
cè yuán dì
  • source;hotbed;cradle;place of origin
策源地 [cè yuán dì]
  • [cradle;hotbed;source;place of origin] 策划与发源之地

  • 战争的策源地

策源地[cè yuán dì]
  1. 那里是一再发生瘟疫的策源地。

    There is the source of the recurring pestilence .

  2. 大众传媒是文化时尚生产、传播的主要策源地。

    Mass media is the main source of production and dissemination of cultural fashion .

  3. 英国是产业革命的策源地。

    Britain was where the industrial revolution started .

  4. 孟加拉湾地区季风和105°E越赤道气流是南海季风低频变化的重要策源地。

    The important sources of the low frequencies may come from the oscillations of the summer mon - soon over the Bay of Bengal and the cross equatorial flow at 105 ° E.

  5. 伊拉克正成为宗教极端思潮和运动的新策源地。

    Iraq is becoming the new original place of religious extremism and campaign .

  6. 活断层是地震的潜在策源地。

    Active fault is the source of earthquake .

  7. 希腊是西方文明的策源地。

    Greece was the cradle of Western civilization .

  8. 这种合同交易的极端版本适合描述车臣的情况,俄罗斯所有疆土中最大的麻烦策源地。

    An extreme version of this contract applies to Chechnya , the most troublesome of all Russia 's regions .

  9. 策源地的形成及特征是神明信仰区域化研究的关键问题。

    The formation and features of the origination places of local deities belief are key points in concerning studies .

  10. 徐州作为两汉文化的策源地之一,有着悠久的历史文脉与遗存。

    Xuzhou takes one of Han Dynasty culture places of origin , has the glorious historical arrangement with to remain .

  11. 由于日本法西斯分子的存在,远东也形成了第一个战争策源地。

    In the Far East , thanks to the Japanese fascists , there also arose the first seat of war .

  12. 沙岗地是半湿润地区土地风沙化发生的策源地,同时也是可利用的土地资源。

    Sand hill land is a source of blown sand in semi arid area . It is also valuable land resources .

  13. 随着移动互联网的迅猛发展,业界已经有普遍的共识它将是下一波IT浪潮的策源地。

    With the rapid development of Mobile Internet , it is generally considered as the source of next wave of IT Revolution .

  14. 地球深既是资源、能源形成和演化的场所,又是地震灾害的策源地。

    Earth 's interior is a formational and evolutional site of resources and energy sources and a place of origin of earthquake hazards .

  15. 由于不合理开发利用乃至超强度掠夺式开垦,已使其成为水土流失的主要策源地。

    Due to unreasonable utilization and reclamation for long time , slope farmland has been the main source of soil and water losses .

  16. 不久,纳粹德国闪击波兰的火光出现在欧洲的上空,远东和欧洲两个新的战争策源地逐步形成。

    Soon , Poland was attacked by the German Nazi , and the two original areas in Europe and Asia had formed from this on .

  17. 中原地区不仅是早期华夏民族的形成之所,也是中华民族和中华文明的策源地。

    Central Plains region is not only the formation of the early Chinese nation , is also a hotbed of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization .

  18. 如果说南方的文化底蕴终究不及北方的深厚,那么让我们看看总是新诗策源地的北大,这种现象也并不乐观。

    If not all of south north of culture , so let us look at Peking University , the original poetry is the phenomenon is not optimistic .

  19. 福建作为中国历史上民间信仰最为发达的地区之一,为信仰策源地的探讨提供了丰富的研究资源。

    One of the areas with most widespread folk beliefs , Fujian provides rich resources in the probation into of the origination places of local deities belief .

  20. 城市是人类发展和文明进步的产物,是现代文明的策源地,是经济和社会发展的重要载体。

    The city is the results of the human development and civilized progress , the base of the modern , the important carrier of economic and social development .

  21. 学校作为知识的策源地、人才培养的开发地,应该具备一套完善的激励机制以使得学校的管理规范化。

    As the birth land of science , in order to educate more and more talents , schools should have impeccable motivation system to make sure the management of school is normalized .

  22. 城市是现代社会中经济增长的策源地,主要原因在于城市是各种产业的聚集地,代表着先进的生产力。

    City is the source of economic growth in modern society . The main reason is that city is a place where a variety of industries gathered and city represents the advanced productivity .

  23. 美国作为现代公民教育理论研究的策源地,其公民教育不仅对美国本土,而且对世界许多国家的公民教育均产生了广泛而深刻的影响。

    As the origin of theoretical research of modern civic education , American civic education has exercised a wide and deep influence not only at home but in many other countries abroad as well .

  24. 日常生活是各种社会活动与社会制度结构的最深层次连接处,是一切文化现象的共同基础,也是导致总体性革命的策源地。

    And he thought it the most fundamental juncture between various kinds of social activities and the society 's institutional structure , the common basic of all cultural phenomena , and also the origin of total revolution .

  25. 由于当代信息化、全球化和科学技术的原始策源地与优势占有者是西方文化,这就向面向21世纪的中国社会发展与文化发展提出了尖锐的挑战。

    Because contemporary informationization , globalization and science and technology and the advantages of the original leoni is possessed of western culture , The 21st century is the Chinese social development and the cultural development sharpened challenge .

  26. 由于我国环境影响评价制度在建立之初,向作为环境影响评价制度的策源地的美国借鉴、吸收了许多宝贵经验,所以两国环评制度中具有许多共同之处。

    Due to at the beginning of the establishment , the Environmental Impact Assessment System in China absorbed a lot of valuable experience for reference from the United States , so that the two EIA systems have lots in common .

  27. 当扑面而来的经济全球化和区域一体化浪潮滚滚而至时,城市与区域都面临着怎样在更加激烈的竞争中取胜,成为空间上的发展重点和区域增长策源地的问题。

    With the rapid expansion of globalization and regional integration , both cities and regions are facing the challenge and opportunity of making themselves the key development area as well as the source of regional growth in the increasingly keen competition .

  28. 作为现代的高级的企业联合形式,企业集团是先进生产力的代表,是生产集中和资本积累规模的最新表现,是产业技术进步的策源地,是国家经济实力的基础和体现。

    Enterprise group is the representative of advanced productivity as modern high-grade enterprise joint form , the newest performance of production and capital accumulation scale , the source of industrial technical progress , the embodiment and the foundation of national economic strength .

  29. 以上相关点证明审美理论和实践是对意识形态的实践功能进行强化并对其进行再生产的重要领域,同时,意识形态活动又是审美风尚变化的策源地。

    But aesthetic field will change ideology by it own law ,, and revolt ideology in the process of production . All of this demonstrate that aesthetic theory and practice are important fields for enhancing and re-generating the practical function of ideology .

  30. 师范馆是京师大学堂的核心与基础,也是京师大学堂学生高扬爱国精神的策源地。当代大学生社会责任教育的思考

    The Teacher 's Training Faculty is the core and foundation of the Capital University , the predecessor of Beijing University , in which the patriotism of the students in modern China rose . New Thinking on Patriotism Education of College at Present