
  • 网络Consulting Services
  1. 即建立平潭隧道业与咨询服务业相融合的平潭隧道业咨询公司商业模式。

    Namely the establishment of industry and consulting services Pingtan tunnel fusion of Pingtan tunnel industry consulting company business model .

  2. 阐述了信息咨询服务业的发展历程,分析了我国信息咨询服务业的发展现状及存在的问题。

    In this paper , we reviewed the development of information consulting services industry , analyzed the status of development and existing problems .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,作为整个技术咨询服务业一部分的监理行业,也正全面开放市场并面临挑战。

    After China participated into WTO , supervision of construction , as one of overall technical consultation and service industries , is opening the whole Chinese market to foreign countries and regions ;

  4. 信息咨询服务业存在的问题及发展策略

    On Existing Problems and Developing Strategy of Information Consulting Business

  5. 中国环境咨询服务业的发展现状与对策

    Development Status and Countermeasures of Environmental Counseling Industry in China

  6. 北京科技信息咨询服务业发展的问题与对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures for the Development of STI Consultation Service Industry in Beijing

  7. 积极推进环境咨询服务业的发展

    Promote Actively the Development of Environmental Consultative Services

  8. 发展面向企业的咨询服务业之我见

    On Developing the Consulting Service Industry of Enterprise-oriented

  9. 论我国信息咨询服务业发展不足的原因与对策

    On the Reasons & Countermeasures of Slow Development of Information Consulting Service Industry in China

  10. 电力系统咨询服务业中运用标准化的重要性和应注意的几个问题

    In the power system consultation service industry several questions which and should pay attention using the standardized importance

  11. 抓住入世机遇,大力发展广州咨询服务业

    Taking advantage of the opportunities arising after China 's acceding to WTO and promoting the development of Guangzhou 's consultant service

  12. 同时,通过本文的研究引入从事工程咨询服务业的北京市工程咨询公司作为案例。

    Moreover , this paper introduced Beijing Municipal Engineering Consulting Corporation ( BECC . ) into the case study , which based on project consulting service market .

  13. 随着服务经济的发展,很大程度上促进了信息产业、咨询服务业、旅游业、教育、环保等服务业的快速发展。

    As the emerging of service economy , the fields of information , consulting service , tourism , education , as well as environment protection are accelerated to develop .

  14. 本文阐述了信息咨询服务业的概念,分析了我国信息咨询服务业的现状,提出了面向21世纪的信息时代信息咨询服务业的发展之路。

    The concept of information consulting service was expounded in this paper and the current situation of information consulting service in our country was also analyzed . Moreover , the development way of information consulting service in the face of twenty-first century of information age was proposed .

  15. 我国加入世贸组织后,天津开发区将加强金融、保险、物流、咨询等现代服务业的招商引资。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , TEDA will strengthen the investment promotion on modern industries such as finance , insurance , logistics and consulting .

  16. 除了深入中学和高校,FSP还开通了一个网站,叫做Directions,为中学、大学、教师和咨询师提供金融服务业职业方面的资讯和建议。

    Along with outreach into schools and colleges , the FSP has also launched an online portal called Directions that gives information and advice on careers in financial services to schools , colleges , teachers and advisers .

  17. 科技第三产业包括科技咨询业、技术服务业和科技信息业三大行业;

    S T third industry consists of S T consult and S T service and S T information industries .

  18. 在一些顾客参与性比较高的行业,如银行、医院、咨询类服务、美发业等,这种情况更加突出。

    In some of the higher customer participation industries , such as banks , hospitals , consultative services , hairdressing shops etc , this kind of situation is more outstanding .

  19. 其结果是,中信资源出现在了摩根士丹利的观察名单上,给该公司提供咨询服务的银行家按业内行话说,他们已经“越墙”了不应该买卖该公司的股票。

    As a result , the company appeared on a Morgan Stanley watch list and bankers advising it who were said to have been " brought over the wall " were not supposed to trade in it .