
  • 网络consultancy;Consulting;consulting business;Consulting engagements
  1. 但是,各银行对严密内控的更加关注,还是提振了ShareWitness的咨询业务。

    But banks ' increased concern to have watertight internal controls has nevertheless boosted Share Witness 's consultancy work .

  2. 政府部门应通过实行会计师事务所定期聘任制度、审计业务与咨询业务不兼容的规定保证CPA审计独立性。

    Government departments should ensure the independence of CPA audit through sessional appointment in CPA firms and the provision on which audit operations and consultancy services are incompatible .

  3. 然而随着塔塔公司在高附加值咨询业务的进军,很多公司像IBM和惠普也都试图推进塔塔传统的外包下游业务。

    But as it pushes up into high-value consulting , several of them such as IBM and HP are trying to capture more work by moving downstream into TCS 's traditional outsourcing territory .

  4. 作为一名从业30年的IT老手,CognizantTechnologySolutions企业咨询业务欧洲主管迈克亨特(MikeHunter)表示,他曾经认为,绩效评估应该永远以面对面的方式进行。

    As a 30-year IT veteran , Mike Hunter , European head of business consulting at Cognizant Technology Solutions , says he once assumed that performance appraisals should always be done in person .

  5. 全球四大会计师事务所的业务模式遭到了欧盟委员会(europeancommission)的抨击,该委员会正力促出台严格的规定,迫使这些公司放弃咨询业务,并与规模较小的竞争对手分享审计工作。

    The business model of the big four accounting firms is under attack from the European Commission , which is pushing for tough rules that would force the firms to abandon their consultancy businesses and share audit work with smaller rivals .

  6. 瑞银集团(ubs)在美国开始了一次积极大胆的行动,以求重振其投资银行业务,努力阻止它在并购咨询业务排行榜上的下滑趋势。

    UBS has initiated an aggressive drive in the us to revive its investment banking operation , in an effort to halt its slide down the Advisory league tables for mergers and acquisitions .

  7. 埃森哲(Accenture)零售咨询业务全球董事总经理珍妮特•霍夫曼(JanetHoffman)表示,对于大多数现代零售商而言,这种方式不大可能获利。

    Janet Hoffman , global managing director of Accenture 's retail consulting practice , says for most modern retailers the practice is unlikely to make a return .

  8. 从事投资换居留权和国籍相关咨询业务的咨询公司Henley&Partners瑞士分部的克里斯蒂安•卡林(ChristianKalin)表示,投资换居留权项目每年吸引50亿美元的外国直接投资(FDI),投资换国籍项目每年另外吸引20亿美元的投资。

    According to Christian Kalin of Henley & Partners , Switzerland , residence-by-investment programmes attract about $ 5bn a year in foreign direct investment ; and citizenship by investment another $ 2bn .

  9. 麦肯锡上海办事处的合伙人、大中华区消费与零售咨询业务的负责人DanielZipser表示,消费者已经将其重点从被认为是批量生产的商品转移到高端产品了。

    Daniel Zipser , partner in McKinsey 's Shanghai office and leader of its China consumer and retail practice , said shoppers have been shifting their focus to premium segments , away from what are considered mass-produced items .

  10. 该行已任命常驻伦敦的罗以德(richardgnodde)为投行部门联席主管,同时启用两名资深交易撮合者管理并购咨询业务。

    It has appointed London-based Richard gnodde as co-head of the investment banking division while picking a pair of veteran dealmakers to manage its merger advisory business .

  11. 大约十年前,惠普正要完成收购普华永道(PwC)咨询业务的交易之时,惠普的财务状况远远未能达到预期,菲奥莉娜因此被迫放弃了这宗收购。

    HP had been closing in on an acquisition of the consulting arm of PwC nearly 10 years ago when its financial results fell badly short of expectations , forcing Ms Fiorina to abandon the deal .

  12. 德勤(Deloitte)英国咨询业务的管理合伙人戴维•欧文(DavidOwen)说:我认为,最能干的[咨询]公司将会生存下来。增长肯定会放缓,有些企业已经在苦苦挣扎了。

    I think there will be a survival of the most capable between the [ consulting ] companies . We will definitely see a softening of growth and some companies are already struggling , said David Owen , managing partner for UK consulting at Deloitte .

  13. 利润更高的咨询业务需要赢得并保持客户,从而威胁到审计工作的诚实性,这种冲突最终使会计师事务所安达信(ArthurAndersen)在安然(Enron)破产后也立即倒闭。

    Here , the integrity of the auditing work was threatened by the demands of winning and retaining clients in the more lucrative consultancy business , a conflict that ultimately helped bring down accountants Arthur Andersen in the wake of Enron 's collapse .

  14. 但麦肯锡(McKinsey)驻上海的中国消费品咨询业务主管马思默(MaxMagni)表示,奢侈品假货市场的增长速度远远慢于真货市场,中国消费者正变得越来越难取悦。

    But Max Magni , head of McKinsey 's Chinese consumer goods practice in Shanghai , says the market for luxury fakes is growing much more slowly than the real thing , and Chinese consumers are getting harder to please .

  15. 全过程工程造价咨询业务基本内容分析

    The Analysis of Basic Work Scope of Construction Cost Management Consultant

  16. 陕西省会计师事务所开展咨询业务的探讨

    Discussion on developing consultation in accountant office in shaanxi province

  17. 关于在深圳特区开展企业管理咨询业务的设想

    Some Suggestions on Unfolding Enterprise Management Consultancy in Shenzhen SEZ

  18. 全过程造价咨询业务难点解析

    Research on the Service Difficulty of the Whole Process Fabrication Cost Consultation

  19. 第二部分:注册会计师咨询业务的相关基本理论问题。

    Part Two covers basic theoretic problems concerning with CPA consulting practice .

  20. 销售是咨询业务中最有趣的部分?

    Marketing-could this be the most interesting strand of consulting there is ?

  21. 深化设计改革拓宽咨询业务

    Deepen the Design Reform and Launch the Consultation Activity

  22. 二是深入分析咨询业务是否影响审计独立性及影响力度的问题。

    The other is whether and how it influences the independence of auditing .

  23. 建立网上期货经纪人制度&关于捆绑期货投资咨询业务与网上交易的探讨

    On the Establishment of On - line Brokerage System

  24. 此外,我部门还兼营劳务输出及咨询业务。

    In addition , we also have settled up several labor service business .

  25. 管理咨询业务对我国审计业务的影响

    Influence of management consultation on audit engagement in China

  26. 中国注册会计师咨询业务亟待拓展

    The Expansion of CPA 's Consulting Business in China

  27. 主要从事企业内部财务管理咨询业务。

    Main activities being the provision of internal financial management consultation services for enterprises .

  28. 工程量清单计价模式对工程造价咨询业务的影响及对策

    The Influence of the Bill-of-Quantity Model on Engineering Cost Consulation Service and Its Countermeasures

  29. 论图书馆信息咨询业务的建构

    Discussion on structure of information consultation in library

  30. 譬如,与寡头们关系密切,可能带来企业咨询业务。

    Close relationships with oligarchs , for example , may generate corporate advisory business .