
  • 网络Dedicated card;private label card;B-CAS Card
  1. 这类设备的实现中,PC与专用卡等外部设备的数据通信、信息交互技术是技术研究与应用的热点。

    The data communication and information exchange is the hotspot of research and application .

  2. 规范麻醉药品专用卡管理探讨

    Standardize the management of the special-purpose card of narcotics

  3. 癌症患者使用麻醉药品专用卡150例统计分析

    The Analysis and Statistics of " Narcotic Drug Purchasing Card " Application in 150 Cancer Sufferers

  4. 专用卡是具有专门用途、在特定区域使用的借记卡,具有转账计算、存取现金功能。

    Special card is to have special use , borrow in what location uses write down card , have turn Zhang computation , access cash function .

  5. 方法通过门诊住院注射用双黄连临床使用专用卡记录,并建立随访追踪不良反应档案,进行总结分析。

    Methods To set up records of the clinical use of compound coptis injection of outpatient and inpatient department by special registration cards , then generalize and analyze the adverse reactions by th follow-up files .

  6. 具体阐述了PCI接口激光专用控制卡完成的功能、硬件的实现方法、驱动程序的设计和激光控制软件的开发方法;

    The functions of the laser control system , the technology of the hardware designing , the method of driver and control software developing are also expounded .

  7. 传统的数字图像监控系统大多是基于PC平台,采用的是专用采集卡和存储设备,导致整机的价格昂贵,体积庞大,特定领域的应用受到局限。

    Traditional digital image monitoring system usually is based on the PC platform , it uses a dedicated capture card and storage , resulting in the whole machine is expensive , bulky , specific areas of application are limited .

  8. 采用二相双列线阵CCD器件,配以CCD专用采集卡,对He-Ne激光经双缝所生成的夫琅和费衍射图样进行了实时采集与测量。

    Using a two phase double rows linear array CCD apparatus , along with a special collecting card , Frauhofer diffraction patterns formed by He Ne laser through double seams were collected and measured .

  9. 由工控微机自动控制,由一块两轴PCI专用控制卡MPC02控制两台步进电机;

    It is automatically controlled by an industrial micro-computer , with two sets of step motor controlled by a PCI special control MPC02 card with dual shafts ;

  10. 变频器及专用泵卡在恒压供水系统的应用

    Application of Frequency Converter and Special Pump Card in Constant Pressure Water Supply System

  11. 全液压凿岩台车专用防卡杆阀的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Special Valve for Preventing Rod from Jamming for Full Hydraulic Drilling Jumbo

  12. 将专用工具卡到车载收音机上的左右开口中。

    Engage the special tool to the right and left in the slits provided in the car radio .

  13. 首先分析了Windows2000/XP平台上几种实时采集方案,然后综合利用Windows2000/XP为实时应用所提供的机制,提出了一种基于非专用采集卡的高精度实时采集方案。

    The paper analyzed some methods of real-time data sampling in Windows 2000 / XP platform and proposed an optimal solution using the mechanisms for real-time application in Windows 2000 / XP .

  14. 本文研制了一种基于PC机的用于VGA模拟端口信号处理的高性能、高精度、LED显示屏专用的接口卡。

    It 's special for LED display screen and we studied it carefully . It has high performance and high accuracy . Analog signals from VGA port can be dealed with by this block .

  15. 本文对ECU测试系统硬件输入、输出信号的调理箱、专用数据采集卡等也都进行了设计与制作,并最终与工控计算机、机械台架组成了一套完整的ECU测试检验设备。

    The input and output port of ECU which is connected with signal conditional box and special acquiring card of ISA bus are made . Combined with industrial computer , an integrated ECU test system is formed .

  16. 小型火箭发动机推进剂的数控整形系统由PMAC专用运动控制卡改造的普通车床、远程控制柜、近程控制面板、传感器及摄像机构成。

    The NC plastic system for propellant of small missile engine consists of the common lathe rebuilt by PMAC special movement control card , remote control cabinet , control panel for short range , sensor and vidicon .

  17. 真是难以置信,我们事业专用的信用卡

    I can 't believe it . A credit card for our business .

  18. 采用专用电机控制卡控制、软件驱动焊枪执行机构的方法,可靠性高,响应快,控制简单。

    Welding gun can run accurately and reliably in term of weld parameter with special motor control card and control software .

  19. 重点讨论了实现这一方法的专用波形采集卡的结构和功能,以及相关的技术处理措施。

    A specific waveform sampling card is used in this system and the structure and the function of this card are described .

  20. 本课题在光刻机控制系统方面采用的是国际上精密设备比较常用的方式:工控机结合专用运动控制卡。

    In this paper , Lithography control system is used in the international way of precision equipment commonly used : the IPC with dedicated motion control board .

  21. 提出了一种专用图像处理卡中的图像输出子系统的设计方法,详细描述了设计流程和思考方式。

    This paper puts forward the design and realization of the subsystem in a special image transfer card , and describes the design flow and reasons in detail .

  22. 给出了一种记录仪表专用IC数据采集卡设计。

    This paper offer a design for a IC card used for recorder meter .

  23. 利用计算机和专用电话语音处理卡,开发了一种适合于用户交换机的小型语音信箱系统。

    Using computer and special voice-processing card , a small-scale VMSS which is designed for private Branch Exchange ( PBX ) is developed .

  24. 通过专用的数据采集卡和自主设计的单片机电路板采集实物操纵装置中的传感器数据,由主控计算机对采集到的数据进行处理,通过网络驱动虚拟仪表实时动态显示。

    It uses specified data acquisition cards and self-designed microchip circuit board to acquire sensor data of manipulating devices . The main control computer is in charge of data processing and driving virtual instruments by network .

  25. 使用专用钳子或商用的专用钳子拧紧卡箍。

    Tighten the clamps using the special pliers or a commercially available special pliers .