悦,在我们有困难的时候支持我们,在我们不开心的时候给予我们关怀。

    Friends influence who we are . help us leam , support us in good and bad times , and care for us even when we are not happy .

  4. 自达尔文(darwin)在1859年提出进化论以来,关于什么决定了我们是谁的辩论就没有中断过。

    This debate about what makes us who we are has carried on since Darwin put forward his theory of evolution in 1859 .

  5. 所有这些都让这个世界知道我们是谁。

    All this is how the world knows who we are .

  6. 你骗他,你知道我们是谁。

    You lie to him and you know who we are .

  7. 帮自己一个忙,告诉我们是谁干的。

    So do yourself a favor and tell us who did .

  8. 不要东拉西扯了,告诉我们是谁赢了吧。

    Stop beating about the Bush and tell us who win .

  9. 我们是谁,哦你,我们灵魂的灵魂。

    Who are we , O Thou soul of our souls .

  10. 我们是谁?我们从何而来?

    Who are we ? Where do we come from ?

  11. 第一个问题我们是谁?

    Who are we ? That is the first question .

  12. 我记起了一些从前的事,我知道我们是谁了。

    I remember parts from before . I know who we are .

  13. 跟我们是谁没有任何关系。

    Is gonna have anything to do with who we really are .

  14. 如果真有事情发生,他们知道我们是谁。

    So they know who we are if something happens .

  15. 我们是谁?他们是谁,难道不是我们的兄弟?

    Who are we , who are they , aren 't we brothers ?

  16. 我们是谁?这是首先的问题。

    Who are we ? That is first question .

  17. 我们是谁?我们的特性是什么?

    Who are we ? What is our identity ?

  18. 这并不代表她不知道我们是谁

    That doesn 't mean that she didn 't know who we were .

  19. 那老人没来得及告诉我们是谁向他开的枪就断气了。

    The old fellow croaked before he could tell us who shot him .

  20. 但是,我们是谁?我们是白虎家族。

    But , who are we ? We 're the white tiger family .

  21. 我们是谁?你们是谁?

    Who are we ? Who are you ?

  22. 3.黄鸟:如果你无所不知,为什么不知道我们是谁?

    If you know all , why don 't you know who we are ?

  23. 也许他能告诉我们是谁画的。

    Maybe he can tell us who did .

  24. 一百多年前,没有人知道我们是谁的时候。

    In a hundred years , no one will ever know who we were .

  25. 那你要怎样知道我们是谁呢?

    How do you know which they are ?

  26. 杯子不会告诉我们是谁干的。

    The glasses won 't tell us who .

  27. 我们是谁,在我们文化的多样性中获得力量的人。

    We are a people who gain strength from the diversity in our cultures .

  28. 我们是谁N.A.T.社团

    Who 's we ? The N.A.T. Club ?

  29. 我们是谁很重要吗?

    Does it matter who we are ?

  30. 你以为我们是谁?蓝斯道兹?

    Who-who are we , lance dowds ?