
  • 网络guarantee system
  1. 正确使用合同担保制度和行使索赔。

    The contract guarantee system and compensation should be used correctly .

  2. 最后,阐述确立纳税担保制度的意义。

    Finally , describes the significance of establishing tax guarantee system .

  3. 论保证担保制度在工程中的作用

    Discussion on the Function of the Surety Bond System in Engineering

  4. 随着市场经济的发展,作为信用手段的担保制度也在不断发展变化,富于流动性。

    The security system changes with the development of market economy .

  5. 抵押权担保制度是近代以来的债权担保实践中最具有典型性的物的担保方式。

    Mortgage is the most typical security right in modern times .

  6. 论海事担保制度中海事法院的职权

    A Study on the Authority of Maritime Court in Maritime Security

  7. 伦敦海事仲裁中的费用担保制度

    The System of Security for Costs in London Maritime Arbitration

  8. 所以建立中小企业信用担保制度是非常必要。

    So establishing credit guarantee schemes is indispensable and imperative .

  9. 虚假陈述侵权与契约法上的担保制度不同。

    Misrepresentation is different from warranty in the contract law .

  10. 我国现行纳税担保制度的缺陷与完善

    On the Existing Shortcoming and Improvement of Current Tax Payment Guaranty System

  11. 关于建立我国统一动产担保制度的思考

    Thoughts on Movable on Establishment of a Unified Security System in China

  12. 关于完善中小企业融资法律规制的思考我国动产融资担保制度的检讨与完善

    Reflections on Improving the Financing Law System of Middle and Small Enterprises

  13. 略论唐代瑕疵担保制度

    On the System of Warranty against Defect in Tang Dynasty

  14. 这就是构建让与担保制度的社会意义所在。

    That is exactly the social meaning of transferring guarantee .

  15. 论担保制度在反腐制度建设中的作用

    The Effect of Credit Guarantee System upon the Construction of Anti-corruption System

  16. 香港民事诉讼中的诉讼费担保制度

    The System of Security for Costs in Civil Proceedings in Hong Kong

  17. 美国信托担保制度之借鉴效益

    Discussion on the Reference Benefit of the United States ' Assuring System

  18. 日本引入浮动担保制度的经验即是一例。

    One example is the experience of floating charges ' introduction into Japan .

  19. 按揭制度是起源于英国的一种物的担保制度。

    Mortgage is a kind of charge system for matter originated from England .

  20. 我国纳税担保制度存在的问题及对策研究

    China 's Tax Payment Guaranty Problems and Countermeasures Research

  21. 三是关于融资融券担保制度。

    The third is on the guarantee systemof margin trading and short selling .

  22. 浮动担保制度起源于英国十九世纪的衡平法。

    Floating charges were invented by the British equity in the nineteenth century .

  23. 行政合同理念在纳税担保制度中的运用

    The Application of Government Contract to Tax Payment Guaranty

  24. 信用担保制度提高信贷市场绩效的理论与方案

    The Theory and Solutions to Improve Credit Market Performance under Credit Guarantee Institutions

  25. 我国工程保证担保制度的理论与实践研究

    Research on the Theories and Practices of Construction Contact Bonding System for China

  26. 笔者认为,规定诉讼费用担保制度仍是有必要的。

    The author believed that it was still necessary to introduce this system .

  27. 我国动产担保制度立法模式的选择

    Legislative Forms of Chinese Chattel Security : Choice

  28. 中国推行工程担保制度的探讨

    Approaches on introducing project bond system into China

  29. 国际贸易中的独立担保制度述论

    On Independent Guarantee System in the International Trade

  30. 建立出租私房房主治安责任担保制度;

    Establish the public order responsibility owner of the private house which is rented ;