- 名international war

Crimean war was an important international war in the 19 th century .
On average the world sees one new international war every two years and a new civil war about every 1.5 years .
The United States accused Iraq of violating international rules of war .
The international rules of war are apt to be waived when the balloon goes up .
International Union of War Orphans
On their definitions , the number of international wars peaked during the1970s and has been falling slowly since .
International wars are one of the important manifestations of international relations , and war and use of force are important regulated objects of international law .
After the Korean war , due to the intervention of the United Station led by the American , it became a partial international war from a civil war .
The ship is unarmed , and painted in white colour , with the red cross symbol clearly visible to enjoy Geneva convention protection under the international laws of war .
The purpose of this article is to bring foward some rational suggestions to the strategy of our national defence by summarizing the new characters of present-day international war and analyzing its influences to international security and our national defence .
If war is taken as the supreme example of a breakdown of law and order , it is significant that in many states civil wars and rebellions have been far more frequent and often more devastating than international wars .
Mr. Musharraf has been Washington 's staunch ally in the U.S. - led international war against terrorism .
The War of the Spanish Succession ( 1701 ~ 1714 ) was an international war caused by Spanish succession .
Regulation of War and Use of Force in International Law
The Historical Change of the Contents of War Crime Based on the International Laws
He is now in The Hague facing war crimes charges for his involvement in Sierra Leone 's civil war .
Accordingly , if the war violates international law - as I have suggested it does - then it also thereby violates U.S. law .
The U.S. is the first country that moved into the mass media era and has involved itself in most of the world 's events or wars ;
But Abu Ghaith has been charged with conspiracy , and conspiracy is not an internationally recognized war crime , has such , it 'd be difficult to try him on that charge alone in Guantanamo because the military commissions try defendants who 've broken the laws of war .
The 1920 Jones Act , intended to protect US ships and shipping from international competition ( or war ) has effectively wiped them off the high seas .
In the 1920s ICC focused on reparations and war debts .
International Society of Penal Military Law and Law of War
However , the war is widely acknowledged as violating the international law for lack of UN authorization .
China and the USA 's participation to the war led the simple domestic unification war into an international regional war .
Surveying this global picture , Israel seems to have decided that it can afford to ignore international condemnation of the Gaza war .
International politics often is manifested in the form of war . Yet , on more occasions , it is manifested as talk and rhetoric .
His work touches on politics , international relations theory and war studies , on media and social theory , aesthetics , urbanism and environmental thinking .
It may establish international tribunals to try persons accused of war crimes , as it has done in the cases of Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia .
This theory interprets and predicts act of war on the basis of a balance between offense and defense which provides us with a new perspective on war .
While the resurgence of Taliban fighters since 2007 has drawn international concern over the direction of the war , within Afghanistan there has been as much attention on the number of civilians killed by foreign troops .