
  1. 一方面移动通信服务商在城镇和一、二线城市面临着越来越激烈的竞争,另一方面各主要运营商都在加强新的销售市场的开拓。

    On the one hand , mobile communications service providers in cities and towns and a second-tier cities are faced with increasingly intense competition , on the other hand , all the major operators in the strengthening of new sales markets .

  2. 现在,如果你使用贝宝在诸如像社交游戏商流行的农庄城镇一种网上游戏中购买商品,你仍然被提示要中途离开游戏去进行实际的付款。

    Right now , if you use PayPal to buy items in an online game such as Zynga 's popular FarmVille , you 're still prompted to leave the game mid-session to make the actual payment .