
  • 网络I really want to;How I Miss
  1. 豆豆回家已经半个月了,我好想他啊。

    Doudou has been home half a month , how I miss him .

  2. 我好想去一个有意思的地方!

    I want to be where the action is !

  3. 有没有UG的安装程序?我好想要呀,请大家帮帮忙找一找。

    Have UG installation process ? Oh well , I want to help you to help look .

  4. 端午节,我好想请你去体验一下KTV!

    The Dragon Boat Festival , I want to ask you to experience the KTV !

  5. 我好想把他们卖掉做铃当。

    I really want to sell them to make the bells .

  6. 我好想再看到高耸的山脉,甘道夫!

    I want to see mountains again . Mountains , Gandalf !

  7. 我好想放弃,但我以前的努力都将功亏一篑。

    STMs I wish I was jus tking THGs too seriously .

  8. 我好想你哦,你有想我吗

    I missed you so much . Did you miss me ?

  9. 鱼老二:伙计,我好想去啊!

    Small Fish : Man , I really wish I was going !

  10. 好的。我好想喝杯冷饮。

    Yes . I 'm dring for a cold drink .

  11. 我好想来一块美味多汁的牛排啊!

    I really feel like having a big juicy steak !

  12. 我好想你,泰迪。我怀念以前

    I miss you , Teddy . I miss us .

  13. 对不起我好想您

    I 'm so sorry ! I really missed you !

  14. 我好想在那边多待一些时间。

    I wanted to spend even more time there .

  15. 亲爱的!我好想你!

    My love ! I miss you so much !

  16. 亲爱的仙女,我好想要玩具!

    Dear peri , May I have some toys ?

  17. 约翰:那会儿我好想去美国。

    EJ : I wanted to go to America .

  18. 我好想来一杯摩卡拿铁。

    I wanted a soya Mocha latte with foam .

  19. 我好想离开这里到大自然里去呆几天。

    I love to get away and spend a few days with nature .

  20. 我好想你!真的!我无时不刻的在想你!

    I miss you ! Really ! I never stopped thinking about you !

  21. 我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。

    I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation .

  22. 我好想再经历一次那种感觉。

    I just wanted to experience that feeling again .

  23. 我好想回到爸爸妈妈身边呀。

    I really want to be with my parents .

  24. 我好想纽约,带我回家吧

    I miss New York . Take me home .

  25. 而我好想告诉你说我爱你!

    And I want to tell you so much , I love you !

  26. 天我好想�

    Mmm . God , I missed you .

  27. 索妮娅我好想�想念你身上臭烘烘的味道

    Sonya , I miss you , baby !

  28. 现在的我好想好想你哦!你知道的吧?

    Now I want to miss you so much ! Do you know that ?

  29. 我好想好想好想好想买东西!

    I really really really wanna shopping !

  30. 这个冬至,我好想你。

    This winter , I am Xiangnai .