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  • hair spray
  1. 涂抹足够的WD-40洗涤剂或发胶,注意不要过量。

    Apply enough WD-40 or hair spray to the stain without oversaturating .

  2. 这两位化学家发现空调和罐装发胶中的CFCs,即氯氟烃可以破坏臭氧层。

    The two chemists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons , or CFCs , from air conditioners and canisters of hair spray could destroy the ozone layer .

  3. 他的头发用了发胶,朝后/朝下梳得平平整整的。

    His hair was slicked back / down with gel .

  4. 他用发胶把头发弄平。

    He flattened his hair down with gel .

  5. 发胶使你的头发有了光泽。

    The gel gives your hair a gloss .

  6. 这种发胶会使头发看上去有亮丽的光泽。

    This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair

  7. 做的时候需要抹发胶定型,不需要卷发棒加热。

    A lotion was applied to the hair to help it retain its shape . There are no heated irons used on the hair .

  8. 须后水品牌oldspice和发胶品牌brylcreem等重焕青春的品牌就是例子,说明一些几乎销声匿迹的产品可以通过精心的营销重焕光彩。

    Revived brands such as Old Spice aftershave and Brylcreem hair gel are examples of almost dormant products that were restored by thoughtful marketing .

  9. 3.使用WD-40洗涤剂或发胶

    Step 3 Apply WD-40 or hairspray

  10. 先在比较隐蔽的地方试一下WD-40洗涤剂和发胶的效果——这些产品并不适用于所有布料。

    Test the WD-40 and hair spray on a small area first -- these products are not suitable for all fabrics .

  11. 也许她只是用了太多造型液和发胶而已。

    Perhaps she just used too much hairspray and gel .

  12. 我从这儿都能闻到他的发胶味了

    And I can smell that hair goo of his from here .

  13. 我就觉得闻到了失败和廉价发胶的味道。

    I thought I smelled failure and cheap hair spray .

  14. 用一点儿发胶把刘海卷起来,再用发夹固定一下。

    Twist bangs up with a little gel and secure with bobby pins .

  15. 他们可以从巧克力、发胶或塑料袋里面选,整个问答过程都录成了视频。

    They could pick from either chocolate , hairspray or a plastic bag .

  16. 喷洒发胶,让任何松散的头发更加柔顺,发型完成。

    Apply hair spray to finish any loose hairs and complete the look .

  17. 我们应该喷些发胶在你的头发上。

    We should spray some hairspray on your hair .

  18. 你看到那个留平头的男人了吗?他的头发用了发胶,往后梳得平平整整的。

    Did you see the crew-cut man ? His hair was slicked back .

  19. 发现所有的发胶都不见了

    and noticed that all the hairspray was missing .

  20. 请喷些发胶。

    I would like hair spray , please .

  21. 8.用发胶使头发更光滑

    Step 8 : Smooth finish with hair spray

  22. 模特在头发上抹上发胶以保持发型。

    The model used gel in her hair to keep the style in place .

  23. 你给她抹发胶了?

    Did you put hair spray on this ?

  24. 头发洗好做好之后,要用一种好的发胶。

    You should use a good hairspray after you 've had a wash and set .

  25. 你看起来像只刺猬,干吗不用点发胶?

    You look like a hedgehog . Why don 't you use some hair gel ?

  26. 他们卖唇膏、发胶和一系列其它的化?品。

    They sell lipstick , hair gel , and a whole range of other cosmetics .

  27. 他们公司业务广泛,房地产,搞科技,医药,发胶。

    They 're into everything : real estate , technology , pharmaceuticals , hair gel .

  28. 给头发涂上发胶。

    Apply hairspray all over your hair .

  29. 用点发胶免得头发会掉下来,轻微定型的是最好的,因为这种不会让头发变得很重又掉下来。

    A light hold spray works best , because it doesn 't weigh hair down .

  30. 不要用香水,古龙水,发胶,化装水和肥皂,因为这些可以吸引蚊子。

    Avoid perfumes , colognes , fragrant hair sprays , lotions and soaps which attract mosquitoes .