
  • 网络The Book of Lord Shang
  1. 主要介绍《商君书》及其作者、《商君书》实词研究的意义、研究方法及相关术语。

    Introducing the Book of Lord Shang and its author , as well as the significance , the research methods , and related terms concerning the study of notional words in the Book .

  2. 第三章归纳了《商君书》的经济思想。

    Chapter Three summarizes the thought of the Book of Lord Shang .

  3. 《商君书》实词的书写形式。

    The way the notional words in the Book were written .

  4. 《商君书》农业教育思想探析

    Analysis of Agricultural Education Thought in Book of Lord Shang

  5. 《商君书》复音词研究。

    Studies on the polysyllabic in the Book .

  6. 《商君书》单音节形容词反义关系研究

    Research on the Antonym System of the Monosyllabic Adjective Words in Shang Jun Shu

  7. 试析《商君书》的移民思想

    On the Emigration Thoughts in Shang Jun Shu

  8. 关于《商君书》的编成时间、编者及命名等问题一直存在争议。

    About Shangjunshu s compiling time , compiler and naming question and so on always has the dispute .

  9. 10.《商君书》实词系统及其特征。

    And 10 . The system of the notional words in the Book , and the characteristics of the system .

  10. 第四章探讨《商君书》的法律思想,主要分析其法律观、法的普及教育以及商鞅学派法律思想对秦国法律制度、司法实践的影响。

    It mainly analyses the idea of law , the education of law , the thought of law of their legalist school and the influence of law system and judicial practice .

  11. 探讨了《商君书》建构的中央集权国家的基本制度-郡县制、官僚制和法制的基本思想。

    Based on The Book of Shang Yang , the paper also probes into the basic systems of a centralized country , which involves the prefecture system , bureaucratic system and rule-by-law thoughts .

  12. 《商君书》历史观的内涵相当丰富,涉及人类历史发展的总趋势、历史发展动力等重大史学理论问题,也勾画出我国古代历史演进的基本轮廓。

    The meaning of historical conception of Shang Jun Shu is plentiful : it involves the trend and the impetus of historical development , it also draws the outline of Chinese ancient history evolution .

  13. 《商君书》尽管具体的原作者尚存疑问,但它很可能有商鞅的作品和思想。

    The work Shang Ch ü n Shu ( " Book of the Lord of Shang " ) probably contains writings and ideas of Shang Yang , although the exact authorship of the book is in doubt .

  14. 先秦法家著作《商君书》的治道思想及实践效果,推动了中国社会的巨大变革和发展。

    The ideology of state affairs management and its practical effect in The Book of Lord Shang , the legist book composed in the early Qin Period , greatly promoted the transformation and development of social life in China .

  15. 本文分析探讨了《商君书》在加强农业法令教育、农战思想教育、农业教化和管理功能的教育以及农业经营管理规划思想教育的主要内容。

    The main contents of Book of Lord Shang ( Shangjun Shu ) in strengthening education of agricultural rules , education of agricultural strategy thought , agricultural education and management ability and thought education of agricultural management and planning had been discussed in the paper .