
  • 网络Lucasfilm;Lucas Film;Lucasfilm Ltd
  1. 特效设计师参与迪斯尼以及卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)组织的为伦敦大奥蒙德街儿科医院慈善募捐的《星球大战激发时尚灵感》(StarWars:FashionFindstheForce)活动,设计的慈善T恤在塞尔福里奇百货店(Selfridges)公开销售。

    Designers featured participated in Disney and Lucasfilm 's ' Star Wars : Fashion Finds the Force " event , in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital . Charity sweatshirts are available at Selfridges stores . ' Star Wars : The Force Awakens " is in UK cinemas from December 17

  2. 看看吧,在2012年,迪斯尼总共花了40亿美元收购卢卡斯影业,

    See , in 2012 , Disney purchased LucasFilm for the sum of four billion dollars ,

  3. 在我们得到卢卡斯影业的许可后,我仍然不能真正肯定,三分钟节目也能有效。

    When we got the greenlight from Lucasfilm , I still wasn 't really sure even three-minutes would work .

  4. 乔治·卢卡斯是上几部星球大战的导演兼编剧,最近他将卢卡斯影业公司售卖给了迪斯尼。

    George Lucas , the director and writer of the previous Star Wars episodes , recently sold Lucasfilm to Disney .

  5. 问:《星球大战:克隆战争》的计划是怎么产生的?卢卡斯影业最先接触的是不是卡通电视网还是正相反?

    QUESTION : How was Star Wars : Clone Wars project initiated ? Did Lucasfilm first contact Cartoon Network or vice-versa'episodes !

  6. 谁会料想卢卡斯影业会被卖掉呢?

    Not only will the family-friendly firm control the crown jewel of nerddom & who knew it was even for sale ?

  7. 迪士尼斥资40亿美元,将乔治戠慓斯的卢卡斯影业收入囊中,《星球大战》也随之成为迪士尼的囊中之物。不到三年,迪士尼又宣布新建《星球大战》主题乐园。

    The announcement comes less than three years after George Lucas sold Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise to Disney for $ 4 billion .

  8. 迪斯尼只付了卢卡斯影业公司不到25英磅,宣布首批三部新电影将于2015出品。

    Disney paid just under 2.5 billion pounds for Lucasfilm . It has announced the first of three new films will come out in 2015 .

  9. 卢卡斯影业在这个系列的创作中扮演什么样的角色?这个公司是告诉你该遵循什么样的故事情节,还是交由你们全权处理?

    What is lucasfilm 's involvement with the creation of the series ? Has the company told you what storyline to follow or have they given you a free hand ?

  10. 在《星球大战:原力觉醒》后,迪士尼影业和卢卡斯影业承诺每年冬天推出一部星球大战系列电影,都将围绕原来的主题展开。

    Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm have promised a Star Wars film every winter after the release of Star Wars : The Force Awakens . These movies will be spin-offs to the main films .

  11. 然而这一次,虽然乔治·卢卡斯未来将继续担任“创意顾问”,但对于卢卡斯影业的特许经营权,卢卡斯将不再拥有任何发言权。

    Although George Lucas is going to remain a " creative consultant " going forward and his handpicked successor , Kathleen Kennedy , will be the executive producer of the next Star Wars film , he no longer has any say so over the franchise itself .

  12. 你有没有和卢卡斯或卢卡斯影业的更多合作计划?

    Do you have plans to work on more projects with Lucas or lucasfilm ?

  13. 罗伯特·布莱拉克作为卢卡斯工业光魔影业的视觉特效总监,凭借《星球大战》获得奥斯卡视觉特效奖。

    As the VFX supervisor in Lucas Film 's Industrial Light & Magic , Robert Blalack won the VFX Oscar award by virtue of Star Wars .