
suí jìng
  • pacify;appease
绥靖 [suí jìng]
  • [pacify; appease] 保持地方平静;安抚平定;过去反动政府不顾事理道义,使人民屈从于暴力和强权之下以求安定

  • 吾在卅八年,不能绥靖区域,又值中州兵乱,秦陇倒悬,加以寝患弥笃,实思敛迹避贤。--《晋书.张轨传》

绥靖[suí jìng]
  1. 他否认有绥靖政策存在。

    He denied there is a policy of appeasement

  2. 绥靖政策的恶果已经显现出来了。

    Appeasement has come home to roost

  3. 绥靖者是纵恶的喂鳄鱼的人——希望鳄鱼最后一个吃他。

    An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping it will eat him last .

  4. 位于Bajaur的政府部落行政办事处就急不可待宣布胜利,但其实只是对极端份子的绥靖姑息。

    And in the tribal agency of Bajaur , it has declared a " victory " that looks like another accommodation with the extremists .

  5. 从英国的和平主义运动看其绥靖政策

    Exercise . Pacifistic Movement of Britain and its Policy of Appeasement

  6. 苏联对德国实行绥靖政策时两国的政治经济贸易。

    Political and economic bonds when the Appeasement Policy worked .

  7. 简析英国对德绥靖政策的历史渊源

    Probe the Reason of British Appeasement Policy to Nazi Germany

  8. 美国、英国与绥靖1936-1939

    " The United States , Britain and Appeasement 1936-1939 "

  9. 两战期间英国对德绥靖政策原因的新视角

    Reason of British Appeasement Policy toward Germany between the Two World Wars

  10. 绥靖政策为保持和平局面而向潜在的敌人做出让步的政策。

    The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace .

  11. 绥靖政策是特定的政治现象。

    Appeasement policy is political phenomena under specific conditions .

  12. 苏德战争前夕苏联对德国绥靖政策探析

    Dissect the Policies of Soviet Union on Germany before Soviet and Germany War

  13. 苏联绥靖政策的产生、发展和收场

    The Origin , Development and End of the Appeasement Policy of Soviet Unions

  14. 苏联型绥靖政策探析

    An Analysis on the Policy of Appeasement of the Soviet Union 's Type

  15. 然而,没有什么词比绥靖更能体现欧洲当前的普遍心态。

    Yet no word captures the general mood of Europe better than appeasement .

  16. 1938年9月慕尼黑危机期间,美国对纳粹德国奉行绥靖政策。

    During the Munich crisis , U.S.A. pursued the appeasement policy to Nazi Germany .

  17. 绥靖政策是一种古老的外交策略。

    Appeasement is an age-old tactic of diplomacy .

  18. 英国的绥靖政策探析

    An Plain Analysis or British Policy of Appeasement

  19. 美国和韩国的批评人士谴责这种交易是绥靖政策。

    Such deals have been condemned as appeasement by critics in Washington and Seoul .

  20. 试析1934年英国政治绥靖日本政策的提出

    The Formation of Britain 's " Political Appeasement " Policy to Japan in 1934

  21. 他相信绥靖政策是不会奏效的。

    He was convinced appeasement would never work .

  22. 绥靖主义者是在喂鳄鱼&可预计最后鳄鱼也把他给吃了。

    An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile-hoping it will eat him last .

  23. 但他补充到,警察绥靖分队给曾经无序的地区带来了一些秩序。

    But he adds that the UPP have brought some order to once lawless neighborhoods .

  24. 战争初期,美国对日本采取了姑息与纵容的绥靖政策。

    In the early period of the war , America adopted the policy of appeasement .

  25. 慕尼黑会议后绥靖与遏制并存的美国对德政策

    America 's Germany Policy After Munich Conference

  26. 欧洲国家对非理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化。

    The Europeans ' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers .

  27. 这是毫无保护作用的保护主义,是纯粹的绥靖政治:精心设计且犬儒主义。

    This is protectionism without the protection . Pure appeasement Politics : calculated and cynical .

  28. 但是,美国推行的这一政策没有取得效果,随着希特勒1940年4月再次发动侵略,美国绥靖与遏制并存的对德政策宣告失败。

    With Hitler launched war in April 1940 , Americas ~ appeasement and containment policy failed .

  29. 这种绥靖政策的缩影是1938年9月30日的幕尼黑协定。

    The epitome of the policy of appeasement was the Munich agreement of 30 September 1938 .

  30. 第三部分:对苏联的绥靖德国政策进行分析。

    Analyze the Soviet Appeasement Policy .