- 名commodity society

Portray women 's fear , vanity and self-degeneration in urban commodity society .
Consumptionism has become a value concept by the modern man of commodity society .
On the Social Use Value of Commodities and the Market Price Law
The commercial society crests a kind of ecological environment that is production-consumption oriented .
Freedom and its Restriction of Merchandise Society
For commodity audience and social context , formal beauty and spiritual beauty are equally important .
As a special product of mankind commodity society , programme code is difficult-produced and easy-duplicated ;
Therefore , in today 's consumer society , advertising is an indispensable link in production .
There is no doubt that athletic sports have the commercial quality and utility in the commercial society .
The writer believes that material rewards reflects back the flooding of the consumerism in commodity society at present .
As a cultural form of the commodity society , the consumption culture began to affect the social development .
Inherent pressure , the historical burden with a long time which is inadaptable with the modern commercial society .
On the other hand is the kind of price one must pay by living in a commodity society .
Some people think it no longer suitable in our commodity society while oters value the importance of the spirit .
In a society of technology and commodity , people are prone to becoming the slaves of technology and material .
Trademarks , being a manifestation of language in action , is a widely used medium of communication in the commercial society .
Society of the Commodity , Society of the Spectacle and Society of the Signs & A Variance of the Western Social Critique Theory
There are abundant advertisements in the commodity society and using parodies cleverly and correctly in English and Chinese advertisements may bear good results .
Nor did he soften much in his disdain for the fruits of commercial society : cheaper cotton and swifter railways meant nothing to him ;
However , under the assault from Western modernist trends and a commodity driven society , Chinese realism has for a moment lost its spiritual direction .
Rapid economic development of commercial society , the advertising industry with the exchange of commodities produced , and with the popularity of information technology and changing .
In this artificial , commodity crazy community , our youth are like sharp weapons covered in beautiful flowers , who look pretty but are hiding something dangerous .
How to uphold their moral pursuit while properly handling the relationship between viewing rate and social responsibility is an issue that TV media must deal with seriously .
Because of tourism 's economic significance showed in the modern commodity society , the study of tourism puts a great deal of emphasis on operating an administrating of it .
In the new century , the main tendency shifts to that of the man with pure soul as an expression against the oppression of consumer culture in the society .
And credit is the common base of all credit forms , is one of the covenants in commodity society , is the precondition for regular development of market economy .
With the progress and development of society itself , the definition of Brand Loyalty has experienced three different phases : behavioral theory , attitudinal theory and behavioral & attitudinal theory .
As a result , the rise of individualism in the community has become a serious threat to social harmony and progress . A different set of values are needed as a counterbalance .
In the view of quantity , it is ultimately represented by the ratio between some commodity 's amount of social demand and its amount of productive supply , and varies under different conditions .
The special language environment in the 20th century makes Chinese NPPM different from either " the principles of literature and art PM ", or the " popular culture " in the commercialized society .