
  1. 现在如果你不给我我所要的智慧,那您压根儿就不是聪明人.而是个骗子,是假聪明。

    If you don 't give me the brains I ask for now , you 're no wise woman , but a cheat and a fraud .

  2. 所以,这些讯息告诉了我我所希望的事情,你终究是在这里。

    And so they told me what I 'd hoped , that you were here after all .

  3. 我尽我所能地照顾他们。

    I take care of them to the best of my abilities

  4. 我希望我所写的内容能对其他和我有同感的人有所裨益。

    I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way .

  5. 我为我所说的话非向你表示歉意不可。

    I felt constrained to apologize to you for what I had said .

  6. 当我喜欢我所做的事情时我感到自己是成功的,不那么在意钱。

    I feel successful when I love what I do , not caring so much about money .

  7. 爱意味着我需要我所爱的人,但并不是缺少他就不行。

    Love means having a want for the person I love without having a need for that person in order to be complete .

  8. 我想我所运用的技能比任何一名我认识的mba实习生都要广博,就连那些最终进入管理咨询公司、科技初创企业和投行的人也不例外。

    I think I have used a broader-based set of skills than any MBA intern I know , including those who ended up in management consulting roles , tech start ups and investment banks .

  9. 你要我做我所做不到的事。

    You 're asking me to do something I cannot do .

  10. 我被我所不知道的吓到了。

    I was so terrified of what I didn 't know .

  11. 请允许我为我所做的事情道歉。

    Please allow me to apologize for what I 've done .

  12. 我信任我所走过的这个国家。

    I believe , in this country as I 've traveled across .

  13. 我对我所做的绝不后悔。

    I have no regret for whatever I have done .

  14. 我把我所取得的成就归功于努力工作和持之以恒。

    I owe my success to hard work and persistence .

  15. 第二天早晨我将我所看到的情景告给了亨利爵士。

    The next morning I told Sir Henry what I had seen .

  16. 把我送往我所属于的地狱。

    And send me to hell where I belong .

  17. 我对我所做的事表示抱歉。

    I 'm sorry for what I 've done .

  18. 我对我所说的话表示真诚的歉意,真的很对不起。

    I 'm genuinely sorry for what I said , I really am .

  19. 我尽我所能拥有你的手,你的一段阴影举措。

    Your section ang shadow move to men . I see your face .

  20. 我尽我所能地解释了我的想法是如何来的。

    I explained the genesis of my idea as well as I could .

  21. 在我完成我所做之事期间设法转移他的注意力。

    Try to distract his attention while I finish what I 'm doing .

  22. 我被我所看到的惊呆了。

    I was surprised at what I found .

  23. 我述说我所行的,你应允了我;求你将你的律例教训我!

    I recounted my ways and you answered me ; teach me your decrees .

  24. 我尽我所能想办法医治他了。

    I did everything possible to help him .

  25. 我知道我所说的都是借口罢了。

    I know all I have are excuses .

  26. 我尽我所能救他,但是他还是。

    I did everything I could to try to help him , and he .

  27. 我赞赏我所处的这个时代在物质界域里的一切变化。

    I appreciate that I live in the era of industry-wide in all material changes .

  28. 我知道我所信的是谁。

    I know whom I have believed .

  29. 相同的情况发生在几乎所有其他我认为我所知道的关于外部世界的各种东西上。

    The same goes for almost everything else I think I know about the external world .

  30. 就让我引用我所喜欢的马丁·路德·金的话作为结束语吧。

    So , let me end with one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King .