
  • 网络Consultant;Consulted;adviser;counselor
  1. 这时运动心理咨询者的个人成长及运动心理咨询实践具有重大的启发意义。

    This is very worthful to sport counselor 's individual development and to sport counseling practice .

  2. 心理成长是心理咨询者个人成长的核心因素,与专业成长相辅相成,也是决定心理咨询效果的重要条件。

    Mental growth is the core of personal growth of a psychological counselor and is also a key factor to the effects of psychological counseling .

  3. 这么高的服务费可能使咨询者望而却步。

    The high price of the service could deter people from seeking advice .

  4. 当顾问的精髓就在于倾听并考虑咨询者的观点。

    The essence of consultation is to listen to , and take account of , the views of those consulted .

  5. 方法对我院1999年6月~2001年6月780例优生遗传咨询者外周血G带染色体进行分析。

    Methods Frequencies of chromosome aberrations based on chromosome G-banding results for 780 genetic consultants to our institute from June 1999 to June 2001 were analyzed .

  6. 我们有大量的咨询者和学院派,但是却很少有真正使用XP和敏捷方法的用户。

    We had plenty of consultants and academics but few customers who actually used XP and agile methods .

  7. 自主学习是学习者自我负责的学习,但在培养自主学习能力的过程中,教师起了关键作用:他们是促进者(facilitator)、咨询者(counsellor)和资源库(resource);

    The idea of learner autonomy is that a learner develops the ability to take charge of his or her own learning , but the teachers play key roles in the exercise of autonomy . They are facilitator , counsellor and resource .

  8. 贵州省1218例遗传咨询者的细胞遗传学研究和分析

    The study of cytogenetics in the 1218 cases of genetic counseling

  9. 这个女性咨询者有许多有待解决的问题。

    The consultant was a woman who had many unanswered questions .

  10. 广东部分地区376例遗传咨询者染色体21-三体综合征分析

    Analysis of trisomy of chromosome 21 syndrome of 376 cases heredity consultants

  11. 285例心理门诊咨询者心理健康状况分析

    Analysis of Psychological Health Status of 285 Consultants in Outpatient

  12. 内蒙古地区1132例遗传咨询者染色体分析

    Chromosome Analysis of 1132 Patients Seeking Genetic Counseling in Inner Mongolia Region

  13. 美容咨询者与受术者个性差异分析

    Personality diversity analysis of cosmetology consultants and aesthetic surgery patients

  14. 更新咨询者知识,优化咨询队伍的整体素质。

    Update the consultants ' knowledge and optimize their quality .

  15. 延安市211例遗传咨询者的细胞遗传学分析

    The Cytogenetics Analysis of 211 People of Genetic Counseling in Yan'an District

  16. 教师成为学习的咨询者,与学生交流学习经验。

    Teacher became the consultant of learning , making friends with students .

  17. 1019例非典电话咨询者心理分析

    Psychological Analysis of 1019 Telephone Counselees during the Prevalence of Infectious Atypical Pneumonia

  18. 安徽地区913例遗传咨询者临床遗传学分析

    Clinic genetics analysis among 913 genetic counsellors in Anhui

  19. 198例遗传咨询者外周血染色体核型分析表型遗传相关表型遗传相关

    Analysis on chromosome karyotype in peripheral blood from 198 patients with genetic counseling

  20. 上海地区6709例遗传咨询者外周血淋巴细胞染色体分析

    Karyotype analysis of 6709 cases heredity consultants from Shanghai

  21. 遗传咨询者染色体分析及其临床意义

    The heredity consults chromosome analysis and clinical signification

  22. 方法采用细胞遗传学方法对739例遗传咨询者进行外周血淋巴细胞检查。

    Method Lymphocyte in blood was detected by cytogenetics method in 739 genetic consultants .

  23. 目的探讨各类遗传咨询者染色体核型异常发生规律。

    Objective : To analyse the regularity of various chromosome anomalies among heredity inquires .

  24. 研讨会再次吸引了许多咨询者,他们中的一些人是会议发起人。

    Again , it drew lots of consultants , some of whom were conference sponsors .

  25. 柳州地区遗传咨询者罗伯逊易位核型与临床表现上海地区6709例遗传咨询者外周血淋巴细胞染色体分析

    Robertsonian translocation caryotype and clinical manifestation Karyotype analysis of 6709 cases heredity consultants from Shanghai

  26. 参加本次咨询者均被视为承认本文件的所有条款。

    Participation in the consultation is deemed as recognition of all the provisions of this document .

  27. 468.对成年咨询者的侮辱导致有缺陷水龙头成倍增加。

    468 . The insult to the adult consulter results in multiplication of the faulty faucets .

  28. 装修:广州首届家居装饰节引来众多咨询者新家装修如何显品位?

    Decoration : Guangzhou first home decoration section about how many advisory home decoration Hin grade ?

  29. 咨询者应承担因撤换人员所发生的额外的一切旅费和其他费用。

    The consultants shall bear all additional travel and other costs arising out of any replacement .

  30. 在这种人际关系中起主导作用的应当是咨询者。

    So it is the consultant that plays a leading role in this type of interpersonal relationship .