- 网络consulting report;consultation paper

Williams-Beuren Syndrome in Taiwan-A Consulting report of Rare case
A Psychology Consulting Report of a Responded Depression
C. Technical service report on Item 3 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;
B. Technical service report on Item 2 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;
and D. Technical service report on Item 4 : ________ months after effectiveness of the Contract .
or B. Fails to make the technical service reports meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .
Last month , the FSB issued a small advisory report entitled " potential financial stability issues arising from recent trends in exchange-traded funds " .
Article 4 Delivery Schedule 4.1 The deadline for the arrival of the Technical service reports CIF _____ is : A. Technical service report on Item 1 : _________ months after effectiveness of the Contract ;
A Report of Distant Counseling of China Online for the Special Needs
One idea is to disclose its consultancy reports .
Client shall inform Consultant when the Technical service reports have been received .
The literary style characteristic of policy consultation report divides into the basic characteristic and the concrete characteristic .
Each kind of type policy consultation report writing pragmatics rule is constrained by each linguistic environment essential factor .
The policy consultation report concrete characteristic decided each kind of type policy consultation report writing the language uses the request .
That the authors of these consultative reports should have the courage to make objective judgements and to comment on the government 's actions .
Investors , however , are putting assets only into products with " strong track records and risk management " , says the report .
Reports have had to be shaped to meet policymakers'tastes , or risk being ignored , said Zhang Laiwu , vice-minister of science and technology .
International department would push out English version Consultation Report according to customer requirements in2008.And investigate the market condition of certain product or certain region .
Native China , with a 37 year - old history , can be called consultation report about China that has people think deeply of reality again .
Since 1990s of 20th century , the Lifelong Learning Deliberation Assembly has issued scores of important consultation reports concerning with three main fields : schooling , social and family education .
Almost every day I receive yet another consultant report describing how the fund management industry globally is cutting costs to cope with both the economic downturn and the global equity market sell-off .
Delegations from peripheral euro-zone countries have been flying into Beijing to seek buyers of their debt . Fixers working for Chinese companies report a steady stream of inquiries from cash-strapped European firms .
The Central Education Council have first submited consulting report for the problem " preschool education develop direction " to the Minister of Education , Culture , Sports , Science and Technology of Japan .
The report " About Japan 's university in 21st century and its reforming strategy " published by Japan University Council indicates that great changes will take place about the operating idea of higher education .
System design phase includes logic structural design , function module design and knowledge warehouses design . The system consisted of several application modules , such as field knowledge management module , consultant module , knowledge bases management module , etc.
Therefore , Basel Committee on Banking Supervision issues three long consultant reports since 2001 , and consults with the bank about how to establish the reliable operational risk system and supervisory mechanism , and asks for the finance services institutions to distribute capital to the operational risk .
These years , there is high speed development in our highway . A report of Chinese highway trade analysis and investment consultation from 2005 to 2006 says that the distance of Chinese highway has been preponderated over 3400 kilometers , and that is the second in the World .
The Case Report of Mental Consultation about the Second Year Students ' Acrophobia
Some consulting firms report moderating business pipelines .
Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV / AIDS at a Major Parking Lot Forlong-distance Trucks in Shanghai , China