
  • 网络Business Card;commercial card;VISA BUSINESS
  1. 我可否于网上查阅商务卡账户?

    Can I check my small business card account online ?

  2. 一个惊人的专业商务卡是一种创造约您的企业和公司印象合适的网关。

    A stunning professional business card is a gateway to creating the right kind of impression about your business and company .

  3. 接受商务卡显著加快了这家公司的现金周转速度。

    That sped up the cash conversion cycle dramatically .

  4. 商务卡是另一种基本的营销工具,并为私人执业的人是至关重要的。

    Business cards are another basic marketing tool and an essential for anyone in private practice .

  5. 当时阿曼达和会计匆匆会面商量公司商务卡的使用,该卡随后被冻结。

    She had a crunch meeting with an accountant to discuss use of card and was later suspended .

  6. 企业收到招商银行的商务卡后,需开卡后方能使用,保障卡片在寄送过程中的安全。

    To ensure the card postal safety , the CMB Commercial Cards cannot be used until it has been received and opened by the enterprise .

  7. 商务卡会员可透过美国运通商务卡享用许多相关的权益及精选商务优惠并同时赚取积分奖赏。

    Through the business card , American Express Business cardmembers get convenient access to multiple benefits and valuable savings on key business expenditures and receive attractive rewards for doing business .

  8. 招商银行商务卡提供多种购汇日期供企业自主选择,以尽量减少企业因汇率而引起的外汇兑换损失。

    To minimize the loss suffered by the enterprise in exchange-rate-based conversion between foreign currencies , CMB Commercial Cards provide procurement dates of foreign exchange at independent choices of the enterprise .

  9. 官方声明表示,暂停外国人持APEC商务旅行卡入境。

    An official statement says entry by foreign nationals with APEC Business Travel Cards will be suspended as well .

  10. 外交人员、需扶助人员、持APEC商务旅行卡人员可选择“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续;

    Diplomatic persons , people who need assistance and who hold APEC cards could choose D / P lane for inspection .

  11. 在英国任何一部卡式电话机上,都可以使用国际商务电话卡。

    You can use your Business Telecard International at any card phone in the UK .

  12. 亚太经济合作组织商务旅游卡计划

    APEC Business Travel Card Scheme

  13. 我们承诺继续扩大亚太经合组织商务旅行卡持有者数量,提高旅行卡效用和效率。

    We commit to continue expanding the number of holders of the APEC Business Travel Card ( ABTC ) and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ABTC scheme .

  14. 面向社区型电子商务的智能卡应用系统设计与研究

    Research and Design on Intelligent Card Application System for Community-oriented e-Business

  15. 伴随着电子银行、电子商务和智能卡的发展,人们对存放在各种数据库中的信息安全性的要求越来越高。

    With the advent of electronic banking , e-commerce and smart cards , people pay more attention to the privacy and security of information stored in various databases .

  16. 移动电子商务在手机SIM卡中的应用

    Mobile E - Commerce Applications of SIM Card On Cellular Phone

  17. 主要研究电子商务系统中信用卡服务器模块的设计与开发。

    The focus is the design and development of credit card server in electronic commerce system .

  18. 亚太经合组织则向商务人士发放旅行卡,这样他们就不用在机场排队。

    APEC has produced a useful travel card that helps business people avoid queues at airports .

  19. 在基于公钥密码体制电子商务中,加密卡是网络认证和通讯加密的硬件设备。

    Encryption cards are a hardware device of the public-key infrastructure on which E_Commerece is based .

  20. 随着电子银行、电子商务和各种智能卡的出现和普及,如何准确而可靠地进行个人身份的自动鉴别成为近来研究的一个热点问题,具有十分广泛的应用前景。

    With the advent of electronic banking , e-commerce and smart cards , accurate automatic personal identification becomes an active research topic recently , which possesses with a wide range of potential applications .